The Good News That Whatever Is Now Is All You Have

every moment changes

The retreat is over that I’ve been on. Time to go home.

Have you ever felt a melancholy, or sadness, or a sense of wanting something to continue?

Don’t let this change! I want this to stay just the way it is, in this moment, in this experience.

I don’t want to forget this peace.

I want to keep this awareness, joy, openness, learning.

Or, you might have had the experience that you want to keep a person in your life….

I don’t want to break up! I hate getting divorced!

Or, to keep your good fortune….

I want to always keep this pile of money and never ever have it diminish!

Or, to keep your health, your fitness, your youth.

I want my body to be the way it was, I hate this change. 

Wanting to maintain a moment or experience can have a little edge of sadness, angst or worry.

Maybe a big edge. To put it mildly.

I noticed this myself, in tiny moments as this retreat came to a close.

Our group has shared, everyone has connected beautifully, there is a feeling of love and kindness and trust. I have new insight to my experience of being a human being, alive on this planet.



How do you react when you think you need to keep something?

Even if you still have it, do you notice you feel clingy and grabby?Like you need to milk this for all its worth (as the saying goes)?

If a meaningful or pleasant experience is indeed over….

….do you feel terrible fear, sadness or panic that your future is not as bright?

Who would you be without this thought?

Open to this moment here, right now.

Not only open to it…but accepting of it…resigned to it.

Wow. What a relief.

The turnaround: I do not have to keep any feeling. I have to NOT keep this feeling. It is not possible to keep any feeling. I have to let go of this feeling. 

No “I” is keeping or releasing anything.

Ha ha ha!

“We forget that there is no future, there is no peace later. Whatever is arising in the now is all I have.” ~ Ross Oldenstadt

Much love,

Eating Peace: Help! How Can I Stop Craving?

Many people write to me and ask….
….but how can I STOP craving?
How can I stop the surge, the wave of busy, anxious, fast-paced feelings that lead to eating?
First of all….you can.
Second of all….stop trying to stop.
I know its a weird paradox. But what you resist, persists.
Watch here to contemplate a way to work with craving.

Much peace to you,


Can You Await What The Stars May Bring?

you are made of the same substance as the stars

Since I’ve been teaching a course on Desire and The Work, I’ve been reflecting almost daily on the experience of desire, and questioning stressful belief.

The word desire originally comes from Latin meaning “await what the stars will bring”.

Desire, with this joyful definition, feels like a dance in the present moment.

But the word can conjure up a lot of distress and conflict.


…..desire leads to anguish.

Shouldn’t I try NOT to desire? Aren’t there BAD things that will hurt if I got them? Or destroy trust, or hurt other people?

I can’t just go stealing my neighbor’s television set, I mean….seriously. That would be WRONG.


Unrequited love, striving to achieve career success and exhausting yourself in the process, being practically violent to yourself in the gym or on a diet, controlling yourself from lust or cravings, feeling jealous of those who have what you’re sure you want.

What to do?

The thing I’ve found most illuminating is inquiry.

First….ask why you want what you imagine you want.

Not HOW you’re going to get it. Which is what the first question usually is, and the action follows that “how” without taking a breather.

The mind thinks “I want money, I want a good body, I want fame, I want enlightenment, I want to be with him/her, I want love, I want praise, I want this, I want that….” and then takes off trying to figure out how to get it.

Project Get.

What would it be like to be without the belief that you should have it exactly the way you want it?

What if it was fun to watch what you want fade, blaze up, fade again, and make no difference to your life at all?

What is desire….awaiting what the stars may bring….when you feel no stress about it?

What if what is here is not a problem, and neither is where you are going?

I find, every time, freedom to be exactly here (without the *thing* I think I want–like a million dollars–ha ha) is so beautiful, so exciting, so fun….

….the desire morphs into a compassionate peace beyond all belief.

And every time, I’m closer to the thing I wanted in the first place.

Which is love, joy, trust, silence.

Every time.

“Desires that destroy their subjects, or objects, or do not subside on satisfaction are self-contradictory and cannot be fulfilled. Only desires motivated by love, goodwill and compassion are beneficial to both the subject and object and can be fully satisfied…..The entire universe strives to fulfill a desire born of compassion.” ~ Nisargadatta

If you have something you want fulfilled, and you are suffering about it….

….begin to inquire.

Why do you want it? What would you have, if you had it? Are you sure you are unfulfilled without it?

Can you feel joy, ecstasy, mystery, happiness….before you acquire the thing you think you want?

Do it backwards.

Live the turnaround right now.

Enjoy being what you desire.

You can do this.

