Friday the 13th…bad luck? Or?

Something made me chuckle about “Friday the 13th”.

Movies, old lore, tales of witches, dark nights, bad luck, hatchets. In Italy they are afraid of Tuesday the 13th. And the tales of war, loss, and battles extend back to both Greek and Roman lore.

Someone, or a horror movie, told me that bad luck was MORE possible on this day….and I believed it, or worried it might be true.

So here we are on Friday the 13th. Any bad luck happening for you? Is it because of the date today? LOL!

Who would we be without our stories?

This is a genuine, sweet question. This date, another date, who would I be without my story about it? What if this was a brand new day, today, right now, the first time I ever saw a day?

Turning it around: Today is lovely, golden, and good luck. My thinking is bad luck.

How could these turnarounds be just as true, or truer?

(Or not even true, at all).


My thinking has always preceded, or followed, my thoughts about What Is. I’ve decided something is good news, or bad news, based on hearsay, or the Romans passing it along for centuries. Some ancestor said it to their offspring because a big battle didn’t go in their favor, and they said it to their children, who said it to theirs.

“Thirteen”. A sweet, quiet, soft fall day where I live.

Teleclass, client, meeting with a friend for coffee, gym, dishes, writing, client, writing again, music selection creating a set list for a dance tomorrow. Reflecting on seeing Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell last night across the street, literally, from my house and how sweet they were right in my neighborhood.

Who would I be without my story?

“You project meaning onto nothing, and you react to the meaning you yourself have projected.” ~ Byron Katie

If you have some bad luck stories to question, a wonderful time to do it is in the company of other inquirers, doing the same.

We have a beautiful gathering about to begin starting Wednesday evening here in northeast Seattle, Weds evening through Sunday late morning. There’s room for more. In fact, someone wrote yesterday saying she’s driving from near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She’s got space in her car. If you’re anywhere between her area, and Seattle….she’ll pick you up on your way! (Hit reply and I’ll connect you).

If you have always wanted to sit in The Work for several days with others (what a gift of support) then come, come. If you really can’t afford it, ask me about partial scholarship. Read about it here.

Who knows what kind of luck can be changed, by doing The Work together. Just saying.

Much love,



Be on the watch, the gods will offer you chances (questioning doom).

Holy Smokes. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve worked with lately who feel life is not worth living, or going on, or this planet is doomed.

I am not minimizing these thoughts by saying quite a few people have thought them.

Maybe the opposite.

People have reported feeling this way, and if I ask about a specific situation, like one thing that’s really disturbing, they say there isn’t just one. There really isn’t.

Unemployment, rejection, illness, hurricane, confusion, killing, unloved, sleeplessness.

All at once.

Life sucks.

And me? I have no idea where to start when there’s so much for someone else in their life….except….

….”what if you started right where you are?”

As in….it’s not worth living. It sucks. Nothing is working. I’m doomed.

Is it true?

Well, duh. That’s what I’m saying! Jeez!

Can you absolutely know it’s true that it can’t go on, it sucks, it’s not worth living, you’re doomed?


No. Fine.

Sometimes, when people are in this place (as I have been, by the way) then you might want to say YES. It’s absolutely true. It is awful. It’s horrible. It sucks. And this is not “worth” living.

It’s not wrong to have that answer.

I notice, so far, I’ve remained alive. So I guess there’s been a shadow of doubt about the value of being alive. I’ve continued. Or something else has, despite my depressing thoughts in the past.

How do I react when I believe I’m doomed?

Worried. Fretful. Not sleeping well. Lashing out at the people I love. Watching Netflix for escape. Holding steady and waiting for the next shoe to drop and wondering, how many shoes are there, anyway?

Are we working with some kind of octopus? Or milli-peed?

Who would you be without the thought that you’re doomed? Without the belief you need to escape, this is intolerable, nothing is working, you’re stuck in a pattern that doesn’t shift?



This is only for a few minutes, to wonder what it would be like without the thought? Without the thoughts about this life not being worth living, and everything in it offering trouble. All those details that aren’t working? Who would you be without them? What do you see, in this moment right now?

Who would you be without the story you’re doomed?


I’d notice this aliveness right now, even though I’m sure one day this won’t be so anymore. But I’d notice this place, here, now. Table, soft glowing light without sun, white blinds on window. Dusk. Flower bouquet from gathering last night where hostess was sending people home with extra flowers. Rain pattering. Grey pillow tipped over on couch. Quiet room. Heart pumping. Words from friend in inquiry saying how sad she is.

All without the story, we’re doomed….what is this all like?

Noticing how it’s not blackness and darkness and nothingness and death. Not at all. This room is full of stuff. People are writing and calling. There are humans, genuinely saying what’s so for them. Honesty is rising in the air. Truth is being shared.

Without the belief in doomsday, I am here. I lie here. I feel.

Turning the thought around: I am not doomed. Life is worth living. I can go on. We are going on.

How could this be just as true, or truer?

I’m still here. And without a thought about it, I’m looking around, noticing. Nothing is required. Nothing is expected. NOTHING.

