No Suppression, No Aggression, No Suffering

It is truly incredible to me the power of some stories (especially one I’m going to mention today experienced by moi), and how deep they run and how intensely they stick.

Especially if they haven’t been seen in the light but stay down in the underworld, half hidden from consciousness.

Today I’m talkin’ about the Story of Nicey-Nice and it’s flip sided neighbor Argh-Aggressive.

What is up with that auto-pilot Be Nice and Seethe Inside thing?

Here’s what I mean by auto-pilot.

A few examples:

Person starts talking to me. They talk, talk and talk some more about their terrible aunt who is evil. It’s the fifth or tenth time I’ve heard about the aunt. The story is the same. I remain quiet, even though my stomach hurts. I do not say “you know, I’ve heard you speak about this so often, I don’t ever want to hear it again, you complaining ninny.”

Person asks if they can enroll in the program I’m teaching for free. I don’t let them know that it actually cost me, then, to have them in the program. I would be paying for them. I say yes, even though I don’t feel good or right about it.

Person sends me gifts in the mail, leaves presents for me in my car, drops items for me into my bag at work. I don’t say “what’s with the gift-giving slightly stalker weirdness, can you please stop?”

Person tells me I’m unfriendly because I don’t smile at her and say hello in the morning. I don’t want to, I just want to focus on the project I’m hired to work on. I don’t tell her “I won’t be doing that.” I say “hi” for awhile but then give up.

Person asks me if I want to go on a boat ride with him and his dog. That sounds horrible. I don’t say “no, I get seasick and I’m not that into pets”. I feel guilty for not being into pets. I don’t answer his emails.

Person starts showing me their photos of their vacation and there are about 5000 of them. All landscapes. I don’t say “I’ve seen enough, thanks.” I keep looking and nodding but thinking when the hell will this be over.

Person asks me to teach them everything I know about marketing and promoting and growing my business over lunch. I think about the thousands of dollars I’ve invested in learning what I know for the past three years and how huge this request is. I say “sure, we can do that sometime” but I won’t ever do that.

You get the picture.

And then the worst situations for me when I’ve been Not Authentic, shall we say, have been with men on dates, in relationships, when sexual encounters were a possibility, or underway.

There’s a moment.

The feeling that I want to go more slowly, or stop, or that I don’t like something is clear. But I never spoke up!

Today, before the Sexuality class began, I was reading over the curriculum (which is awesome, by the way). I loved zoning in on this way of being, and looking again carefully, without hacking myself to bits for having done it.

The way I used to be, I frequently said nothing in situations where I felt conflict or concern.

After doing The Work on a few of these more intense situations…

…I realized that I wanted the person who did something objectionable (in my opinion) to change so that I could be more comfortable.

Otherwise, I might have to speak up, tell the truth about myself in that moment. Horror of horrors.

The truth that was “I don’t like that! No thank you! Stop! Ewww! Really? I feel afraid, I’m angry.”

I had great fear that if I did speak up, the person to whom I was speaking might feel hurt, and then hurt me back, and then I’d feel hurt.

So let’s question that thought today. The idea that it might be safer to keep quiet, or safer to speak up, and uncertainty about both.

Is that true that it’s safer to keep quiet? Or safer to speak up?

Rats. I don’t know. Wait. Yes. I actually do think this is true. It feels safer to keep quiet. Yes. But I should speak up, dang it. Help! I don’t know!

How do you react when you believe NOT telling someone to stop, or that you don’t like what’s happening, is easier and safer? How about when you believe it’s better to sock-it-to-em and tell it like it is?

I’m nervous, agonizing over right and wrong. I’m terrified.

Who would you be without the belief that speaking up is better…or keeping your opinion to yourself is safer? Without the belief that either one is right or wrong?

I’d relax and trust more. I wouldn’t be so suspicious of what’s going to happen in five minutes, or tomorrow.

Wow. There would be no future.

I’d say what I really think, with a sense of clarity, even love.

I wouldn’t believe I have to put up with things, allow things to happen without saying how I feel. I wouldn’t think I have to scream to be protected. I’d honor myself, as well as the other people. It would be exciting!

Turning the thought around: Telling the truth is safer. 

It saves a whole lot of time.

I think of how many relationships dragged on and on in a certain unsatisfying way because I didn’t tell the truth. Like I was clinging to being likable, and avoiding hurt.

What if instead I stepped out on the ice and skated, being freely who I am, and THEN saw who showed up to play with me?

That sounds much more fun, much more real. It’s more solid, genuine, deep, kind, loving.

I’d notice how much I love honesty and clarity from others, whether they are more soft-spoken or direct. I notice how openness, calm, kindness and sharpness are all beautiful elements of great conversation.

And I love myself when I’m honest with ME, not trying to pretend I like stuff I don’t like. That’s the most important of all.

“To discover our autonomy is the most challenging thing a human being can do. Because in order to discover our autonomy, we must be free from all external control or influence. This means that we must free our mind from all that it has collected, all that it clings to, all that it depends on.” ~ Adyashanti

I find there is a place beyond all turnarounds, where there is no concern for safety, but no urgency….a sort of waiting, maybe a true silence, that is deeply genuine.

Real feelings coming up in the moment. Feelings that say “get away from me” or “be quiet” or “no I don’t buy you begging me to help you mediate your arguments with other people” or “slow down” or “I’m leaving” or “quit bossing me”.

But falling back, not being silent because you’re so terrified of being disliked or hateful, but instead relaxing with the sensations….this goes beyond all strategies for what-to-do next.

