Pain, Injury and Sickness….Oh My

Cancer, injury, accidents….so frightening! Can you question your thoughts about what’s terrifying?

This week’s Peace Talk podcast episodes are about sickness, injury and pain….oh my.

Lions and tigers and bears….oh my!!

Many of us agree with what is frightening, horrifying, tragic and awful about life.

I don’t even need to tell stories to remind you.

You’ve already learned what is “bad” in life, right? You learned it at a young age.

When I was six I stepped on a rose bush that had been pruned to the level of the earth, so it barely stuck up out of the soil, when running around in bare feet in the garden.

The very sharp base of this old rose bush went right into the soft center of my foot deeply, and the pain was agonizing….blood everywhere.

I had that memory for years.

The body getting hurt, sick, being in pain, feeling less than ideal….so hard to experience. Even the image of the body being ugly–too fat, too thin, too short, too tall.

All of this, trouble.

But who would you be without the belief that this difficult health experience, this hard or painful trauma, that condition….

….is not beautiful?

Weird, right?

And yet, fascinating.

It doesn’t mean you’re going on airy-fairy-sugar-and-sweet-peas weirdo to consider you might be wrong about seeing what you see as terrible…as terrible. It only means, you’re open to other options, to other ways.

I find it exciting, far less traumatic, and that a piece of me is actually in tune with what is….not with my opinion of what is.

Maybe more than only a piece of me.

What if there was an opportunity, in this condition you experienced? What if there was something beneficial, or helpful, or interesting in what’s happening for you, that so far has felt mostly frightening?

What if you aren’t seeing the whole picture, when it comes to the imperfection of life?

What if this world’s woes and sorrows aren’t really out of order?

I notice, it seems to be the way of it…..that things decay, get hurt, end, are destroyed, and come to a conclusion.

The way of it.

“Realizing that your life is never going to work out, and that it cannot ever work out, and that it isn’t ever supposed to work out, is the greatest relief, and brings the greatest ease, drawing you deeply into the sacredness of things as they actually are. Your life may be an imperfect mess, but it is an imperfect mess that is perfectly divine–a work of sacred art, even if you forget that sometimes.” ~ Jeff Foster

Maybe it’s OK that this rough, difficult, unexpected event or life-change has happened.

What if that was just as true, or truer, than your original thought?

Much love, Grace

P.S. Join me for Being With Byron Katie July 11-14 right here in Seattle–only $165 for 4 days with great people, and watching Katie lead a workshop live in Switzerland.

Whether You Like It Or Not

Lately I have been working with some individuals on very deeply painful past memories and experiences.

These are situations that disrupted these peoples’ lives, maybe for years.

But what a striking thing to question….

….this very idea that those things in the past affected my whole life, and they shouldn’t have.

What if they should have?

What if the way it went, and the way it has been this morning, is actually OK?

The mind will say “NOOOOOOO!!! It is NOT OK the way it is. It must be different!”

I found my own mind concerned with the idea that so many people are suffering.

So sad. So difficult. So terrible. So many voices crying in the wilderness of life.

But without this belief?


So funny.

Noticing it doesn’t matter whether I like it or not….

….or that even these people like or don’t like the way it went.

It’s like this, then like that.

That’s the way it rolls out.

All that can happen is questioning, remembering, being with All This no matter how I feel or think about it.

Whoever “I” is.

Noticing things that happened once, are over.

And suddenly, remembering this…..I feel as free as a bird flying high in the sky. Singing!

“Nobody has the power to allow this moment. The good news is that this moment is already allowed to be exactly as it is, whether ‘you’ like it or not. True freedom lies nowhere else but in the ‘suchness’ of this moment, the fragrance of the here and now.” ~ Jeff Foster

Much love, Grace

P.S. People are registering for Being With Byron Katie–we will have such a wonderful group July 11-14 right here in Seattle. Check it out, it will be a truly great summer communion with facilitators of The Work and other fantastic inquirers.