I can lie down on the floor all day, and I won’t die most likely. Isn’t that fascinating in itself? Could it be that would be worth it? Why not? What’s “worth it” mean anyway? How would I know?

I see pictures of giving birth to my kids, sharing brilliant conversations with friends, reading incredible books, sobbing at the bedside of my father, feeling the sadness of conflict, running races (literally), pushing to accomplish, seeing a foreign land….all amazing experiences, all drifting into life and then back again into nothingness.

I notice going on is happening, without me having anything to do with it. I notice being doomed is not occurring NOW, in this moment. I notice I find many things in life worthy.

Turning the thought around again: My thinking is doomed. My thinking is not worth living. My thinking can’t go on. My thinking is NOT going on.

I see my thinking stops sometimes. I can see this. I go to sleep for awhile. I forget about my problems for a moment. I notice my thinking can’t be sustained, even the desperate or upset thinking.

Kind of absurd to think about….but what if I was forced to think about how doomed I am, and if I dropped the thought for even a second I’d be eliminated from planet earth (or some other terrible threat)? I still couldn’t do it. I might forget after awhile, by accident.

What if this “thinking” that I’m believing is true is not all there is? And what if it IS doomed? Always coming to an end. Always surrounded by silence.

Another turnaround: Nothing is doomed, including me. What’s important continues, without end. Life goes on.

And, everything is doomed. It all comes to an end. Everything is constantly changing and on the move. All appearing, then returning from whence it came.
Could it be just as true, or truer, that this is OK? Even better than OK?
The Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski
your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.
What if I am not alone here?

Who would I be without the thought that I am?

Much love,


I Need More People (true)? +Living Turnarounds Group

With a bit of shuffling around recently, there are 4 spots open in the upcoming autumn retreat October 18-22. While this isn’t entirely abnormal or unusual, a thought appeared that is so common, it would almost be weird if it didn’t run through my mind:

More people should be signed up by now.

You can do this work on anything you think isn’t meeting the “best” conditions, or the highest expectations, or the greatest achievement. Something where you need more people.

Perhaps you’re putting on an event to celebrate. My 50th birthday party fell on a late weekend in January and I swear half my friends literally had pneumonia that year. I had the thought “more people should be coming”.

Weddings, memorials, marches, work-parties, moving help. We want all those we want to come, to come.

People in business of course have this thought with respect to people showing up at their restaurant, or store, or fair, or event, or class. Sometimes we need more applicants, more advisors, more employees.

It’s so great to consider why, without simply assuming you know.

What do I hope will happen, if more people attend, or if more people are present, or more people are drawn to whatever it is you’re doing or offering?

Energy, buzz, financial income, giving and/or receiving emotional support, connection, success, appreciation.

So great to ask and wonder….do I really need that (energy, appreciation, etc)? Would I be fine without it?

You need more people to come, or different people….or heck, maybe you need fewer people depending on your situation.

Notice the thought looming or crossing into your mind.

Is it true?

Are you sure you need people to do something different than what they’re doing?

Oh. Hmmm. No.

It seems like it would be more fun, more fulfilling, more filled with laughter and excitement and insight…but I’m not sure that’s true.

Even if you say “yes” I need more people to show up….are you absolutely fundamentally sure this is true, without a shadow of a doubt?

How do you react when you believe you need more or less people than are actually there?

I believe there’s a problem. I wonder if I’m doing everything I can. I get snappy. I don’t take time to relax. I feel a little anxious. I worry. I hear the news someone else is out with pneumonia and I feel sad and disappointed, like I wish I wasn’t having a party in the first place.

Who would you be without your thought “I need more people” or “I need fewer people”?

Oh! Well then!

That’s sure different.

I’d feel soft within. I’d think about how fun it’s going to be and have an excited sense of what’s to come, no matter what. Maybe something would come to mind that’s active, and if not, that’s OK too.

Last weekend at the East West bookshop small event, the man who is always there at the cash register said “I noticed there was not as big a turnout as you normally have. Did you go deep?” I answered yes. He responded with a twinkle in his eye “I thought so. Sometimes a smaller group appears when people need to go deep.”

Without the thought that I want more people to be signed up for the retreat by now, I’d hear the gorgeous rain pouring outside the open window nearby. I’d notice how much I adored an epsom salt soaking bath just now, and how grateful to have the bathtub. I’d notice how I never thought one single time during the lovely dance I did this morning with so many beautiful dancers of the upcoming retreat and who was coming. LOL.

“When you believe a thought that argues with reality, you’re confused. When you question the thought and see that it’s not true, you’re enlightened to it, you’re liberated from it….And then the next stressful thought comes along, and you either believe it or you question it. It’s your next opportunity to get enlightened. Life is as simple as that.” ~ Byron Katie

Turning the thought around: I should be signed up by now. YES! I should be fully engaged, working on the flow of the retreat, noticing the joy of imagining 4 days in The Work.