“Patience has a lot to do with getting smart at that point and just waiting: not speaking or doing anything. On the other hand, it also means being completely and totally honest with yourself about the fact that you’re furious. You’re not suppressing anything–patience has nothing to do with suppression. In fact, it has everything to do with a gentle, honest relationship with yourself….This suggests the fearlessness that goes with patience. If you practice the kind of patience that leads to the de-escalation of aggression and the cessation of suffering, you will be cultivating enormous courage.” ~ Pema Chodron 

There is no safer. It’s an illusion.

Just be you, without any requirement to fix, help, appease, diminish, change, switch, improve you or anyone else.

Now that’s a wonderful practice. We can call it Beyond Safety.

Beyond Nicey-Nice and Argh-Aggressive and all that flip-flopping.

I notice that in this realm, there is no forever suffering.

Much love,


P.S. August Summer Camp For The Mind starts next week. Only $97 to join with other inquirers this final month of summer to question your thinking and change your world. Sign up this weekend.

If They’re Responsible For Your Pain, The “V” Word (Ouch)

Today we begin the class Our Wonderful Sexuality: doing The Work on the beliefs we have that create stress, loss, jealousy, pain, anger, sadness or lack of freedom in our lives.

There is room in the class. If you’ve been wanting to talk about sex, your ideas, the rules, your questions, your concerns, in a safe, clear environment….

….then join us right now. It’s awesome.

Just like the Money class that started Monday, I won’t be teaching it for quite awhile as my direction will be towards the exciting Year of Inquiry starting in September.

It’s yet another avenue for the deepest spiritual freedom, this hush-hush topic of sexuality. To be free to be yourself, whatever that looks and feels like, is deeply joyful.

But even without a class…you can start looking at this topic right now. I’ll share with you how you can start unraveling and changing your experience of love relationship and touch, and lightening up.

It starts with memories.

It’s the way you do it with anything you’re inquiring into, really, using The Work of Byron Katie.

A situation occurs….and then there is the memory of it. There is a reaction. Maybe right away, maybe in a few hours, maybe a few years later. The mind starts formulating what it meant, especially if it was painful. And putting it on replay.

Endless replay. Good grief. Can’t we just forget about that gross thing that happened? Or that disappointment?

The mind then projects quicker than lightening into the future that it never wants to experience this bad situation again.

When it comes to sexuality or sexual behavior, people sometimes have moments that are not that great, unfortunately.

What is supposed to be fun, adventurous, easy and loving is embarrassing, dark, addictive, sad, disappointing or violent.

If you’re ready to look closely, here’s what you can do.

First, make a list of your troubling memories.

That time you were ten and you learned…That time you were fifteen and the boy kissed you and then….That time you found out….That situation when you expected this but you got that….That time you were shocked and scared….That time she said this, and he did that…

Then pick only one situation that was particularly upsetting. Hold that situation clearly in your mind, and write down the answers to these questions (you can find the Judge Your Neighbor worksheet at

  1. why were you upset?
  2. how do you want that person(s) who bothered you to change in that situation?
  3. what should have happened? what shouldn’t have happened?
  4. what did you need from that person in order to be happy, instead of upset?
  5. describe what you see when you look at that person or those people in that memory
  6. what do you never, ever want to have happen again in this situation?

When you carefully consider these questions, and answer them, you have in front of you, on paper, your objections, your discomfort, your resistance, your irritation.

Doing The Work on that situation doesn’t mean the experience changes, because it happened already.

But it does mean you may be able to discover a center of peace within yourself, no matter what happened to you in the past.

That’s a very, very valuable thing. Maybe the most valuable thing in life.

“Remember, if you close around something, you will be psychologically sensitive about that subject for the rest of your life. Because you stored it inside of you, you will be afraid that it will happen again. But if you relax instead of closing, it will work its way through you. If you stay open, the blocked energy inside of you will release naturally, and you will not take on any more.” ~ Michael Singer

The very act of doing The Work, walking slowly but surely through the four questions and finding turnarounds, is an act of courage and an intention to open your mind to great change.

To see what happened and feel resolved about it. So YOU can be happy.

It works, if you answer the four questions.

The most amazing troubled experiences can be put in their place forever….

….in the past.

They are over.

“As long as you think that the cause of your problem is ‘out there’–as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering–the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you’re suffering in paradise.” ~ Byron Katie

Ready to find freedom from your beliefs when it comes to physical contact with others? Need support in doing it?

Sign up to meet for 8 weeks. You’ll be glad you did.

Much love,



Create Hell or Heaven With Your Beliefs About Sexuality

Last shout-out for Our Wonderful Sexuality teleclass. It starts tomorrow, Weds at 9 am Pacific time. If you’ve taken this class before, it’s been revised and updated after teaching it six times.

(People repeating can take it again for half the fee–this is always the policy with any classes I teach, you can repeat them as often as you want or need to).

So I have a confession to make. True honesty has always, in the end, been the best policy.

It’s related to this topic of sexuality and sexual expression.

What I’m about to tell you obliterated the Me that wanted to have a strong or perfect, untainted persona when it came to being a devoted partner….

….and allowed me to be a regular mediocre human.

My icky thing I have to tell about has to with betrayal.

I’ll be blunt.

Once when I was in a committed partnership, I made out with another person, who was NOT my partner. I was also sometimes attracted to others. It would come along unexpectedly, and there it would be….attraction. This started when I was oh, about eighteen.

But when I actually acted out on it that time, I was sick with guilt, confusion, sadness….and very strangely, I was also suddenly on THAT side of the fence.

The side where I was the sneaky, twisted up “bad” person instead of the innocent one.

Wait. I’m the betrayer.

Oh, now I get it.

