An inquiry per day keeps the freak-out away!

Question daily. Discover the truth. (And ask for what you want)!

And now for some more mental spring cleaning.

Yesterday the Money Inquirers met for the last time to listen, share and inquire into troubling money situations.

These can seem almost infinite.

Everyone got to fill out a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet on a stressful moment with money, and then we heard three wonderfully different and common, powerful stressful situations with money.

1) I just got hired, ready to start my first day of training….and they email me to say oops, the previous employee is taking the position, sorry!

2) I’ve started a business, I have tons of training and experience, and I’m anxious about my hourly rate. I want it low to make it work for everyone. (But will people think it’s TOO LOW and not trust my expertise?)

3) My neighbor knows I’ve got money and don’t have to work at a job….but I resent her sending a donation envelope for her charity without ever getting to know me personally! She shouldn’t ask!

Aren’t these fantastic??!

Do they help you think about your own moments with money, and other people, and other people’s money or needs….or work, career, savings accounts, hopes and dreams?

The thing is, your money story can be so stressful you’re freaking out about it, and not even sleeping at night. And this goes for people who have a ton of money, or people who have very little.

So let’s take just one, through the process of inquiry.

Because an inquiry per day, keeps the freak-out away! (Kinda like an apple a day keeps the doctor away).

I’ve had every single one of these thoughts above….and many that these brave inquirers found on their fully written worksheets on their stressful situations.

Here’s the one that bubbled to the surface for me: he shouldn’t ask me for money.

Oh boy.

We were in a restaurant, and a whole bunch of people ordered different things, with separate checks for all. But my husband and I have been to that restaurant many times before, with the same awesome friends even, and we always combine our bill.

I ordered quite a bit more. He wasn’t eating a full meal.

Later, he asked if I could contribute for my share. He had kindly pulled out his card and paid the whole thing, including whatever I ordered.

I felt a little embarrassed for not thinking of it. And OK, I’ll admit it, a little disappointed. Like a little secret hope that this person, called husband, will pick up the tab.

Not long ago, a beautiful inquirer had a worksheet on HER partner, and how he asked for her to pay two-thirds of the grocery expenses since she had a kid from her previous marriage who was a 19 year old young man….who let’s face it, probably eats a whole lot.

These requests are completely fair, no question.

But this inquiry is for that little part that wants Someone Else to pick up the extra, or Not Mind about paying a little more. Someone Else shouldn’t care about that money. There should be a financial special benefit for sharing in partnership…..called they chip in more-than-whats-fair sometimes.

Yeah, that’s it…..Someone should want to treat me. He shouldn’t ask for money. She shouldn’t ask for money.

You can find your own situation where you’ve had this thought. Maybe it’s with a tattered person with a cardboard sign being a little aggressive on the corner.

Is it true?

Yes! Waaaaaah! I don’t like them asking! They really shouldn’t!


Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

No. Not at all. I’ve wanted independence, freedom, clarity, and not to have any expectations about financial support….but to find my own strength and connection with money, and my own answers.

Who would you be without this story of wanting Someone to Not Ask?

I’d notice them asking.

I’d consider their question, freely, openly.

If I have a “no” for the answer and it seems fair (like someone asking for charity for example) then I tell the truth…..”NO”.

Byron Katie, talking with an inquirer upset about her grown young adult son asking her for money: “Let’s role play. You be your son, and I’ll be you, OK?”

Inquirer: Mom, can you give me some money? I want to buy some killer sunglasses.

Katie: No.


Inquirer: But MOM! You’ve always given me money!

Katie: Honey, that’s absolutely true. I always have so far. And today, I’m not. I was lying in the past.

Inquirer: Dad gives me money, and more than you.

Katie: Isn’t that wonderful?

Inquirer: You’re selfish!

Katie: I know! I finally realized I’m very, very selfish! I haven’t been telling the truth, I’ve been all twisted up about saying “no” and I’ve said “yes” instead. From now on, I want to be fully honest. I love you very much, and I’m not giving you any money.


My mind has an Ah-Ha moment listening to this conversation (all paraphrased by the way, by me).

I become aware that it’s beautiful, and normal, and REALITY to be selfish and to ask for what I want.

It doesn’t even have to be fair, or equal, or just.

Anyone’s allowed to ask for whatever they want to ask for.

Anyone’s also allowed to say “no” to anyone asking. And if I feel worried about saying “no” I can question why it’s scary, or what I think it means about me that’s painful.

Turning the thought around: He should ask me for money. She should ask for money. I shouldn’t ask ME for money (expecting me to say yes when I don’t mean it). I shouldn’t ask them for money. 

This doesn’t mean none of this should ever happen, it’s just seeing the advantages or examples of when they do.

If there really is no “should” or “shouldn’t” about what’s happening with money….who knows what is possible.

Now, here’s the actual truth of this situation with husband.

Several years ago when we met and into our dating (second marriage for both), I asked him if he would be willing to be the one to pay when we went to restaurants. I said I would pay him back, and pay for my part equally if he wanted it later, but I really would love him to pick up the tab and take out the credit card and be the one to have a wallet on him and make the actual payment on location.

I loved not having to remember to bring my purse. I loved someone else saying “I got it”. Maybe a little goofy, and old-fashioned. Or a lot.

But he agreed. This recent situation was one of the few times he said “I could use a contribution”. And honestly, he didn’t even ask me for exactly all of my portion of the bill.