I Look Forward To That….Seriously?

I can’t wait for that to happen again!

In the Year of Inquiry group every third week of the month, we always spend time in what’s called “the turnaround to #6”.

Now, before you think that’s some weird secret code—if you’re not entirely familiar with The Work of Byron Katie—don’t worry.

You’ll catch on very fast, and it’s super cool.

All this exercise is, is a fantastic way of turning your thoughts upside down and shaking your frightening story loose….

…..possibly leaving you with a feeling of empowerment and openness you may find quite astonishing.

So here’s how it works.

Let’s say you’ve noticed you have some difficulty with a person in your life, or your job, or overeating.

We’ll often have big grand thoughts about a troubling situation.

“I don’t ever want to talk to that man again!”

“I don’t ever want to get cancer again!”

“I don’t ever want to eat too much at night again!”

“I don’t ever want to lose all my money again!”

“I don’t ever want to get divorced, break up, be abandoned again!”

You can find what you might say in a troubling situation you’ve experienced in your life (or you might be going through it now).

What is advised strongly in doing The Work is to first really look in depth at your situation. Write a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet

(you’ll notice the last question on the JYN worksheet is “what is it that you don’t EVER want to experience again in this situation?”)

But once you’ve walked through the process of inquiry on several concepts you’ve thought of as really true….you can try on the famous Turnaround to #6!

Which is…..I am willing to _______. In fact, not only am I willing, but I look forward to ______.

I am willing to talk to that man again. Pause.

Think about that for a minute.

What if this was true? What if there was some kind of benefit in this turnaround, for your life personally?

When I got a cancer diagnosis in 2006, a huge bolt of adrenaline shot through me. I would need surgery for sure, to cut it out. And some testing.

I had The Work as a tool by then. I wrote a worksheet on cancer.

It wasn’t very nice, let’s put it that way.

How could I ever, ever consider the turnaround to #6 when it came to cancer?

I am willing to get cancer again.

Jeez. (Head shaking in a NO).

But I sat with it. I knew it could happen….that was reality.

What could be interesting about being willing to have it come along again?

Well….the awareness of having this one limited lifespan.

From that time of having cancer, getting divorced, and losing all my money….I found such powerful strength, I honestly can say without a doubt that I’ve never ever been the same.

I went from extreme introvert to making podcasts and writing these Grace Notes and running retreats, and sharing with so many people my inner life.

I feel like I made a leap on a cosmic level that I always wanted, but couldn’t reach.

It was invaluable.

OK. Yeah. So if that’s what part of the outcome could be….then SURE….

….I am willing to get cancer again.

And Part 2 is where you turn up the volume.

I look foward to it.

“I look forward to talking with that man again.”

“I look forward to getting cancer again.”

“I look forward to eating too much at night again!”

“I look forward to losing all my money again!”

“I look forward to getting divorced, breaking up, being abandoned again!”

I notice, it dissolves the barrier within of bracing against an uncomfortable future.

It takes the defense out of everything.

It opens me up to the pure state of vulnerable surrender that is actually always present.

It gives me a bring-it-on joy that’s relaxing, accepting of all that is, ready for anything, attuned to life on life’s terms.

This is not filling yourself with dread or worry….

….it’s the complete opposite. No holds barred.

It’s putting down carrying the heavy boulder of trying to hold up a future that doesn’t even exist.

It’s claiming…..I’m jumping in, no matter what happens.

Here we go, world!

Can you feel it?

“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.” ~ Christopher Reevelookingfuture

Much love, Grace

Eating Peace: One Question You Can Ask Yourself….Just One

In the middle of the Eating Peace Online Course (which is underway right now) people almost always reach a moment after the initial period of hopefulness….

….the reality that they are right here, with themselves, and no one can really come in and fix their eating issues for them.

I mean, you can’t hire a bodyguard or a personal assistant, or me, to walk around with you 24/7.