Much love,

Do You Need To Speak Up?

speak_upA friend tells me about another friend we both know.

“Did you see how she dominated the conversation at dinner? It was so irritating!”

Yes, I did notice that other friend tells pretty long stories, describes scenes with detail, took the floor quite a bit during the dinner in question.

But I hadn’t ever thought for one second “she is dominating the conversation”.

So while I noticed certain behaviors, sounds, a way this talkative friend was being….

….I didn’t have the thought it needed to be different.

It never occurred to me.

It wasn’t because I was trying to not be bothered. I really didn’t notice.


I did have a thought about this friend who was telling me about the other friend.

Uh oh.

This one talking and telling me about the other one should calm down, be more accepting, stop finding fault with our other friend. She should stop trying to make outcomes turn out a certain way (like all-conversations-with-no-person-dominating).

She shouldn’t be so dominating.

I just joined the party. In an instant.


Who would I be without the belief that my friend’s opinion is uncomfortable, troubling, or dominating for me? Without the belief she should stop being concerned with what she’s concerned with?

I’d hear her. I’d feel like a relaxed listener.

The turnarounds are the most important for me:

I shouldn’t be so dominating of myself, in this situation.

So true. Holy cow.

In that moment when my friend is expressing herself and talking about our other “dominating” friend, I could gently respond.

I could say how, truth be told, I have no idea how to handle someone who is talking a whole lot and that I’ve always just ignored this type of behavior.

I could notice, even say out loud, that I have no solution for this type of intercourse happening in life. I could share that when someone is “dominating” my usual course of action has been to back out of the room slowly, or simply depart.

I don’t want to argue, I’m a bit afraid of the unknown, I’m sad about people not getting along, I don’t know what to say or do.

I notice I’ve “dominated” myself by putting up with numerous incidents in my life, not feeling comfortable about conflict.

I’ve refrained from saying “no” when I felt a clear “no” within. And there I was not saying anything in that moment, in that situation.

I could so lovingly say to my complaining friend “I didn’t notice what you noticed. You could just let it go?” and open up to a conversation with her about it….

….rather than wanting her to be quiet.

In my mind, the other turnaround is also true: “I am dominating her”.

I’m thinking she’s a complainer and trying too hard to control everything about her other friends who talk. I’m moving away from her internally, feeling less connected, less bonded. I don’t like her so much anymore.

Then I feel, I remember, I make contact with the part of me that’s full of compassion, love and honesty, and never in the end afraid to tell the truth out loud.

I’ve always loved this about being me.

And I know a conversation needs to happen.

“To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle 

And who’s the one who needs to speak up?

That would be me.

Much love,

Holding On To Nothing

Who would you be without your story?

On retreat, where the focus of attention is being in silence and wondering about life, the noise of one’s own story can get very dim.

Or practically turn off.

Or not have so much meaning, or any meaning.

It’s weird.

Today I’ve been sitting in silence, feeling the quiet of the environment.

Doves cooing, a light breeze blowing through the open screened window, a murmur of voices in the far off kitchen.

Sound is present, and pictures float across my mind–even during meditation sessions.

That upcoming retreat, where I will apparently be the facilitator (although everyone will be facilitating themselves really).

My drive home–I get a flash of being on the road heading north, not south.

Noticing the thought “it will be Thursday” about when this will happen.

A feeling in the body rises up like a little flare–an ache in an area that was injured–then falls back down.

The thought of sleepiness, and idea “I could get coffee” and watching the body not move, and not go to sleep either.

A tune falls through the space, from inside my head, a song I find hilarious and love dancing to “I’m so fancy….”

Why is that song repeating itself, when the last time I heard it was over a week ago probably?

Shoes inside of slippers, weight of blanket, flashes of color from a prism outside shining in the sun and sparkling in a circle through this living room.

So much happening, in this now.

Everything so temporary, like a match being lit, shining, burning out, smoke.

Is this the “I am” my friend Nisargadatta talks about, the thing underneath all stories, the thing that watches everything pass by?

Coming out of nothing and nowhere, going into nothing and nowhere.

Who would you be without your story…..of this world?

Watching it.

Understanding nothing.

Trusting. Loving.