So yeah.

Reality is kinder than my thoughts about it. Way.

“Everything turns out to be a gift–that’s the point. Everything that you saw as a handicap turns out to be the extreme opposite. But you can only know this by staying in your integrity, by going inside and finding out what your own truth is–not the world’s truth. And then it is all revealed to you. There isn’t anything you have to do. The only thing you’re responsible for is your own truth in the moment, and inquiry brings you to that.” ~ Byron Katie in 1000 Names For Joy

Much love,


Crystal clear: The way it revealed…It’s called What Is.

No longer a will of your own: Good news. No war required. No tugging.

The Living Turnarounds group just met yesterday afternoon and oh my, what a delicious inquiry delight.

Three people couldn’t make it last minute, for various reasons, so we had only five.

Which was rich, amazing and full.

Worksheet topics were the following:

  • interim minister at the church isn’t allowing announcements the way we’ve always done it
  • husband at the dinner table isn’t eating the food
  • I should know where I’ll live and work in my future…or else I’ll get stuck in a soul-sucking job
  • the worst that could happen when driving is passing out at the wheel
  • I voted for Trump, and am afraid everyone hates me

So brilliant.

I love everyone’s depth of honesty.

These people have the hang of The Work by being involved in this in-depth group. Some are in Year of Inquiry, or were in previous years, so have a ton of experience questioning their thoughts steadily over time. Some have attended the School for The Work with Katie.

They know not to immediately begin to try and solve other people’s worksheets, offer a ton of advice, or go on and on telling their story and justifying or explaining their pain from their own worksheets.

But I have to admit.

I especially loved the worksheet presented by the participant who was upset by all the Trump-haters.

Everyone got to do The Work on a key stressful belief from their upsetting situation….but this Trump voter was the very last. We took only 15 minutes to begin the process of questioning her first belief “these intolerant people are impossible for me to deal with!”

(She was referring to all the people ranting and raving about Trump on facebook, and the current political scene in the US. She felt surrounded, all her friends on the “other side”. If they only knew her thoughts….)

As a facilitator, I’ve had people many times now do The Work on the election, Trump, those who voted in Trump, and other related thoughts. I’ve heard Katie doing The Work up on stage with people with similar sentiments.

I love hearing a worksheet from someone standing in the other camp.

Someone in the group said “that worksheet could have been mine exactly” only she voted for Clinton.

How do humans react when they believe the thought that someone should be doing it That Other Way?


Who would you be without your beliefs about that dreadful situation, those people against you, that difficult outcome, the scary picture in your mind?

What if you just simply couldn’t have the awareness of that thing, that group, that situation you’re against?

Who would you be without that belief?

I love that you don’t have to BE there, to answer that question. It’s using the imagination to wonder who you WOULD be, without your thought?

It’s an exciting thing to wonder about, to ask, to ponder. It turns your mind to other alternatives. You’re not all upset with What Is, you’re interested in What You Don’t Know.

Imagination kicks in, and it’s exciting instead of horrifying.

Turning the thought around: They should be doing it exactly the way they’re doing it. I shouldn’t be doing it like that (the way I oppose).

How could this be just as true, or truer?

How could it be an advantage, or interesting, or helpful…..even the BEST thing that could happen?

Woah. You mean? Are you serious?

Trump should be in office? My husband should be eating nothing at the dinner table? My sister should be giving me the silent treatment? My boyfriend should have turned out to be a loser? I shouldn’t know where I’m going to live? My minister should be shaking up the church? I should be experiencing panic attacks?

Well, why not?

That’s what this work is truly, madly, deeply about. It’s about questioning what we think is true that brings PAIN and SUFFERING and WAR into our minds and hearts.

Doesn’t it sound great to question these things?


“Don’t settle for scratching the surface of things. Everything happens as it should; that’s just the way of it….I follow the way of it, which is always revealed in the moment. It’s God’s will, and it’s always crystal clear.” ~ Byron Katie

If you’re interested in hearing The Work from someone who voted for Trump, who has thoughts about those against her….stay tuned for a live inquiry jam session very soon, where I’ll facilitate her on this amazing worksheet. It will likely be a Sunday morning Pacific Time. Everyone welcome to listen in live, and share or ask questions after inquiry.

Let’s do this.

Much love,


Trying not to be what you are?

If you notice you also are needy… need to pretend it isn’t true. Pause, see, notice….The Work.

OMG that person is soooooo gushing, over-the-top full of praise, way too complimentary, ingratiating, very needy. They must want something.

Have you ever had that inner feeling about someone, like they’re Pepe Le Pew?

I have. Then I did The Work on them.

And guess what?

Perhaps even worse….have you ever had the feeling YOU were being too clingy, needy, desperate, grabby about someone, or about a relationship you were attracted to?

The thing is, compensating for your own needy feelings, your own wants and desires, or trying to suppress them….

….doesn’t really work.

This is what it’s like.

OMG I really want to hang out with that person. He’s awesome. Uh oh. I better not ever be needy. Being needy is gross. He said he doesn’t like dependency in others. I did The Work on that other guys neediness, which was gross. I’ll act nonchalant. I’ll be easy-going.

They want to cancel last-minute plans? No problem. They want to go to that restaurant, even though I don’t like the big screen TVs inside? No problem. They chose that movie with lots of scenes of blowing things to smithereens? OK with me. They want to see the play with the crying, sad ending? Sure thing.

I just won’t appear to need their love.