I’ve known amazing clients who had experiences of being in relationship in marriage, who found themselves moving towards someone else instead.

Their marriages as they knew them fell to smithereens. One was reborn again in a new, powerful way. The other was completely over.

Before my own personal experience, which seemed so unconscious and fogged out like being on a drug, I had the belief that people should and could control themselves when it came to having sexual contact with others outside of their primary relationship.

Those people who have affairs, or even just kiss someone else, are disgusting, lying cheaters. Some people get all upset about flirting, without any touch at all.

The rules are, you don’t lust after others, you aren’t interested in others, you keep your hands to yourself, you work it out with your partner first before you ditch your agreements.

I notice the rules get broken. Constantly.

But the worst part about loyalty, betrayal, commitment, expectations….is the self-hate when either you OR your partner break these rules.

I say ditch the rules and start from scratch, and see what feels truly most deep, right, honorable and kind when it comes to attraction, connection and actual contact.

Whether you are the perpetrator, or someone else was, you might feel the same sting of pain. It comes from one, deep and very painful underlying belief. You’re supposed to follow some set of ideal “rules” and if you don’t….

….you’re a horrible person (or they are).

Yes, this happens even if you are not the one who has had an affair or been sexual with anyone else, but your partner has. You may assume somewhere inside that you’ve been horrible, or they wouldn’t have done it.

So let’s take a look. It’s a freaky stressful belief. It’s very repetitive, and it causes a lot of pain for people.

I’ve heard Byron Katie facilitate people through The Work on affairs and break-ups many times.

So… are a horrible person.

Is that true?

Yes. I can hardly believe it went the way it did. There was hardly any pleasure in any of it. It caused pain to a dearly beloved. Dang it.

Can you be sure? Are you positive you were horrible?

Sigh. No.

How do you react when you believe you did it wrong, you made a mistake, you hurt other people, you were stupid?

Crushed. Irresponsible. A victim of feelings gone wild (either mine or my partners). Suspicious of all crazed attraction feelings. They are not to be trusted. Ever! People get hurt!

G*&%$#@ attraction feelings!!

Who would you be without the belief that you are horrible because of what has ensued?

If my husband were cheating on me and I found out about it and if I experience heartache and pain and suffering, anger and sadness, any of it….I am creating that within me. Because I’m believing my thoughts about him. It’s as though it’s assumed that he doesn’t have a right to his own life….What are we believing? What are we believing, that is costing us our freedom, our birthright, which is happiness? And basically the awareness of our own true nature, which is love?~ Byron Katie

Without the belief that anyone is horrible, including you, you may simply move in another direction without rage or revenge.

You’d notice what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s easier.

Not so complicated and full of horror stories. Yes, that is OK with me. No, that’s a no. No big moral judgment on the whole thing like you are condemned or they are evil.

Turning the thought around: you’re a wonderful person.

How could this be true, even as you look and remember and watch what you did that you felt confused and terrible about?

If that’s a bit too much to think of yourself (or the person who did the terrible thing) as wonderful, just start finding examples of how you’re NOT a horrible person.

For me, I was feeling like testing a roller coaster ride (not horrible). I was feeling tired and dull and believing ideas about wanting excitement (not horrible). I was forgetting how much I adore my own company like no one else’s on the planet (not horrible). I was letting someone else’s words, behavior, actions override my inner sense of well-being (not horrible). I was imaging what freedom meant, what commitment meant, and what was expected of me that felt trapped (not horrible).

None of those assumptions made me horrible. They just made me a believer of my thoughts.

“The only reason anyone ever suffers or feels unhappy is they aren’t recognizing how still and peaceful they already are.” ~ Ross Oldenstadt

Maybe anyone who steps outside their own loving nature and hurts someone is not able, in that moment, to remember how awesome they are all by themselves.

It happens all the time. We’d remember if we could. It’s a process of evolution.

“She understands that the universe is forever out of control, and that trying to dominate events goes against the current of the Tao. Because she believes in herself, she doesn’t try to convince others. Because she is content with herself, she doesn’t need others’ approval. Because she accepts herself, the whole world accepts her.” ~ Tao Te Ching #30 

If you’re having trouble accepting your actions or someone else’s when it comes to sexual expression….you may find profound insight in questioning your beliefs.

That’s what we’ll be doing in Our Wonderful Sexuality. Join us tomorrow if you can (I won’t be offering it again until next year).

But even without any teleclass, you can start your own inquiry on these topics. Question your mind and change your world. You can be free to be yourself, in every way, clearly and without guilt or suffering, abandonment or judgment.

You can love and accept anyone’s feelings of sexual attraction, including your own.

Replay back to this email if you want to join the 8 week teleclass tomorrow.

Much love, Grace


Drop Money Pursuits, Discover Silence

In a few hours, a group will begin our work together investigating money beliefs for 8 weeks. As of this moment there are two spots open. Reply back to this email if you want to join us.

As I prepared for this new class, I found such a great letter from a participant last year. I shared it yesterday, but wanted to share it again…because it inspired ME just to re-read it.

From Obsessive Torture to Infinite Support Everywhere

“Can I really take a class on earning money and have the tortures of my obsessive thinking about it let go, even a little? Eight weeks later, the answer turns out to be, yes! What I am taking away from our work together, is that my source of support does not come from black scratchings on a piece of bank statement paper. My bed rock of support is already here, within and without, all around me. Thanks Grace for the thought provoking questions, blog posts and your own findings throughout the class.” ~ Money Class Participant 2013

The thing is, support comes from what is around us and permeating our environment, always. It’s hard for the mind to see this and get a grip.