“We each have our private salvation project…..but if I can learn to be happy even though I’m not getting my own way, that’s the end of suffering.” ~ Richard Rohr

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.” ~ Tao Te Ching #74 

Much love, Grace


Hearing Your Own Thoughts

openroadI’ve been driving on the beautiful road from Seattle in the state of Washington, USA all the way to California.
Stopping with dear friends yesterday was such a treat.
Talking, sharing, asking questions, looking, connecting.
I used to be very shy about talking with people. I would feel adrenaline upon entering a group gathering, or a party.
Even now, I feel excitement and wonder as I move to visit even one person.
Thoughts float through like “I wonder what we’ll talk about?” or “I want to make sure to ask her about x” or “I’ll tell him all about my interactions with y since it’s been troubling”.
Isn’t it funny how it can feel different to be in the presence of someone vs being alone with yourself?
What’s the difference?
In the most simple way, I notice the inner voices freely blab about anything and everything–they have a sort of non-logical wild way about them. They chatter. They don’t hold back.
To put it mildly.
They have no trouble, at all, with speaking every thought that appears.
You wouldn’t say to anyone else, sometimes, what you say to yourself.
That commentator is a maniac, and can be a bit vicious or crazy, right?
But who would you be without the belief that the commentator says anything true?
I notice I feel the space in the room with the person I’m talking with. I delight in this connection. I have a smile about being with them, whatever they’re doing and wherever they are and whatever they say.
What if you felt this very same way about YOU?
Even in your car, or on a walk, all by yourself in the silence and thinking voices.
“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.” ~ Michael Singer 
Much love,

Be Honest And Set Yourself Free

Year of Inquiry group hug – even when its virtual

Several months ago when Year of Inquiry met to question thoughts together one morning via teleconference….a very interesting thought appeared for investigation.

Our topic was  Authority.
Power, control, being bossed, trying to boss yourself, getting manipulated, having concern with who or what is in charge.
People in YOI once again had really profound and varied worksheets, unique to their experiences.
One wonderful inquirer had a few thoughts about Society and how controlling it is about sexuality.
He should, she should, they should….
One thought rose to the surface, very painful and nerve-racking:
Men leave women who don’t want to “x”.
I’m making sure this note is rated G.
You get the idea though. Someone leaves if someone else doesn’t do what they want.
What a frightening and controlling thought.
If I do it, I feel like a slave. If I don’t do it, I’m abandoned.
Rats. No win.
This kind of dynamic can happen in all kinds of relationships that have nothing to do with requests related to sexuality at all.
On the job between boss and employee, or between parents and children, or between friends, or neighbors.
Pretty much between any two people. Period.
If I don’t do what that person wants, I will be abandoned. If they don’t do what I want, I will abandon them!
Dang! Wait a Second! This is true!
I’ve been ditched and I’ve done the ditching a bunch of times because what was wanted by someone…..didn’t happen!!!
Are you sure that’s true?
Ask anyone.
When people’s relationships end and someone gets left, it’s because one person wasn’t getting what they wanted from the other person.
Are you completely sure of this?
How do you react when you believe you get left when someone else doesn’t get what they want from you?
Sigh. It’s hard.
Lots of examining relationships, to make sure I’m doing OK, make sure I’m giving enough, being a good friend, a good partner, a good sibling, a good earner, a good pleaser, a good daughter, a good teacher, a good student, a good worker, a good mother, a good granddaughter, a good neighbor, a good citizen.
Anything. But. Abandonment.
But who would you be without that thought?
Without the belief that being left had something to do with you? That you can prevent leaving from occurring? That your leaving had something to do with them? Or that you know what’s best for everyone involved?
What if the way it went, or the way it’s going to go, is going to be the best way ever? What if people will do what people will do….and it’s really not so personal?
Turning it around…
If I don’t do what I want, I will be abandoned–by myself!  
Sooooo True!
And let’s face it, we feel awful when we abandon ourselves.
Someone in our inquiry group said “No one ever talks about this!”
She was relieved, loving the freedom to speak and hear from others.
I thought….everyone here is connecting, sharing very honestly, doing the work on a stressful belief about something extremely intimate.
We were all, in that very moment of connecting, sharing and truth-telling….
….we were all experiencing whatever the opposite is of abandoned…..
set free.
Just like all honest conversations.
“Your enemy is the teacher who shows you what you haven’t healed yet. Any place you defend is where you’re still suffering. There’s nothing out there that can oppose you. There is just fluid motion, like the wind….I am everything that I have ever called other people; they were me all along.” ~ Byron Katie
Much love,

Being With Byron Katie in Seattle this summer

Join Us for Being With Byron Katie via internet in Seattle…July 11-14, 2015

Have you ever sent out party invitations….and you weren’t sure who was able to come?

That’s how I felt when I first knew I wanted to gather with a whole handful of inquirers….people who love The Work and love self-inquiry….

….and watch Byron Katie on the big screen, bringing her amazing process known as The Work to life in her unique and dynamic way.

Katie’s facilitation of The Work is deep, and she’s been at it for over 30 years.