I’ve read the book.

Cool as a cucumber over here.

This is called skipping over the next step in The Work and avoiding the feelings of grief, sadness, dread, loss, or heart-wrenching disappointment.

I understand it. I’ve done it.

In one love interest, I already had The Work in my life, but I would “do” The Work over and over again on the man being totally uninterested in me (who I felt interested in) so I could be MORE detached, laissez-faire, and relaxed in his presence….

….all with the secret inside hope that therefor he’d propose, be more attracted, or want to betogetherforeverfortherestofourlives.

(No spaces between the words on purpose).

So if you notice yourself doing ANYTHING to try to be NOT what you are, or what you feel….

….good little hiding place for self-inquiry.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

In this case: NEEDINESS!

Here’s how it unfolded for me.

First, with a quality (like “neediness”) you’ll probably already have noticed how someone else has it, and you found it repulsive.

The next thing that happened is you maybe did The Work, and discovered YOU had this quality, and found it repulsive (ahem, like my example, “neediness”, just saying).

You vowed without even knowing it that you would start working immediately (or continue “working” on yourself) on this quality. I will never, ever, ever be needy.

Oh, rats.

I realize something.

I am still totally 100% against neediness. I did The Work on that other person being needy, it pointed back to me, and now I’m determined not to be needy myself.

Important bulletin: I’m still against neediness.

This work is about the Truth. Noticing reality. Noticing what I’m at war with. Noticing my own pain, stress, suffering.

I myself shouldn’t ever be needy, make requests, ask for help, for food, for attention, for love.

Is that true?

Sigh. Yes! Aren’t enlightened people Non-Needy?

But can you absolutely know it’s true you shouldn’t ever be needy?

No. Because sometimes, I have been.

How do you react when you believe you shouldn’t act needy, detached, clingy or have any agenda whatsoever?

See above. I do things I don’t even like to do. I don’t hang up the phone.

Who would you be without the belief you shouldn’t be needy?

I’d just be here, with myself, noticing the desire for attention or support or security, and relax a little.

I’d maybe even….giggle.

I’d observe how brilliantly everything goes, even relationships, without my knowing a thing. I’d be so very aware of the part of me, as a beautiful inquirer said yesterday in the Eating Peace Process group, that’s very grounded.

Like a tree the way it blows wildly about, maybe loses a branch or two, but is rooted in the ground no matter what it’s winding up thinking or believing.

“You’re working at a deeper level. You’re not working with your psychology, to suppress, hold together, do affirmations, get the energy nicer. You’re going deep. You’re working with the blockages themselves, rather than the result of the blockages. Deep is the only place a solution exists. All the energy, attention, consciousness can now go to seeing the rock, on seeing, seeing, seeing…..If you center the energy back in the witness, in yourself, all these things will fall off like a snake, they will shed. You’ll start feeling peace where you felt disturbance. You are an extremely beautiful being, who needs nothing from anyone. The flower when it blossoms and opens in the morning naturally opens. It doesn’t need to receive, or to give. You are like this.” ~ Michael Singer

Much love,


Eating Peace: Comparing your body to other bodies? Do this, for freedom.

My very first stress when it came to food, eating, weight, body, fitness…..all started with believing I should look better, different, perfect, strong, and fit.

Before that, I was a little nervous about food and eating, and aware as a kid that being overweight wasn’t good according to the world of grown ups….

….but I didn’t really care about having a “good” body until teenage years.

But you can get stuck in that teenage mode of striving for the perfect “look” forever, if you don’t sink deeper into a more honest look at weight, body image, or your looks and what it means.

In this video, I make one suggestion on how to work with comparing your body with some other more perfect body out there in the world, on the TV screen, in the movies, at the gym.

Wouldn’t you rather find acceptance, appreciation and joyful laughter about having a body versus that crazed drive for looking your best?

Watch here to see:

There’s a right way to do The Work

Doing The Work together with friends….can bring closeness, clarity, support. If you don’t do it on your own, try it with others!

Yesterday I gathered up my black briefcase, with five clipboards, pens and a stack of Judge Your Neighbor worksheets, turned on my Waze map app, and ventured off to a beautiful house overlooking the water and the Seattle sky line.

Usually when someone hires me to come work with a small group, it’s their employees, their non-profit organization, their work team.

It’s about leadership and growth, numbers, success, and communication improvement (so they think…although it is indeed all these things, but oh so much more).

But this group was simply a friend, inviting 3 other friends over, to be introduced and to “do” The Work in a little mini retreat of 3 hours. We were all offered cinnamon tea and roasted cashews.

We sat around a sweet dining table with Judge Your Neighbor worksheets, and each woman got to read her worksheet and work a concept from the sheet.

There was such a kind, supportive, loving sense of sharing in the group.

Normally, when doing The Work, it’s important not to share a long story, explain or justify, offer suggestions to someone else’s work or problem, brainstorm someone else’s dilemma. We even have training in The Work to listen to yourself facilitate on recording, listen to your own “hmmmm” sounds, or laughter, or unimportant words.

General overall feel: allow the one investigating to go deep, to follow their own process. There is no agenda.

I started off the little gathering speaking to this, and also mentioning the urge sometimes to tell your story with great detail. I usually say something about how to hold this work–with a lot of silence, consideration, not rushing in to sort out the identified problem.

But these women knew one another very well, and they were such a beautiful delight.

They wanted to help each other out.