Especially if it feels threatened.

But really, we’re surrounded by support with everything, whether money, love, a relationship, your job, your home, people hurting you or lashing out, a change of events that seems difficult.

There is air to breathe, a ground to stand on, the sun comes up and there is light, then there is a dark quiet night for resting and silence. There is gravity, you’re connected to the planet, other people (even strangers) walking around, people who can communicate with you. There is food to eat, water to drink (usually).

It’s astonishing what can be available to us when we do inquiry.

When it comes to money, it can seem so confusing. Same with sex too (that class starts on Wednesday, by the way, same time 9 am).

We’re taught that lots of it is a very good thing, but don’t get carried away or irresponsible or stupid about it. You have to be careful. Bad things can happen if you get too much.

You become egotistical, arrogant, all-powerful, exclusive.

If you’re not sure what terrible things can happen if you get too much money (or sex) then just think about a really, really wealthy person and see if there’s anything you dislike about them.

If you like them, then see what you’re worried about happening to that person because of their wealth, or what you’re jealous about if you are. Whatever divides you is the key.

I realized only a short time ago that I had a whole story going about great leaders or spiritual teachers, if they become wealthy and financially viable and strong with big incomes and big businesses, they will forget all about others. They won’t care about the “little” people anymore. They might even find metiresome and they’ll be too busy.

I realized as soon as that idea flitted through my head….I needed The Work.

Heck, the belief could even apply to regular friends. If they become super successful financially, they’ll ditch me.

Rats. My abandonment story again.

Is it true?

Hmmm. Yes. They’d want to go around the world on trips and I wouldn’t be able to join them due to the cost and my responsibilities at home. They’ll want to go out to fancy places. They’ll get too dressed up. They’ll be more interested in all that fun, exciting stuff than me.

How do you react when you believe this kind of thought about money or getting things you desire?

Weird. Like it’s special. Like there’s a gateway someplace through a door into an inner “special” temple. Everyone outside the temple worries or wants to get in. Everyone inside has fun.


Who would you be without the belief that those people with tons of money, success, wealth, or even sex wouldn’t want to hang out with you?

Wow. So much less separation.

No boundaries, in a good way. I might go to places that are for the wealthy and just sit and look around. I’d breathe. I could go to places where there is poverty, and just sit and look around. And breathe.

I notice the kindness hanging out with the homeless guys on a bench (seriously). I notice the kindness of the hostess of the wedding shower who lives in the spectacular Seattle condo. The amazing way people are.

It has nothing to do with me. I show up in every situation and am a part of a huge variety that is practically infinite on the scale of wealth and poverty.

I am soooo lucky. What an amazing life.

Without beliefs about money, poor, rich, I just see colors, sensations, smells, pictures without judgment, without fear or like I know what they mean.

I notice it’s much, much easier to live this way when it comes to money. When it comes to everything.

“I used to believe that I needed money to be happy. Even when I had a lot, I was often sick with the fear that something terrible would happen and I would lose it. I realize now that no amount of money is worth that kind of stress.” ~ Byron Katie

“You are always seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, always after happiness and peace. Don’t you see that it is your very search for happiness that makes you feel miserable? Try another way: indifferent to pain and pleasure, neither asking, nor refusing, give all your attention to the level on which ‘I am’ is timelessly present. Soon you will realize that peace and happiness are in your very nature and it is only seeking them through some particular channels, that disturbs.” ~ Nisargadatta

Turning this particular chapter of the money story around, I think about those wealthy successful leaders or teachers and what I imagine could happen with them.

Maybe I am really thinking these turnarounds: If I become wealthy and financially viable and strong with big income and big business, people I love will forget all about me. Maybe I would forget all about myself, my own inner journey and life. The ‘I am’, the silence.

Maybe I’m afraid I myself wouldn’t care about the “little” people anymore. Maybe I wouldn’t care about myself anymore. I might find everyone, rich and poor, tiresome. I might find my mind too busy, full of thinking, thinking, thinking.

I rest with this awareness, coming back into myself and remembering how temporary all this life is, and how the greatest wonder of all wonders is in the center here, inside, in silence.

“The confusion and frustration come from the last remnants of the addictive seeker, still looking for something else to happen….a little voice that asks ‘What’s next?’ This voice is still the addict talking. It’s the seeker.” ~ Scott Kiloby

If you’d like some rest when it comes to thoughts about money, join me to take a look.

If it’s sexuality and sexual “needs” you think you have…we’ll start on Wednesday.

Still room as of this moment in both classes. Reply back to this email for more information or to get registered.

And meanwhile, even if you don’t ever take a class….relax, relax, relax.

That’s all you really need to do.

Much love, Grace


Expand Your Money Love Story

One of the most helpful things in the world for me, in my life’s journey at a deep level, has been joining with other people to learn and practice.

Even though when it comes down to it, you have to actually travel the path yourself. If you’re ever had the thought that you get a little anxious, or concerned, or frustrated, or terrified about money….

….and you’re not even sure what you’re thinking that produces this reaction…. .

…a great way to find out more clearly is to take the teleclass Money: Loving This Story which starts tomorrow, Mondays, a 9 am Pacific Time.

Money means so much, it seems. Security, safety, opportunity, independence, freedom, power, change, detachment, adventure, excitement.

I use money, and do something with it, and I’ll get to have these feelings, these experiences. But what if you could unhook from the story of money, where you need it to feel better, or secure, or good?

What if instead of feeling frightened or controlled by a story about money that feels upsetting or distrusting, you knew your thoughts about money could be questioned when they are disturbing?