You’ll run up into a moment again where you want to eat, where you’re overcome with the urge and craving to stuff your face, or start graze-eating at night, or simply keep eating when you are not hungry….or you’ll decide to starve yourself and skip eating altogether.

I don’t care if you have huge binge-eating episodes and your disordered eating or starving is extreme (that was me) or if you battle over nighttime snacking….

….the shadows will come to the surface and you’ll have to be with them.

Here’s something you can do that’s very very simple (but not so easy, I know) if you get super confused, hopeless, whiney or feel like a gigantic victim.

Watch here to see the question I ask. See if you can answer honestly.

You may be surprised.

Lots of peace,
P.S. Notice this is coming out Thursday, instead of Wednesday? For those of you who did….Technology broke down yesterday. All fixed now!

When Taxes Hurt….Stop It

gimmemoneyYesterday I had to write a check to pay taxes here in the USA.

I didn’t like it.

At least that’s what one voice was shouting in the corner.

Like a crazy Gollum character…..

“Noooooo! Don’t write that check! OMG she’s doing it! Help! This is a disaster! Someone stop her!!”

The check was accompanying my first ever “extension” form to the IRS.

As in, the first time I was not able to complete my taxes successfully by the April 15th deadline.

I’m turning everything in, for the first time, to an accounting firm.

I’ve always done all my taxes by myself. With Turbo Tax online for the past decade, and on paper before that.

I also generally worked for other companies, or had one side part-time business that didn’t make much extra money, or usually LOST money after expenses.

But now, I work for myself full time.

And I’ve done better and better and gotten completely out of debt and have hours and hours of experience working with groups and people and making my work more refined and more productive and farther reaching and of greater benefit to people.

Forever expanding. So far. For now.

But then….taxes! ARGHHHHGGHHHG!

Those greedy bas*&$*s!!

(Picture a bunch of official government-looking people drinking coffee in offices, waiting for my check).

I had to laugh….finding myself with such thoughts.

Because I have no idea what or who the receivers of the tax checks look like, and I’ve agreed by living here in this country to pay the government a percentage of my earnings.

As The Work worked me (I didn’t even write anything down on paper, yet) I noticed walking to the store that I had the thought….

….I appreciate this road.

Roads are built with taxes.

I appreciate the sidewalk, the traffic lights, the electricity running overhead. I appreciate the bridge, the fire station and the city hall right across the street. Those were all built starting with taxes.

I suddenly remembered one of my first bosses, a long time ago.

He was a small business owner with five employees, and used to be the head of a huge corporation’s Operations department. This was his second year out on his own as a private consultant. He was an expert at what he did, and I worked for him as a general administrative assistant.

I remember helping him gather tax documentation together.

With a fine toothed comb, he wanted to go through every transaction that was international and make sure it was put on a separate list so it was not included in taxes. He would have called them the same name I was saying in my own head.

I remember all those years ago thinking “what a cheapskate, jeez!”


No more separation from him. I joined with him, 30 years later from the future (which is now) with understanding and compassion.

The urge to want to keep, hoard, protect and never lose anything is weird but not uncommon…..

…..especially with MONEY!

I notice I can make a big fat story out of it being better to keep andworse to give away and not have.

Who would I be without that story?


Almost giddy, really.

Its a joyful lack of fear, and excited willingness and eagerness to give, to offer, to allow money to come and go and depart and return.

Like sitting near a river watching it flow on by, not trying to do anything about it, not trying to save it up or go find containers to put it in, or build a dam, or drink lots of water right now because there won’t be any later.

None of that is on my mind next to the river.

I listen, I relax, I’m still.

Having fun paying taxes.

“Enlightenment can be measured by how compassionately and wisely you interact with others–with all others, not just those who support you in the way that you want. How you interact with those who do not support you shows how enlightened you really are.” ~ Adyashanti

It dawned on me in this act of writing a check I felt uncomfortable writing that I was treating the tax payment itself, money, the people at the IRS, the government, and myself….

….all without compassion.