Something in me knew to relax around their joy of giving feedback, reflection, asking questions, and watching creative ideas flow as these brave individuals did their work and wondered about their turnaround examples.

Someone shared the wisdom of her long-gone mother-in-law as an example of a person who lives the turnaround “there is nothing wrong with you”. Everyone benefitted by hearing about this unnamed elder who was so accepting of her children, and grandchildren, during her life.

Interesting to sit with this thing, called The Work, and watch the mind have it’s commentary: No one should tell their story, explain in too much detail their situation, give advice, suggest turnarounds, share their opinion.

An inquirer who is planning her own mini retreat in fact wrote to me recently requesting I don’t bring any agenda to her animal rights work. She wanted no convincing, and for me not to have an alternate opinion.

This is profoundly important with The Work. To understand there is no “right” way or “wrong” way….but nevertheless to have a very open mind, whether facilitator or the one inquiring (and the facilitator is actually also an inquirer, honestly).

So I noticed in this little lovely mini retreat with friends who knew one another well, the experience was just right. Not too hot, not too cold.

Is it true there should never be conversation, suggestions, help offered, new ideas, or someone telling quite a few details of their situation?


Who would I be without this story of The Way To Do The Work?

Delighted with time spent with people who are my teachers, these newcomers to The Work.

Humble. Noticing I interrupted and brought people back into the process, and everyone got a turn, and joyful ah-ha’s were expressed, and now….

….The Work continues inside of me.

Trusting that the Universe and Reality have got this, and if I’m a part of the help, hooray, and how could I or anyone not be?

“I can’t find anything outside the brilliance. It’s everywhere, and it’s always gone, even before it happens. It’s how form appears to take place….You see that all stressful thoughts are already gone, you realize that there’s no substance to them, and you feel intense delight.” ~ Byron Katie in 1000 Names For Joy page 131

Much love,


Inquiry: letting your grown up out

Slow down. Let your feelings show you your stressful thoughts. Do The Work….Ahhhhh.

From time to time, someone I do The Work with says something like this:

“I don’t know what I’m thinking. I just feel awful. I wake up anxious. I overeat. I drink. I smoke. I have a dull job. I’m not sure what I’m doing in my life….How do I do The Work on all this?”

LOL. (Kind of. I know it’s not that funny when you’re in it).

I love how the mind looks at “all this” (your entire life) and keeps things foggy, uncertain, unclear.  Awareness is in a holding pattern of…..“I have no idea what’s going on, I just feel bad. Gosh.”

One thing that can help if you’ve had this overwhelmed uncomfortable feeling, is to first, focus on one troubled feeling at a time.

For example, if someone says they feel anxious (I can relate as a former anxiety junkie) I might ask “What does that feeling look like? What color is it? Where does it land in the body? What’s the temperature? What’s the texture?”

As the person focuses on the feeling, they’re turning towards it, not away.

If they feel MORE anxious for a moment, and they start to feel pretty nervous, I might do The Work with them first on the belief “I am not safe.” Or “Feeling this isn’t safe.”

Is it true?


Who would you be without this story you aren’t safe right now, feeling this feeling?

What’s the turnaround?


I am safe. Feeling this is safe.

And now….noticing you’re safe, if your feeling could speak, if you let it bring you the message it wants you to know, if you considered this feeling a gift rather than an enemy you need to get rid of….

….what does it have to say?

Sometimes, the awareness is instantly far more lazer sharp.

The other day, I watched my own mind follow this very inquiry, landing on the stressful belief.

My teenager daughter, off at college, is far less communicative than I anticipated. She rarely calls, she hardly ever texts, and I’m so curious about her daily life, her classes, her friends, who she’s meeting, what she’s learning, what she’s thinking about.

I have to wait, though.

Until a weekend break, or whenever she returns home.

I love her so much, and miss talking with her. I’m also awed by her independence and feisty strength. She’s not clingy, not needy, and has no desire for my opinion or consult. For now, this seems incredibly healthy and beautiful.

So the other night, I look at my phone before going to bed and realize this daughter, such a wonderful curiosity, called 45 minutes earlier.


Even though it’s late and I was about to turn out the lights, I immediately return the call. (She naturally didn’t leave any message).

“Oh hi mom! I’m five minutes from home, just about to get off the bus!”


She walks into the cottage moments later and I am so, so happy to see her. Big embrace. She’s doing a homework project, and since it’s a long weekend (Monday is a holiday) she’s home for 2 nights

Then, I say I don’t get why she didn’t let us know she was coming?

Her: I did let you know, jeez, I told you about this weeks ago!

Me: But I never knew you had actually decided to come, I had no idea. Plus I thought you said you were sick?

Her: Being sick has nothing to do with Not Coming, I only have a cold. I can’t believe you didn’t realize this, I told you I was coming, like, ten times.

Me:  I didn’t know! You should communicate more clearly!

Her: I did!

Me: You didn’t!

(Variations on the theme You Did and You Didn’t ensue).

My daughter and I eventually go through texts on both our phones, and discover she never received a few important texts from me, and I thought her replies back were matching other completely different questions, and the whole misunderstanding and confusion was based on text and cell phone tech failure.

It’s like the Who’s On First Routine.

So we laugh, and embrace again and agree it’s late and time for sleep.

Especially because her step-dad and I are leaving in the morning at 6:30 am for an overnight in Canada, just over the border.