That’s what we’ll be cracking into in these two months ahead. When we’re all on the phone together, you get to hear other peoples’ thoughts and concerns about money….

….people with money, people who owe money, people without money, the ways you think you get money and receive money, what you “have” to do for money.

It’s very enlightening. It takes practice. You get to catch those speedy thoughts that zoom by so fast, they are practically unconscious.

You get to really see those moments that feel painful about money and where it’s going and what it’s doing, and what that means about YOU.

I’d love to have you join me tomorrow and begin to get this money thing sorted out. Together we can hear each other’s stories, drill into the specific situations that create trouble or concern, and question our beliefs and turn them around to the opposite.

Click HERE to sign up. Write me if you have questions. I probably won’t be offering this course for awhile since I’ll be busy with the new Year of Inquiry groups beginning in September (we get into Money pretty deeply in our fifth month together of YOI).

I’ll send out all the info you need this evening to dial-in tomorrow morning and make your money story joyful!

From Obsessive Torturous Thinking to Infinite Support Everywhere

“Can I really take a class on earning money and have the tortures of my obsessive thinking about it let go, even a little? Eight weeks later, the answer turns out to be, yes! What I am taking away from our work together, is that my source of support does not come from black scratchings on a piece of (bank statement) paper. My bed rock of support is already here, within and without, all around me. Thanks for the thought provoking questions, blog posts and your own findings throughout the class.” ~ Money Class Participant 2013

Much love, Grace


Question Your Beliefs About Two Big No-No’s

Oh boy. Next week, I get to start investigating two of my favorite topics.

Money and Sex.

Wait. Did I say “favorite” topics?

It’s still kind of embarrassing to even mention them. Especially in spiritual work, or self-inquiry, or worlds that are far more important than these mundane arenas where people get crazy.

So, so, so….of this world.

Of this body. Desire. Grabby. Ridiculous.

Ewww. Please. 

But before you delete this Grace Note today, let’s just say that these topics may be highly worthy of taking a look at, and that your thoughts about them may be related to your thoughts about love, God, life, yourself, and this universe.

If you wrote out all your stressful, troubling, disruptive beliefs about money and sex, what would they be?

  • I don’t have enough
  • those other people have too much
  • those other people are gross
  • it takes too much work, or compromise, to really enjoy it
  • I can’t be free and have lots of it in my life
  • if I had more, I would be free, happy, thrilled
  • there are right and wrong ways to have it
  • that person won’t give me what I want, withholds
  • that other person wants too much, or demands too much
  • I am left out
  • I am incapable of getting it, there’s something wrong with me

Am I talking about money, or sex, with this list?

Well it could be either one or both, of course, you’re no dummy.

These are global beliefs, sometimes deeply painful and confusing. They show up when we make exchanges with other humans, or want to. With the ways we make trades.

If you notice you’re nervous or disappointed around either money, or sex, or both….you’re probably not alone.

Instead of trying to DO something about your “problem”… about doing The Work?

Let’s start with one of the most common beliefs about money or sex that I hear all the time in working with people: more is better, less is worse. 

Is it true?

Well, it appears to be true in the movies. It seems like good feelings, ecstatic feelings, come from having more. And sad, empty, or frightened feelings come from having less.

Are you sure?


How do you react when you believe the thought that more is better, less is worse?

So dang grabby, like a hunter stalking the planet. Restless, pushy, planning, hoarding, suspicious, sick stomach, hopeless, wretched, ugly, giving up, resigned.

Mad at other people who have the same ideas as me.

But who would you be without this belief even entering your mind that more is better, less is worse? What if you just couldn’t even see that, couldn’t even have that idea?

Present. Now.

Aware of the absurdity of more, or less. No comparison.

“We think that because Jesus and Buddha wore robes and owned nothing, that’s how freedom is supposed to look. But can you live a normal life and be free? Can you do it from here, right now? That’s what I want for you. We have the same desire: your freedom….Whenever you think that your needs are not being met, you’re telling the story of a future.” ~ Byron Katie

Turn your thoughts around about money and sex.

You may enjoy both without all the angst, conditions, demands, or grabbing. You don’t have to be against or for either one.

Now here’s the best part of all.

If you write down your stressful beliefs about money and/or sex, get them all out on paper, and then turn them all around, or insert “life” or “love” into your concepts instead of money or sex, you may get a big surprise about your relationship with life, the universe….with YOU.

Could it be that what you believe about money or sex is what you believe about yourself, or God? Check and see.

  • I don’t have enough life, love…I am not enough
  • those other people have too much…not me
  • those other people are gross…not me
  • it takes too much work, or compromise, to really enjoy life, to really enjoy this world, to really enjoy myself
  • I can’t be free and have lots of love, or God, in my life
  • if I had more love, God, life, I would be free, happy, thrilled (but it’s not here now, I’m sure of it)
  • there are right and wrong ways to experience life
  • God won’t give me what I want, withholds (or is it me not giving myself what I want)?
  • I don’t want or demand enough
  • I am never, ever left out
  • I am capable, there’s something totally right with me

I’m facilitating a small group through an 8 week teleclass on Money starting on Monday at 9 am Pacific. Then Our Wonderful Sexuality begins on Wednesday at 9 am Pacific. Exercises will help you drill into what you’re thinking, if you feel conflict or worry, and free yourself from your own demands, rules, beliefs.

Your beliefs, your inquiry, your answers.

The insights you discover may shift your experience of not only money or sex, but of the world. You never know.