So I stopped.

Much love, Grace

Think It Should Be Different? You Lose.

flowerbudByron Katie has a funny demonstration she offers from time to time to an audience about forcing something, or wishing for something, before its ready, before it ever happens.

She turns to the vase next to her chair, often filled with gorgeous colorful flowers….

….and she takes one stalk out of the vase, a closed bud, and holds it in front of her looking directly at it.

“OPEN!” she says with intensity.

“I SAID OPEN!” she repeats again.

The audience chuckles.

“OPEN NOW!!!!!!”

All of us in the audience laugh uproariously as we realize the way our minds and thoughts do this constantly, all day long, in many situations.

Arguing with what is….wishing it would go differently, faster, better.

Katie is speaking to a powerful idea that nothing can come before its time.

There is a natural order of things.

Seed, gestation, bud, bloom, decay, decomposition.

Everything flows forward, then disappears.

There is not even a guarantee of how it “normally” turns out, if there is a normal and if there’s a common way of it. There are exceptions to every normal.

Sometimes the process of life blooming, then fading back….

….ends just after the gestation period, or the bud dies before blossoming.

Humans die as babies, I notice. As children, I notice. At all ages.

Anywhere along the way, something might happen to stop the direction, or change the course of events.

So there we are, demanding, yelling, having a tantrum about the state of affairs. Shouting until we’re blue in the face.

Having a hissy fit about that person, this condition, our possessions, our situation, even our states of peace or enlightenment!

Not good enough! Not THERE yet!

And our yelling will never do anything. Ever.

“Argue with reality, and you lose….but only 100% of the time.” ~ Byron Katie

The bud stays closed until time, light, life force all come together in the perfect moment for it to open up.

It has very little to do with what we want, or don’t want.

Have you noticed?

Wait….you mean if I want a younger, unhurt body that’s not going through menopause….or to have a million bucks in my savings account…..or to be more successful in my career….or to already have published my book….or my dad to be alive….

….I might be setting myself up for suffering?


Who would you be without your story?

Laughing, I bet.

Much love, Grace

Upset? Come Closer!


Yesterday in the Parenting telecourse we looked at a common idea so profound, it happens many times in life between people….

….not just parents and children.

That person is making me upset.

They are running things, ruling the roost, bossing me around, pushing me to do something, making me feel nervous, confusing me, aggravating me, hurting my feelings, disturbing my peace, not doing what I want them to do!

In some ways…..all the stressful beliefs about any other people I’ve ever known have been related to these thoughts.

The person is being themselves….whether age two or age 82…..and I have to “deal” with them.

If only they’d change.

This is a big fat hassle.

I have to put up with this??!

That person’s behavior scared me, hurt me, saddened me (or even made me happy—sometimes, even THAT thought is stressful).

Who would you be without the belief that the person you’re thinking of is the cause of your stress?

Who would you be without the thought that they can disturb your inner peace?

A mother called me once with a deeply painful situation for her work.

Her son, a teenager, had gone missing on an international backpacking journey. She had seen him head down the trail, and that’s the last time she ever saw him. Police, investigators, a complete change of their situation from “vacation” to horrifying experience of loss and tragedy.

He was eventually assumed to have died.

The rage, grief and sadness felt unbearable.

Who would she be without the belief that he caused this agony, he triggered it, or that someone or something was to blame?


It’s very hard to find, when you’ve been in the midst of trauma.

The mind wants answers. It wants to know who or what is the culprit.

Sometimes, it’s even “God” or the universe, source, reality.

It is against me. 

But without that belief….

….dropping below or under or back behind that belief….

….feeling what it’s like without THINKING about the difficult situation, without remembering the event that created pain in your life….

….who would you actually be?

I see pictures of those situations I believed hurt me. Sometimes badly.

My good friend who reported me to authorities for a deep and bizarre misunderstanding. My former husband requesting divorce. My father dying long ago. The pregnancy I aborted. My leg getting badly injured. Having a cancer diagnosis. Losing almost all the money I had.