As we load our little carry-on bags into our car in the beautiful early morning, I’m aware my daughter is sleeping soundly in her bed.

She’s home.

And we are leaving.

How did this happen? If I had known, I would have stayed in town. Rats.

Anxious flutter. Images of her being alone all weekend in the house going here and there and me not getting to cross paths with her, see her, listen to her. I think about how beautiful she looked, coming into the house with her gorgeous dark brown hair and grey blue eyes, grey tights, cute polka dot skirt and black jacket.

On the car ride to the pier where we’re catching an early boat, I feel jumpy. We shouldn’t be going. I don’t care about this trip. I get seasick. This won’t be fun. I need a massage, not a holiday. There are too many people in this line (the boat is sold out). I can’t meditate. Complaining.

But then rather than skipping around to generalized complaint mode, finding something wrong with the moment and my feelings in addition to whatever else is in the environment, I stay with the feeling that’s anxious.

And then….the true stressful belief appears….*ping*:

I need more time with my daughter.

People think this all the time in a very deep and troubling way with someone who is dying, or a break-up, or when saying goodbye for a long period of time.

I need more time with them than I’m getting.

So let’s do The Work!

I need more time with her, Is that true?

Yes! So true! I can’t BELIEVE I’m traveling AWAY from her when I want to get to know her more and….

Stop. It’s a simple question. Can you KNOW this is absolutely true that you need more time with anyone?


How do you react when you believe you need more time with her?

Choked up. Sad. Longing. Images of the future. Images of the past. Melancholy. I feel like turning around and to hell with the money my sweet husband spent to surprise me with two days away.

As I’m seeing the present moment, the gorgeous high cliffs of islands, the Puget Sound, the misty rain, the white choppy waves, the magnificence of where I am located….I dismiss it. I think Somewhere Else is better (at home with daughter).

So who would I be without this very stressful thought that being somewhere else is better than where I am, and I need more time over there?

Who would I be without the belief someone else’s company, another location, a different experience, more time with a person who is not here physically….is required for my happiness?


Laughing. Laughing at the absurdity of it all. As if my thoughts had control of the universe. Noticing that with the thought, I’m missing the beauty of this location (except fortunately, not really).

Without the belief I need more time with someone else, I feel the glory of being alive and having eyes, ears, fingers, breath. I remember my father, who died quite young it seemed, and how doing The Work on his absence gave me the incredible gift of having him here in my heart at all times, and no dad to miss.

Without the thought that I need more time with my daughter, I simply sit here, noticing I adore her.

Turning the thought around:

  • I do not need more time with her.
  • She needs to spend more time with me.
  • I need more time with myself.
  • I need more time with what I’m spending time with (look around).

I don’t need more time with her, because I’m aware that even if she’s home, she has mega plans with other people. Not me.

She needs more time with me? Yes, as the kind, listening, adoring mother I am. I could go visit her soon, instead of waiting for her to come home.

I need more time with myself, with reality.

There is no requirement for time, I notice, in the universe. Time is limited in this physical body. Sometimes, humans are here for a very short time. Only months, or a few years. Sometimes, 19. Like my daughter.

I need more time with my own thoughts, with my feelings, with myself, with my environment.

Yes. I get to notice the splashing drops on the window, the great vast salt water sea, the low hum of this clipper ship motor, the snow capped mountains sharply rising off one side of the boat, my appreciation for remembering to take Dramamine (motion sickness medicine) which my husband kindly asked for.

I get to notice how very much I love this apparent daughter, and how it is right that we are independent beings. She should be able to easily live without me, and I without her. It doesn’t mean love between us isn’t just as vast as this ocean I’m sailing on.

“That nothing is static or fixed, that all is fleeting and impermanent, is the first mark of existence. It is the ordinary state of affairs. Everything is in process. Everything—every tree, every blade of grass, all the animals, insects, human beings, buildings, the animate and the inanimate—is always changing, moment to moment. We don’t have to be mystics or physicists to know this. Yet at the level of personal experience, we resist this basic fact. It means that life isn’t always going to go our way. It means there’s loss as well as gain…

If you’re going to be a grown-up—which I would define as being completely at home in your world no matter how difficult the situation—it’s because you will allow something that’s already in you to be nurtured.” ~ Pema Chodron

Your answers, already inside you.

Let the uncomfortable feeling lead the way to the thought lead the way to growing up lead the way back home.

Much love,


Upcoming Events, Click any link to read more:

Sunday Living Turnarounds Group 3-6 pm 2/26

March 18 East West Books Dissolving Eating or Body Image Issues with The Work 3-6 pm only $25

Spring Retreat Seattle area May 11-14

Breitenbush Hotsprings Oregon June 21-25

Summer Camp for The Mind Virtual Daily Inquiry Jam 2017

You are greater than any thought

A thought without belief has no power.

A beautiful inquirer did The Work recently with me on being hit by her mother when growing up.

Sometimes these moments containing violence seem too awful.

The mind gets set off into shock, defense, anger, justification even with the first question of The Work “Is it true?”

Yes, it was true! I had the bruises and pain to show for it. It was terrible suffering. No one should have to go through that.

First, to do The Work on these painful memories and experiences, it is helpful to realize that right now, in this current moment….

….you survived. You’re a survivor.

You are here now, supported, in a quiet room perhaps, living your daily life going to work, having conversations, reflecting on your inner life, taking a walk, sleeping in a bed, sitting in a chair, living.