“Over time I began to see how delicate and challenging it was for most seekers to find the courage to question any and all ideas and beliefs about the true nature of themselves, the world, others, and even enlightenment itself. In almost every person, every religion, every group, every teaching and every teacher, there are ideas, beliefs, and assumptions that are overtly or covertly not open to question. Often these unquestioned beliefs hide superstitions which are protecting something which is untrue, contradictory, or being used as justification for behavior which is a less than enlightened.” ~ Adyashanti

“Something new for me, since exploring in this class is, my openness to new ideas.  And the honest conversations I’ve been having with friends, outside of the class & the work.  I’m so relaxed.” ~ Our Wonderful Sexuality class participant 2013

“I would like to thank you all. I’m learning too very much from this class. I’m “growing” everyday more and more.” ~ Money: I Love This Story class 2012

“I wanted to say that I have received so much depth, healing and growth from this class. I am grateful to everyone who is a part of it.” ~ Our Wonderful Sexualty class 2013

If you’re thinking about it, come on board, I’d love to have you. I’ll send you the information and you’ll be dialing in with us, either with your phone or skype (your choice) this coming week.

Time to inquire, and change your world?

Much love, Grace


I Am Willing, I Look Forward To That Dreadful Thing

When I was in my small group spiritual sangha in California not long ago, we were all laughing around the dinner table one night.

One of my wonderful friends in our group told us about Grumpy Cat.

Who at this table has heard of Grumpy Cat?

No one.

He got his phone and looked up Grumpy Cat photos. We were all laughing uproariously at photos of Grumpy Cat with little slogans written across them.

Grumpy Cat doesn’t mince words. He’s not getting fooled. Grumpy Cat is street wise, no-nonsense, straight up. He’ll say whatever he damn well pleases, he does not think he needs to be polite to keep you happy.

For some reason….I just about fell over, unable to stop laughing, at one particular message from Grumpy Cat:

Whatever doesn’t kill you….

….will hopefully try again.

Everyone else was pretty much done laughing, but I would think of it and start cracking up again.

Something about it summarizes the Turnaround to Number Six, as it’s called in those of us who do The Work.

Number Six refers to the place in your mind, and on your worksheet, where you write down what you firmly believe you never, ever want to experience again in this lifetime. A circumstance, a situation that was devastating perhaps. Something crushing. Something frightening.

And then you turn that around, and try it on, even if you gasp at how weird or strange it feels.

This is what it looks like (its different from the other regular turnarounds in The Work).

For example: I don’t ever want to get cancer again, ever ever ever.

The first turnaround to this concept is ‘I am willing to get cancer again’.

What if that was OK with you? I notice cancer doesn’t exactly ask our permission. Could there be anything at all interesting about being willing to get cancer again?

I know for me, it’s a huge relief. It’s almost funny. The war against cancer is basically completely over, in that sentence. And it feels good. Not so frightening.

It’s not about resignation or pretending, but I can put away the positive affirmations list, or the efforts to make sure it never comes back. Those can get pretty crazy stressful.

Then, the final step, the second turnaround to this kind of concept: ‘I look forward to getting cancer again’. 

OMG! How could that be true? NEVER!

Just think about it though. What if you had the attitude of welcoming in everything, including this thing called cancer. What if you started watching for examples of what it brought you, that you could use more of?

Mine brought me love, tenderness from other people, incredible kindness, not worrying about piddly minor details of life, very alive in the present, a love for my mom, sisters, kids, former husband, friends, the air, the sky, my living room, my blue silky pajamas.

I realized how much I loved this world (after spending a lot of time hating it, quite honestly) and wanted to keep going in that direction.

That’s why that saying by Grumpy Cat is so freakin’ funny: what doesn’t kill you will hopefully try again.

OK then. That’s a life to laugh in, not a terrified one. Bring it on…what do I know? Not much.

Thanks, Grumpy Cat.

When I returned home, I asked my 17 year old daughter (one of my primary spiritual teachers) if she had heard of Grumpy Cat?

She looked at me like I came from another planet.

“That’s so 2007, mom. Gawd how stupid.” 

I am willing to be seen as a complete moron by my teenager. I look forward to being seen as a complete moron by my teenager.

Much love,



Resistance Doesn’t Change That It Happened

When someone I love suffers, whether a client, someone in my family, a dear friend…I sometimes feel great grief.

I am with a loving human being, who is doing their best….and they have just found out their son has cancer, their husband has been racking up secret addiction debt, their aunt has sold the family heirloom behind everyone’s back, their best friend has been making up stories about them due to jealous madness.

The loss is gut-wrenching.

The person sobs, or feels frantic, stunned, ruined.

One of the most powerful things about The Work is the way you can stop and look at the nature of reality, the way you are seeing it in every moment.

The Work is not some kind of mind-game, although it may feel heavy with thought, with energy in the brain, in the head, with ideas and images and voices talking to us….while the body is reacting in fear, terror, sadness, desperation.

The Work is four questions. Good questions.

Not magical, twisty, special, secret questions….simply four powerful questions worthy of asking yourself if your mind is spinning, and you notice your thoughts and your body are reacting….even in the most dire situations.

So if you have a terrible situation occurring in your life, or something that occurred in the past that is truly frightening…

….stop for a moment. Breathe deeply.

It is 100% horrible. You are not safe. You can’t bear it. You won’t make it through this emotionally. There is nothing good that could come of this.

Is it true?

I once sat with a woman who was in a car crash. She was the driver.

Her family had gone to Disneyland for a long-awaited vacation. She and her husband had planned for months. Her two daughters each were allowed to bring a good friend. They traded off driving from the midwest all the way to Los Angeles and had a spectacular time.

On the way back, a malfunction in their SUV. In the middle of wide open plains, no other traffic in site, the entire vehicle flipped off the highway.