I am hurt by these things….I was hurt by these things.

Is it true?


Are you positive these were harmful? That these events shouldn’t have happened? That you’re damaged because of them? That you have to “deal” with the repercussions in a distressing way?

YES. I am sure!! Then….a tiny iota of doubt enters.

I notice I’m breathing. I notice I’ve come a long way since any of these things happened. I notice when I’ve done the work on these people, these events, I have a new and different view.

I’ve been surprised some benefits exist that caused yet other things to occur, including me to wake up to what I really wanted, or what I was committed to.

I notice every time….not ALMOST every time….but EVERY time….

….that I am OK at the very least, but often actually better off than before this thing happened or I encountered this person.

I am changed for the better because of knowing this difficult person, or situation.

Without my thinking, I am not only OK….I am hearing silence in this moment, noticing my aliveness, connected to those who are gone, being with this body and feeling the temporariness of all of life.

This is the way of it.

Things change. Things are only here for a little while.

“The truth is that most of life will unfold in accordance with forces far outside your control, regardless of what your mind says about it. It’s like sitting down at night and deciding whether you want the sun to come up in the morning. The bottom line is, the sun will come up and the sun will go down. You can think about it all you want, but life is still going to keep on happening….This world is unfolding and really has very little to do with you or your thoughts. It was here long before you came, and it will be here long after you leave.” ~ Michael Singer

Even these extremely painful situations.

They come and go, they pass….and for some reason loss, trauma, and death appear to exist, whether I think about it or not.

And so does life.

“We all face loss–that is the way–but if we can turn towards our loss, and listen to it, and stare it in the face, then it may reveal hidden gold, and we may end up seeing ourselves and out loved ones reflected more clearly than ever. Grief is only love in a strange disguise, and it constantly invites us to come closer…and closer still…” ~ Jeff Foster

Much love, Grace

When Someone Asks An Annoying Question

Three summer events you may want to join (and one coolio event in the works on money which will be by donation).

Two are in-person retreats and one is Summer Camp For The Mind, an intensive series of tele sessions you can join EVERY WEEK DAY from July 6-August 7 for one fee ($197). Summer Camp is 5 weeks 5 days per week–you join when its convenient for you, every day meets at a different time of day to accommodate any time zone.

Even if you only came once per week to Summer Camp, you’d have 5 weeks of inquiry-jams to deeply investigate your stressful beliefs…about anything.

In-person summer retreats in the northwest are Breitenbush Hot Springs Resort June 24-28 and Being With Byron Katie July 11-14.

I would love to meet you!


The other day, someone called me to ask me if they could work with me one-on-one.

Yes, I do solo sessions.

But back to the request of this person who called.

Kind of like my mom or a close friend might be, they said….”You got a minute right now to facilitate me?” on voicemail.

I have a question. Can you answer honestly?

I almost guffawed.

Does this person think I’m just….available? Like, NOW?

If they only knew.

But I noticed an old familiar kind of retarded stressful thought I’ve questioned a few times about far more stressful issues: that person shouldn’t have asked.

Not like THAT.

Interesting idea on my part.

Why should they not ask like that?

Really? Like they should know my schedule, or that I sometimes don’t even feel I have time to call people back just to respond to messages and requests for a day or two?

We did a bigger version of this same type of they-shouldn’t-ask stressful-thinking during Year of Inquiry last week.

Someone is applying “pressure” trying to get you to do something, trying to talk you into saying “yes” when you feel “no”. They feel demanding, they don’t like you declining. You feel uncomfortable seconds after the request is made.

Many people noticed this gets REALLY uncomfortable around sex.

Or money.


These are situations that have fairly big consequences.

Although….look at my teensy tiny situation where I had a flash of a thought that this person was off-base to even ask if I was available right now. Stress still appeared even in this minor situation.

Who would you be without the belief they shouldn’t ask?