The thing, the event, the terrible moment unfolded and came to an end. Even if it repeated itself over several years, it’s actually helpful to really wonder how many times it happened? Every week? For how many years? Until what age?

Sometimes people discover, as I did….Oh. I remember only 5 times when extreme anger was shown. Five times in my entire childhood. Or, with mean words and critical speaking….maybe it was only every so often, maybe once a month for ten years, which is 120 sentences spoken in criticism.

Even if you feel like every single time you were in the presence of that person (the violent one, the critical one, the hurtful one) you got hurt… might notice there were many minutes of life spent outside of their presence. You were at school, with a friend, playing sports, walking home from school, sleeping. There was space outside of contact with violence.

And even more powerful….it ended at some point and never repeated again.

I love we can go back in time and clean up those past experiences that hurt so bad. Clean up the troubled perspective, the resentment and suffering.

So today, if you have something you remember and you feel horrible about it, angry or upset, let’s do The Work.

“It shouldn’t have happened”.

Is it true?

Yes. It was frightening, awful, there was no purpose for it.

Are you absolutely sure it shouldn’t have happened?

Yikes. YES!! (It’s always OK to answer yes again, no right or wrong way to answer).

But now, after doing The Work for awhile, I’m not so sure what happened in the past shouldn’t ever have happened. I can’t say “yes, it definitely shouldn’t have happened” even about very tough experiences.

How do you react when you think “It shouldn’t have happened”?

Rage. Resistance. Drinking. Eating. Escape. Dreams of leaving town forever.

Who would you be without this thought that it shouldn’t have happened?

Weird, right?

It never means you deserved it, you condone it, you’re in favor of violence.

Just without the thought, what would you be like, feel like, live like?

Even in only one moment.

Because it’s just a thought now.

As the friend doing inquiry said, she wouldn’t shut down and go numb, she’d maybe get up and go out for a walk, even as a kid. She’d stop wishing her mother was different. She’d notice she knows what a loving mother would be like, and she could give this to herself….now.

Turning it around: it should have happened.

Wow, kind of strange to find this with something violent, but the idea is only to open up to examples, even the tiniest examples, of what advantage might have come out of that terrible experience?

This inquirer was amazing. She found the following advantages:

  • I learned detachment (some monks practice this for years and years in monasteries)
  • I was keenly aware of what love would look like: a hug, support, caring about my inner world, asking me how I feel, and I can do this for myself now
  • I went on to accomplishments, like university, that I might never have done without my mother’s pushing and forceful ideas
  • I was great at dissociating, it didn’t feel like I was in my body (and this was favorable at the time)
  • I became aware of the power of great discipline, and can add love to it now, too–not overly-permissible love that has no energy or accomplishment, but razor sharp love that has action and fire in it

And even if you can’t find good reasons for the thing to have occurred in your life….I do love noticing that despite your mind that might have been repeating the memory over and over and feeling bad about that situation or relationship for years….the actual event is indeed over.

Reality was kind. Kinder than perhaps your own mind with its replay button continuously revisiting that experience.

Fortunately, with The Work, you might actually visit that experience once and for all, head on, rather than having the memory scream at you for attention at odd and uncomfortable moments.

When you do this work, witnessing that hard time out in the open (and wonderful to do it with someone else facilitating if you can) you can clearly find all the concepts that were born at that time that no longer serve you.

Then, you can investigate. So your mind can stop hitting the repeat, replay, revisit buttons, and respond in a new powerful way.

In the case of the friend doing The Work, she made a list of what a loving mother behaves like. She had all the wisdom inside her.

She can notice, if she hesitates to live these powerful loving turnarounds, there may be a little more inquiry to do.

But one thing’s for sure; The loving mother is available….right here within.

“You know what I love about the past? It’s over.” ~ Byron Katie

“A thought without belief has no power. A thought with belief can start a war, or heal a nation’s pain….All the power, wisdom and ability is in you….We use thoughts, but if you take them all as The Truth, they become poison. You are greater than ANY thought. You are before thought.” ~ Mooji

Much love,


Eating Peace: Feelings, Frenemies.

Since the Eating Peace Process program is underway and we’re looking deeply at feelings, being with them, not being afraid of them even if they’re uncomfortable….

….this week is about all those feelings we’d like to avoid….again.

The most important message, even though I’ve spoken of not resisting feelings before?

It’s sooooo much easier to welcome the feelings, whether they’re crazy, smelly, ugly, horrible.

And by the way, just because you feel bad or frightened or awful emotionally, doesn’t mean you need to eat.

We just so love to DO something when it comes to troubling emotions and experiences.

And on top of the difficult conversations, or experiences we felt threatened by, we also criticize ourselves for not feeling better fast enough.

“I shouldn’t feel scared! I should feel grateful! I should calm down! I shouldn’t turn to food!”

We have this dictator yelling at us about how we should be.

Instead, welcoming in all feelings like they are gifts.

OK, you can call them Frenemies if you want….

….but in the end, they are the best supporters I ever had to becoming more whole, free, wise and of service instead of wanting only to stick my head in the sand (or the refrigerator).

Much love,


You don’t have to like it….but it’s easier if you do.

The best fire alarm for stressed out feelings? The Work!

Urgent! Urgent!

(Listen, I hear the Foreigner song from 1981).

The feeling of needing to hurry, ASAP, is very stressful if you aren’t a rock band singing about it.

Running, pushing, moving fast.