Her husband was killed, one daughter, and the other daughter’s best friend. Everyone on one side of the van, instantly killed.

What I learned from that courageous woman, as she answered the four questions, was that even this was handle-able.

“If something happens that we don’t like, we resist it. But since what we’re resisting has already taken place, what good is it to resist? If your best friend moves away, it’s understandable that you don’t like it. But your inner resistance to that event for years to come does not change the fact that they did, indeed, move away. It does not do anything to the reality of the situation….It is not life’s events that are causing problems or stress. It is your resistance to life’s events that is causing this experience….Stop resisting.” ~ Michael Singer

One way I know to stop resisting, besides lying on the floor, is to investigate the beliefs that appear, screaming in your head, when something apparently awful happens.

Can you absolutely know it is true that this is 100% horrible? You are not safe? You can’t bear it? You won’t make it through this emotionally? There is nothing good that could come of this?


Nothing has been 100% horrible, I have always been safe, I have been able to bear everything, I’ve found happiness again even after much destruction, and there is great goodness that has come out of it.

Who would you be without these thoughts? What would it feel like? Without labeling the sensations you feel? Without being so sure you know this is wrong? Without listening to all the chatter in your head, all the words?

Without the idea that you are not safe?

“The apparent craziness of the world, like everything else, is a gift that we can use to set our minds free. Any stressful thought that you have about the planet, for example, shows you where you are stuck, where your energy is being exhausted in not fully meeting life as it is, without conditions.” ~ Byron Katie

You can turn the thoughts in your mind around and find examples of how these opposite thoughts are true.

It’s a practice that cracks open the universe…allowing you to see how worthy, loved, innocent, and powerful you are.

And how you’ve made it, so far, through everything.

Much love, Grace


Standing In The Dark Light, Doing The Work

When I was seven, my family sailed from England to Montreal to move back to the United States where my parents were from.

The day after leaving port, out on the open sea, a storm rolled in. The sky was dark, dark gray, the ship tossing up and down.

I thought it was exciting.

After dinner, my sister Priscilla and I made our way to one of the big doors to the outside air. I opened the huge door with effort. Wind and spraying waves everywhere!

I saw the colored streamers from the Bon Voyage party the day before. They were making green, red, blue and yellow ribbons of color on the wild wet deck. My sister Priscilla and I had to scream at the top of our lungs to hear each other.

We were playing a game of jumping up in the air and laughing hysterically when the deck beneath our feet lurched and surprised us at its weird angles. It was like the game we played in the elevators. You jumped up as the elevator moved and felt the unexpected landing when the floor slowed to a stop.

The waves were crashing up on the decks and water running. We slipped and slid and laughed.

We got cold and it was getting darker and darker, and we heaved open the great door and went back inside to the bright lit-up interior and found our room. I remember changing, and my parents reappearing, and we climbed into our beds and fell asleep rocking intensely back and forth in the storm.

No images of disaster or getting swept away or drowning.

Years later, I asked my parents where the heck they were that night and they looked astonished. They had no idea we were out there, all alone on the deck.

What could have been a disaster was not a disaster to anyone in that moment. Everything was doing its part: the wind, the sea, the ship, my idea to go out on the deck. No one’s “fault”.


But the memory still brings me the scenario of storms. Disasters. Big natural events that are uncontrollable, totally destructive, all-powerful, impersonal, violent.

Terrible events, like war, accidents, injury, deaths.

These are incredible investigations in The Work. In really seeing what can be lived through.

It may be more than you know.

Right now there is a YOI (Year of Inquiry) group currently running who are in their 11th month of doing The Work together.

This month eleven topic is The Worst That Could Happen. Next month, the twelfth and last, is Death and Endings.

These are intentionally saved for these last months of our time together for two important reasons.

One, because the group is ending, the group will change (even though some people are rejoining again for another year) and it’s time to close this particular circle. We’ve gotten to know one another incredibly well.

We have a trust and bond, and can go visit the dark placestogether.

The second reason was expressed perfectly by one of the members of YOI yesterday when I was facilitating her for one of her solo sessions.

“I had no idea that doing The Work steadily like this for all these months would bring me this kind of awareness. I feel like I’ve peeled off about three layers of the onion. It just happened through staying in The Work. And now, I’m looking at very profound issues like violence, hardship, trauma. I can feel something has shifted.”

I agree.

When I found The Work, I had no idea that I would start doing it, and keep doing it, and keep returning to it over and over again.


Considering all the books, teachers, paths, courses, retreats and methods I have learned. I did rebirthing, corrective reparenting, est, transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, encounter groups, group therapy.

I went out into the remote wilderness with Outward Bound for 3 days of silence and 3 weeks of hiking rugged sharp mountain terrain. I meditated for an hour a day minimum, I studied the Course in Miracles (it took me 20 years to do the workbook). I went to inpatient treatment for addiction and disordered eating.

But The Work fits in to any and all of these. It’s a practice, like meditating.

Some people think that they’ll do The Work, answer the four questions about their painful concepts, and get a big massive Ah-Ha and never need to question their minds again. Or maybe they think that if they DON’T have this experience, they aren’t doing it right, they aren’t getting what they could.

But those are just more thoughts. Probably stressful ones.

Maybe some of us are hard nuts to crack, as they say. Or maybe we’re slowly coming to, waking up gently…without a big huge alarm clock blowing in our ear.

That’s the way it appears many people become awakened. Like a volume button is being turned up ever so slowly, just at the right pace, not too frightening.

It helps so much when you have a group supporting you on the journey. At least, it sure has helped me. Especially on this hard, frightening, shocking stuff.