I notice when I’m without that belief, everyone’s able to ask everything and anything they want, ANY TIME. I can respond, with total honesty.

And if I can’t…..

……as in I can’t say “no” just as freely and easily as the people who are asking me for something…..

……then I get to inquire further, at a deeper level.

Because THAT is the REAL issue.

It’s in the pain experienced through these types of thoughts (the ones you have underneath the idea this person shouldn’t ask).

It would be rude to say no. They won’t like my answer. I don’t want to explain myself. That other asking person and I are separate. They don’t get me or my life. 

They might reject me, get upset, use force, hurt me, feel frustrated or depressed.

But then, who would you be without the belief you’re responsible for their feelings?

Or that any of these things (rejection, etc) are so horrible to experience?

I’m serious!

What if people could just have the reactions they have about my “no”?

And I remained patient, connected, open, and caring about them, about me?

It might take some time to hash out. There may be discussion required.

For the record, whenever I have said “no” after all those years of imagining the worst….no one has even come close.

Kinda funny.

Turning it all around: questions can be asked, by anyone, and answers freely given, by anyone.


Try saying “no”. Try saying “I was surprised when you asked me that because _______ and I appreciate you wanting to make a connection.”

Try saying “When people ask me what you just asked, I feel nervous. I’m afraid it means ______.” Or “when you ask me that, I want you to know I care about you and the answer is no.”

It may be so much fun, and so much more simple than you ever thought, it becomes just as fabulous as saying yes.

At the end of our Year of Inquiry call….I made a suggestion that I learned from other teachers in the past.

Role play you saying “no” or saying “I feel uncertain when you ask this” or “I have a few questions first” or “it’s not possible for me to do that.”

Ask people to ask you things you’re normally really PISSED OFF at being asked.

You may notice, with the practice, you blame others less.

“If you believe anyone’s action is bad, how can you see the good in it? How can you see the good that comes out of it, maybe years later? If you see anyone as bad, how can you understand that we are all created equal? We’re all teachers by the way we live….A mind that doesn’t question its judgments makes the world very small and dangerous.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love, Grace

When Some Urgency Comes About What’s Needed

So I’m riding my bike yesterday in the glorious spring afternoon, red tulips and yellow daffodils blooming in people’s gardens, the beautiful river I live near swirling slowly along with ducks floating and bright green grass on its banks.

This gorgeous bike trail is smooth pavement, winding between tall poplar trees in straight lines, then pine trees and back yards, then out in the open along the river again.

A whole system of thought enters.

What am I doing here.

Kinda like the opening of Birdman. 

Even though, when you think about it, I could be in a scene from a beautiful movie–and it’s where I actually live.

The thought started with something about the future, my youngest child leaving home in a year.

Mind running, as fast as this bike is moving.

I could hit the road and leave everything and everyone behind! Empty nest!

I could travel the world on a solo journey. I could go stay with Pema Chodron in her monastery for awhile. I could go to Bali and study some kind of exotic yoga. I could see weird and strange sights on this planet.

Let’s see….how much can I charge for rent for my cottage? I wonder what the neighbors pay for their home, I know they rent. I’ll copy that amount.

I really gotta get outta here, change it up, see the world.

I have limited time left. Things are declining body-wise. I’ll exit my primary relationship and ditch it all for a WalkAbout.

Ha ha!

Earlier in the very same day, I’m guiding people in the Desire Course to question what they think is the problem that comes between them and what they desire….and identify what they really want to feel.

Ooops, I almost forgot.


Right there on the bicycle, seeing my shadow in the sun (wow!) watching a blue heron fly low and then land in the river, I notice who I would be without my thoughts of escape.

I chuckle, noticing how much I love that escape story.

That story where you change everything and everyone in your world and go on an adventure.

Don’t we love it? Bilbo Baggins takes off into the wild blue yonder.

But who would you be without that story (but only the parts where you think you’re trapped)?

Without the story that it’s required, in order to be happy?