The other day a lovely inquirer said she felt like it was an emergency to find peace. All caps I WANT TO DO THE WORK AND FIND PEACE NOW!

Everyone feels urgency sometimes. Quick, I gotta call that person. Quick, I gotta apologize. Quick, I gotta say the right thing. Quick, I gotta leave this place. Quick, I gotta get enlightenment. Quick, I gotta calm down. Quick, I gotta figure this out. Quick, I gotta get a job. Quick, I gotta get some money. Quick, I gotta get over there!

There’s a deep feeling when I’ve had this thought that I won’t survive! CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!

It has to happen YESTERDAY. Or else.

Or else what? What is it that will die? What’s the worst that could happen?

I once had a man I was dating who I didn’t know extremely well, who I was pretty sure wasn’t a good match. He could feel the distance through our phone conversations. I was anxious about his neediness.

The next day, he showed up in my city after taking an emergency-type last-minute flight. I couldn’t see him. One of my kids was sick at home and I felt like distancing from what felt….frantic.

I felt scared of the intensity of it all. And sorry for him and for myself. Yikes.

The thing you see that needs to happen… HAS TO. NOW!!!

I remember this feeling when my house might have foreclosed if I didn’t come up with a payment within a few days.

Must. Happen. Immediately.

Are you sure?

Oh. Wow. Um. It seemed like an emergency. But right at this exact moment in time I’m aware I’m breathing, there’s a ceiling and a floor, and warmth, and I’m actually OK.

So no, it’s not true.

But I’m sure it WILL be true! Soon! (Now, now, keep going).

How do you react when you believe something has to happen immediately, including finding peace or enlightenment?

I notice an intense feeling of crunching down within, a tightness, lots of adrenaline and speed rushing through the body. A shrieking voice inside that’s terrified.

I can’t sleep, I feel like I can’t think straight (it’s true, I’m thinking crookedly all bent up around fear).

I treat anyone else who’s frantic like they need to be avoided.

So who or what would I be without this stressful lie that the thing Must Happen Now?

Sometimes, I’ve had the thought if I let go of this belief, I’ll lie down on the floor in a puddle and no longer try. I’ll give up in despair. Even if the thought is extremely frightening that the thing I want to happen must happen right now….I can’t give it up! Otherwise it will never, ever happen ever.

Ahhh, that tricky mind encouraging you to stay in the thought and not wonder about what really, really would happen if you weren’t thinking something ELSE must happen ASAP than what IS happening.

Who would you be, for example, without the thought you must stop feeling anxious RIGHT NOW (hear finger snapping)!?!

For me, I’d notice the sensations called “anxiety”. I’d allow them to be in the room with me, in my body here. I’d let things be as they are, like watching a rain storm or thunder and lightening. The wind is blowing….let it blow (I notice I have no control over it anyway).

Without the belief something must happen, or stop, or change instantly….I notice something here relaxes.

And then relaxes a little more.

There’s a bit of space around the edges. The thing I’m nervous about isn’t as awful and big as before.

I definitely don’t feel like escaping, either. There’s no thought about eating, drinking, smoking, doing, internetting, TV watching, planning my escape, spending, making arrangements stressfully. I’m just here.


Turning the thought around: Nothing needs to happen differently, or immediately, or on my preferred timing. What’s happening is just right.


You mean I don’t need peace right now in this instance?!

What are the examples that I don’t?

Breathing. Typing. Going to the store. Lying still. Meditating. Picking up the phone. Sending an email. Going to the gym. Talking to my mom. Getting dressed. Everything happening, unfolding, nothing “dangerous” occurring. Even with nervous energy or uncomfortable feelings, all is well.

I hear rain pouring outside right now, and I’m not “against” it. I’m inside in a brightly lit cozy winter cottage. The sound is actually beautiful of the rain on the roof. Perhaps I could see this feeling of anxiety coursing through me like rain on the roof. Something natural, exciting, pattering. Something that comes bearing a gift.

Turning it around again: My thoughts are urgent. My thinking needs “x” right now (like peace). And only my thoughts. Nothing else is really an emergency at all. My THOUGHTS must happen immediately.

I like how Byron Katie says, if you looked in a basket of thoughts, you’d see air. Nothing. Thoughts are only…..thoughts. You don’t have to believe them.

How could it be a good thing this is unfolding in its own timing (not mine) and I am not the one in charge? How could it be a wonderful gift to not demand that anything be different than it is, in this moment?

Jeez. You’re getting carried away with this whole thing….now this is pretty extreme. A GOOD thing that it’s not happening, there are no guarantees, and life doesn’t appear to be concerned with urgency about this topic?


I notice the lightness of not being the one who has to worry, force, push, control, make-happen, charge ahead.

In fact….what a surprise.

The inner anxiety appears to have passed on by now. Feelings did not require action, apparently.

Just like a wound healing, or the sun coming up on Reality’s timing, can I trust what’s going on here, without trying to control the outcome?

Ha ha! Yes.

“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it….it’s just easier if you do.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love,


Fire and Purification, Love and Inquiry

Valentine’s Day TeleSession 2-4:30 pm Pacific Time. Click HERE. Password: WWGVALENTINE. Donations fantastic, so helpful & not required.

It doesn’t exactly feel beautiful when someone breaks up with you, when divorce proceedings are underway, when you have a fight with your beloved, when you find yourself complaining about the same thing endlessly in a relationship.