Every day I do The Work because I know what it’s like NOT to do The Work. I remember it.

Over-analysis, ruminating, obsessing, compulsive behavior, believing myself, feeling sick with fear, angry at God, depressed, full of self-hate, addictive.

When life was good….no problem. When life was upsetting…. horror. No other alternative.

Who would you be without the thought that something is impossible to recover from, that answering four questions isn’t really that big of a deal or that mind-opening, or you need a special teacher, guru, insight in order to be truly happy?

I’d stop panicking, I’d stop running in terror, I’d stop hunting the world for a better place, a better answer.

I’d stop hunting. I’d stop. I’d. I.   .

“The Work is merely four questions; it’s not even a thing. It has no motive, no strings. It’s nothing without your answers. These four questions will join any program you’ve got and enhance it. Any religion you have–they’ll enhance it. If you have no religion, they will bring you joy. And they’ll burn up anything that isn’t true for you. They’ll burn through to the reality that has always been waiting.” ~ Byron Katie

I myself began really doing The Work, that is, questioning what I believed to be true, in earnest in 2005 even though I had read the book Loving What Is. 

I did The Work because there was no place else to try, or to turn. I had done enough therapy. I wanted to understand the most horrifying losses in life, the greatest pain and fear I carried, without expectations that I would “improve” or become a better person. I didn’t care about that anymore, I wanted to know the Truth.

I keep doing it, because I suspect everything I think may not be true….in fact something in me has known all along it isn’t.

But only with practice can I feel how my mind, my thinking, is not in control. And seriously isn’t aware of the absolute Truth.

Like, ever.

It’s very good news.

“We must leave the entire collection of conditioned thought behind and let ourselves be led by the inner thread of silence into the unknown, beyond where all paths end, to that place where we go innocently or not at all–not once but continually. One must be willing to stand alone–in the unknown…One must stand in that dark light, in that groundless embrace, unwavering and true to the reality beyond all self–not just for a moment, but forever without end. For then that which is sacred, undivided, and whole is born within consciousness and begins to express itself.” ~ Adyashanti 

I hope you’ll join me for a Year of Inquiry in September. CLICK HERE to share with me your thoughts about attending, to help me get to know you. It’s called an application so I can get a sense of what you’re looking for and make sure you’re in the right place. I can’t wait to be with whatever group is formed and meet you in September.

It’s going to be an amazing year.

Much love,



Good Days, Bad Days, Peace

The past two days were so oddly different.

One felt light, curious, in motion, alive. One felt dull, heavy, thick and lethargic.

The light one was better.

Ha ha.

But I really did notice that I had a long list of things to accomplish on the lethargic day…I was alone, I chattered away to myself internally about paying attention to the calendar and the time and the banking statement and items I don’t generally keep track of.

People bring this type of concern up a lot in their inquiry process, doing The Work.

I should get these things done (show list, whether in head or actually written down). 

Last night, someone in Summer Camp mentioned this urgency to not waste time, get stuff done, and how troubling and mean it could feel.

Give me that other day!

The one where I got to sit with Cheri Huber and other like-minded investigators, and then go dance at a big inspiring 60th birthday all evening for a dear friend.

I want THAT kind of day. Not Monday with chores and plans and drudgery. So depressing.

Oh. Right. Inquiry.


That other kind of day is better. Is that actually true?

Hmmm. I thought I would have answered yes immediately. But actually, I’m quite sure it’s not true. How the heck would I know?

The Voice which says something is better or worse is not exactly right all the time, or trustworthy.

It’s always putting in it’s vote, you know? But I have the sneaking suspicion it doesn’t get one.

With the belief that some days are GOOD and some days are BAD and that’s the entire truth, I get stuck. I’m clamoring for good days. I’m avoiding bad days.

When I say “this one is bad” I’m grumpy. I’m irritated.

But what or who would I be if I couldn’t conceive of this idea? If I landed here on planet earth and didn’t really KNOW what was “good” or “bad” about the happenings of day-to-day life?

I’d notice something steady within that cares nothing for what goes on. That sees how everything is like a wave, blooming out, then dying and receding back. Up, down, coming, going, busy, still.

“It is the mind that is dull or restless, not you. Look, all kinds of things happen in this room. Do I cause them to happen? They just happen. So it is with you–the roll of destiny unfolds itself and actualizes the inevitable. You cannot change the course of events, but you can change your attitude and what really matters is the attitude and not the bare event….For peace, you must go beyond the world.” ~ Nisargadatta

Turning the thought around: there is no better or worse day. 

But. Wait. Isn’t that celebration day, wedding day, accomplishment day, hilarious laughing day, happy day, dancing day BETTER than the sick, tired, in-bed, lonesome, divorced, hospitalized, abandoned, worried day?

I mean…DUH.

Well…in this world, of course. It doesn’t mean you’re a ding-dong and have no idea what’s going on!

But noticing the goodness, the incredible opportunity, the achievement, the surrender, the change, the awareness, the phoenix that rises out of the bad days….now that is a different story.

An unusual story. A story of inspiration and love and astonishment.

“My experience is that God is everything. That’s the direct route. People who have that don’t need this Work. God is everything….What does it take? This now!” ~ Byron Katie

Wow. I have no idea what kind of day this was, now that I stopped thinking about it.

Pause. Pretty amazing.

Love, Grace

P.S.  If you’re noticing thoughts about Money that appear to be “bad”, or about Sexuality that appear “bad” we start next week with classes in both. Money Mondays, Wonderful Sexuality Wednesdays. Both classes start at 9 am Pacific. CLICK HERE to find info on either one and to register.