It doesn’t mean I don’t go on adventures….it’s noticing I don’t have to. I’m not stuck. And this is it.

THIS is an adventure. Right here.

Even sitting writing this Grace Note, feeling the words pour forward, reflecting on how funny that thing was on the bike trail that went on an imaginary adventure away from the present moment.

Noticing I returned, I felt something watching and laughing at the mixture of ideas.

Coming back to the trail, the front bike wheel, the old woman with gray hair on her bicycle too, the eagle soaring above, the wind on my face, the man’s voice talking on his cell phone, twisting fast past the couple with the baby stroller, the thoughts swirling as much as the river, undulating and moving along, moving along.

Jesus was lost in his love for God.
His donkey was drunk with barley. 

Drink from the presence of saints,
not from those other jars. 

Every object, every being,
is a jar full of delight. 

Be a conoisseur,
and taste with caution. 

Any wine will get you high.
Judge like a king, and choose the purest, 

the ones unadulterated with fear,
or some urgency about “what’s needed.” 

Drink the wine that moves you
as a camel moves when it’s been untied,

and is just ambling about.

~ Rumi

Much love, Grace

P.S. Breitenbush Retreat June 24-28 is filling quickly and early bird rate ends April 30th. Being With Byron Katie retreat July 11-14 is also beginning to fill (we will all watch Katie together here in Seattle all the way from Switzerland via internet). Register for either one if you want to make sure you’ve got space, especially good accommodations. Visit to find more information about either one!

Which Radio Station Are You Aware Of?

What station are you listening to?

The other day I was remembering Annie Lamott, a favorite author of mine, and her tales of waking up out of addiction and ending the cycle of self-abuse.

I have to chuckle when she describes the inner voice that’s so mean, radio station KFCK was the first way I heard it described.

She also calls it KRAP….a little less cuss-word oriented but it still gets the message across.

If you’re on the Eating Peace notes, you’ll recognize it in my message in my video yesterday.

The main idea in this message, noticing this voice?

Noticing that we also have a kind, generous, loving voice within.

It’s been there the whole time.

Perhaps not even a voice all the time, but a feeling, an observing view, a sense of inner silence that is not disturbed and not freaking out. Ever.

Do you know what I mean?

The radio station KFCK or KRAP can sometimes chatter away so loudly, you don’t recognize this quieter voice.

And yet, this seemingly more silent voice is deep, steady, unbothered, and eternal.

It’s the radio station L-O-V-E.

That sounds super sugary corny perhaps, but it’s true.

Funny how we don’t spend a lot of time, at least I sure didn’t, listening to that LOVE radio station instead of the other one.

But don’t worry, even if you haven’t listened to it much, or you’ve gone way off track, or gone haywire thinking very negative and disturbing thoughts, or lost the signal for love entirely…..

… never have.

You can connect with it right now.

Who would you be without believing what you think is true, especially the brutal thoughts, or the criticisms from other people, or anything you don’t like hearing?

Who would you be without the thought you’ve made a mistake, you’re wrong, you shouldn’t be thinking negatively, you’re not measuring up, you didn’t succeed, you’re lacking something, you’re nothing important, your mind is right?

Who would you be without beliefs about other people and how annoying, sad, needy, irritating or bothersome THEY are?

Like….what would it be like if you just had no thoughts of being against it all, no brain putting out an inner voice, deciding things, assessing and commenting on everything as if its worrisome or irritating?

What’s a flower like? Or a tree? Or a bird?

Here you are being yourself, which includes having a mind that runs off in various directions…..

…..but what if you just didn’t get all worked up and involved?

If you let the kind, tender, compassionate voice be the louder one for right now, without trying to fight against the other ones?

“You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, a single salvation…and that is called loving. Well, then, love your suffering. Do not resist it, do not flee from it. It is your aversion that hurts, nothing else.” ~ Herman Hesse

Now that’s relaxing. And loving. And kind.

Oh halleluia.

Much love, Grace