Every time I listen to Katie and watch her work with people, I learn something new. I laugh, I shake my head, I’m so moved.

She’s hilarious and direct—and now in her 70s, still leading workshops and retreats around the world.

“Being With Byron Katie” is an event happening this summer in Switzerland. We’re going to participate all the way from Seattle.

You are invited to watch it via the internet with me in Seattle, in a gorgeous lodge, at the very same time (9 hours delay) July 10-14.

I sent out the invitation….and so many people are coming! I’m thrilled!

The three private bedrooms in the lodge are spoken for. However, anyone who wishes can spend the night on a cot or mattress for $10. Sleepover! All inquirers welcome!

There’s space for commuters, and it’s only $165 for four days….attending the entire event (you’re welcome to arrive Friday night July 10th). This will be a fantastic opportunity to watch Katie conduct an entire 4 day event for a fraction of the usual fee.

The group gathering here will be a beautiful mix of people: certified facilitators (you can meet us!) and many lovers of The Work. Candidates in the Certification program and the Institute for The Work can earn 24 credits.

We will enjoy watching Katie, sharing insights, using the gorgeous kitchen facilities (we’ll share potluck lunch together for everyone who wishes) and we’ll hold one silent meditation session per day between lunch and the afternoon session with Katie.

This will be a time of community and learning, insight and love.

I would love you to join me at my special gathering for The Work with Katie herself via internet, and share in the peace movement.

Bedrooms are all reserved, but you may spend the night on really comfortable queen sized mattresses provided by the lodge. You’ll receive a separate bill if you’re staying overnight.

We’ll be located in Kenmore. Most people will commute and attend without spending the night.

We’re getting full, the group is spectacular. We’ll have a wonderful time together. There are a whole lotta people able to come!

Join us! Click here to register. Maximum 24 people.

Much love, Grace

Eating Peace: A Strange Thing To Do In Your Kitchen

Everyone’s heard of meditation, and that it’s supposed to be good for you….like vegetables.


But we’ll wait, or forget, or say “not enough time” or “too much work” or “I need a meditation room”.

What if you just stopped today, and got quiet and still right in the place you may have had the most restless energy in your life.

Your kitchen.

Pull up a chair next to the refrigerator. Or the stove.

You don’t have to close your eyes, or do anything special. In fact, this is about Not Doing Something (like eating) for once, just to see what that’s like.

Why not?

Let me know what happens.

No Greater Misfortune Than This

woman with mirror self-love
no enemies – including you

The Relationship Hell to Heaven telegroup all joined our session last night, ready for once to do The Work on thoughts about shame and guilt….

….towards themselves.

It’s one of the only times I ever prompt people to consider what they feel most ashamed of in a relationship they’re working on, so we can investigate.

I notice I have thoughts about myself, every time, in every relationship I’ve ever experienced that holds some kind of conflict or disturbance.

A co-worker from many years ago who I was so upset about because she criticized me and reported me to a supervisor.

I was ashamed of being ratted on, even though it didn’t wind up meaning anything terrible and everything was cleared up pretty quickly.

She doesn’t like me. I’m a loser. I did something wrong.

What about that time when I dated two men at once? One of them cared.

I was ashamed I was being sneaky, I was unclear about all my feelings, too scattered, disloyal.

Or how about my conflict with a very dear friend, and really surprising betrayal?

I was ashamed of her seeing me as unprofessional, even crazy, someone without integrity.

I’ve shared before that my worst, most horrible shame was having an abortion, and before that, having an eating disorder.

I thought of myself as a violent, selfish, completely screwed up human being.

The thing is….shame about oneself is a strange and tricky trap.

You get stuck in the mental story that you’ve done something terribly wrong and embarrassing, and this sick feeling in your stomach pushes that shame deep down like a thorn stuck inside, and you have to keep it from ever coming out, lest people discover the true and horrible you.

But who would you be without the story that there’s something wrong with you, or you did something unforgivable, or something’s missing, or you aren’t worthy, or desirable, or you’re a cheater, or a loser, or too “x” or not enough “y”?

It’s a lot to unravel at once, in these words…..maybe too much.

But just imagine who you would be without stories of YOU being OFF?

What if there was simply nothing to do, nothing to learn, nothing to forgive, nothing to fix, nothing to find, nothing to add, nothing to change, nothing to clarify, nothing to make sense of….

….about you?

Ha ha ha ha!

Can you feel the burden of shame get set down, with this idea?

Can you feel the connection to self-love and compassion, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done?

What if you’ve always been doing the best you can?

“There is no greater illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, no greater misfortune than having an enemy.” ~ Tao Te Ching #46

This enemy includes you.

Much love, Grace