But what I love noticing, and so grateful for, is that if it ISN’T feeling so beautiful….

….The Work is beckoning.

Today, you can join me for an online mini-retreat in doing The Work on anywhere you notice in your life you feel not-so-beautiful, especially around relationships with others.

Don’t feel you must come do The Work on couples, romance, break-ups or love-gone-wrong (although those are all really amazing things to question). Come do The Work if you notice resentment, irritation, fear, loss, or worry about anyone in your life.

Concerns about love show up in many ways.

To join me click here. Come and go as you wish, no requirement to be there 2.5 hours.

Awhile ago, I had the privilege of doing The Work with a young woman who was upset about a man who didn’t love her as much as she loved him.

They had an off-again, on-again relationship.

He would return to town (he didn’t live in the same city), they’d spend 24 hours together making love, eating, sleeping, talking….

….then he’d leave for who knows how long and she’d try to act nonchalant and regroup.

But underneath, she felt abandoned and triggered by his going, and his absences, every time.

Why doesn’t he love me that way? Why doesn’t he want me to be his girlfriend all the time? What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I have a relationship like my friend? Why doesn’t anyone, including this guy, want to marry me?

And then on top of all those kinds of thoughts, she’d also think “There’s something wrong with me, I am sooo clingy, I shouldn’t be needy, I’m ridiculous, relationships trap you anyway, I prefer independence, what am I doing here?”

It’s like she’d get stuck in a side-eddy of the river swirling around between “I suck” and “he sucks”.

Deep breath.

This is a good one for inquiry.

This relationship should be different than it is.

Find that one thing you notice you believe should be different. Whether in a long-term relationship and you’re so annoyed because he doesn’t do the dishes, or you’re going through a divorce and you believe you should be together, or you’re wanting more than you get from her in a relationship, or less.

Let’s do The Work.

In this situation, the relationship should be different. It should be that other, better way. Not THIS way.

Is that true?

Yes! This way is painful, boring, irritating, not serving me! It’s TRUE!

Can you absolutely know it’s true?

The woman I was working with said “yes” she could absolutely know it was true she wanted more time, more commitment, more steadiness.

How do you react when you believe the relationship should be different than it is?

Angry. Depressed. Thinking I made a mistake. Yelling at myself that I should get over it. Furious with me. Furious with him. Sad. Begging. Trying everything to get it the way I want it.

So who would you be without your belief that this relationship should be different, that it should change in that situation for you to be happy?

Woah. But.

I can’t be happy with the relationship the way it is! I’d be ignoring my complaints! I couldn’t! I wouldn’t!

Slow down, though.

To not have this thought doesn’t mean you will never have the love you want, or the peace you crave. But in that situation, right when he doesn’t call back, or she forgot to meet you, or he left town again, or she was critical….

….Who would you be if you couldn’t have the belief it should be different, better, another way?

Wow. It drops a whole massive weighted layer of expectation and frees up other possibilities, at least for me. No one person needing to be any different, or do more than they do. No pushing, pulling, arguing with what is.

When I did this work with the young woman suffering from her un-committed relationship, she felt more of an unknown in that moment, without the thought.

She wasn’t very excited about other possibilities, especially other relationships, but she didn’t need to be. She simply noticed her own pretty apartment, her passion for her career, the way she sometimes would completely forget all people and get drawn into a project, the way her friends would come and go and she didn’t have the same feelings when THEY left (good to notice).

For me, I notice when I don’t think someone should be different, here I am taking a walk, doing The Work with people, buying groceries, going to yoga, vacuuming, teaching a class, writing….

….without any thought that something’s missing.

Even clients I work with should be exactly as they are, right in that moment in time.

Turning the thought around: this relationship should NOT be different than it is. It should be exactly like this. How could this be just as true, or truer?

Well, first of all, it’s teaching me about deep attachment, expectations, demands I have inside that someone else should change so that I feel more happy, or comfortable.

I want to be the one to notice, and accept, and change, and move where I’m drawn….without enormous suffering or dreadful sorrow.

Another turnaround: My relationship with myself (in that situation with that other person) should be different. I should be more committed to myself, I should connect with me, I should express my preferences, I should do the things I like to do.

I could do all this by myself, or with this other person! I can ask for what I want, and hear without resentment if the answer is no from the other.

And finally, I should be different with this other person. If I want them to be more committed, could I be more committed, connected and clear with them? If I want them to be less clingy, could I be less clingy, demanding or needy with them? If I want them to quit “x” can I quit doing “x” with my thoughts about them?

This never means you should put up with something, or that you should twist yourself into a pretzel, or withhold information or the truth, or work even harder.

I love that it simply brings freedom if you are not arguing with reality, and wishing for something Other Than What Is.

As I look around the room in that situation I was questioning where that other person was doing it differently than I thought I wanted….

….I notice how much I love that room, the air, the lights, the distant sounds, the colors, the feelings, the quiet stillness, my heart beating.

I know the universe and reality has it handled far better than I could ever handle it. I can trust what’s going on, instead of fight it.

And if there’s a fight….The Work.

“Humility is our natural response to seeing what’s true about ourselves. When we judge others and question that judgment, then turn it around to ourselves, that is the fire and the purification. Our knees buckle, and we learn how sweet it is to lose–how that is the winning. That’s what The Work is about. Some people call it forgiveness. I call it sanity.” ~ Byron Katie in 1000 Names For Joy pg. 221.

Much love,