Turning it around again: No one else should be signed up by now. It’s brilliant the way it is. All things are unfolding in just the right timing, and the right way, and already a fabulous group is assembling and I can’t wait to see everyone.

How is it a good thing that no one else is signed up? Well, I don’t have to explain the details or send directions to anyone. I don’t have to help anyone else find a place to stay. I can stop, and enjoy the peace of the rain this afternoon, and my questioned thinking.

“The past is gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch with life.” ~ Thich Nhat Hahn

Much love,


Eating Peace is everyone’s birthright

There is nothing wrong with you, if you eat off-balance.

It’s a message from some part of yourself to another. It’s a perfect storm of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, experiences, memories, trauma….all unquestioned and believed to be true.

Welcome to self-inquiry, to overcome compulsion, eating, body image issues, upset about food.

Could the worst be the best?

The other day, I had a weird sense of dread come into my afternoon.

It wasn’t unfamiliar.

I almost immediately recognized the feeling as a response to several thoughts I was having about how life might be unfolding, and having an opinion about outcomes and what was “better” or “worse”.

Most people have had these kinds of thoughts before.

If “it” goes like “x” then I’ll be happy (“it” being a relationship, a conversation, a job, a goal, a plan, some kind of journey, even a vacation).

If “it” goes like “y” then I’ll be unhappy.

In my mind I pictured the upcoming Year of Inquiry program collapsing and everyone enrolled changing their mind. I also pictured a relationship with a family member that feels uncertain and distant. And another old friend who keeps asking to get together and I keep finding reasons not to. I also felt an intense sorrow about a very dear friend who has cancer.

So many images pouring into the present moment about what might happen….sooner or later.

Images that look like things going the way I do NOT want them to go.

Having these images appear in the mind can create fear, sadness, discouragement, and dread for sure.

But can I absolutely know any of these things underway….whether the upcoming year long program, or my family, or my distant friend, or the friend suffering from cancer….

….can I absolutely know something dreadful will happen in the future with any of them?

It would be dreadful if everyone in YOI suddenly decided to withdraw, it would be dreadful if she never spoke to me again for the rest of our lives, it would be dreadful if we got together and he was clingy or critical of me or demanding, it would be dreadful if he dies.

Sometimes, the pile of images in the mind all gathered together make it extra-dreaded.

But can I absolutely know something dreadful will happen, with anything, anytime, anywhere in the future?

Ummmm. Wouldn’t it be denial to say “no”? Because bad and terrible things could happen. They do sometimes.


But can I know with an absoluteness for All Time that how it goes is actually dreadful….that is, dread-filling, dread-worthy?

By definition in the dictionary, the word “dread” means to be afraid of, worry about, be anxious about, have forebodings about,

be terrified by, tremble/shudder at, shrink from, recoil from, quail at/before, flinch, get cold feet.
I can’t know what will happen. I don’t know if what will happen, even if it felt dreadful, wouldn’t change or morph into something else. I also notice “dread” can only arrive when I’m anticipating something in the future, not something NOW.
How do I react when I feel dread?
I think I can’t handle it. I try to get happy. I desire distraction. I tell myself there’s nothing to worry about quickly, without really doing inquiry. I see pictures of all the dreadful possibilities wafting through my head.
I might even think to myself “Jeez, what is your freakin’ problem? Aren’t you over this dread thing by now??!”
I know I used to eat from one end of the city to the other, when I felt dread long ago. I ate frantically. Some people drink, or smoke, or use drugs, or do other activities to get away from dread. I want to watch a spiritual movie, something uplifting, something hopeful.
So who would you be without this belief that there’s something dreadful coming?
What a strange and unusual question. I lived my entire life for so long with the automatic belief there would always be dreadful things to deal with, and I must avoid them, or try to make sure they didn’t happen.
But without the belief in a fearful and dreadful event happening in the future, I feel my breath, my fingers typing these words, I hear the dryer going in the kitchen, I hear the bang-bang of construction happening nearby on my street, I see the gorgeous cherry leaves outside the window in the sun.
I notice silence, and life force, and nothing more, really, in this moment.
There is no failed program, or failed family relationship, or failed friendship, or death coming for my friend. Not the way I think it is. It will go however it goes, and I can’t ever know what it will actually be like, until it happens.
Turning the thought around: something wonderful will happen.
Couldn’t this be just as true, or truer?
How about finding examples? Can I see images of the very things I was dreading being wonderful events? Or events that I can handle quite easily? Or events that are positively life-changing for the future?
This doesn’t mean seeing the alternate “wonderful” outcomes for the same worries (although that could be fun, too) like imagining a program of so many awesome people in YOI it’s bursting with success, or hugging my long-estranged family member, or having a fabulous conversation with my old friend, or seeing the cancer go away for my other friend.
This is holding those images I think of as so frightening, and considering if there are any ways they are not dread-worthy….to see if they too could be wonderful.
How could it be interesting, heart-breaking, powerful, beautiful, life-changing….wonderful in it’s own strange way, if something went the “bad” way I think it could?
As Byron Katie says frequently, “if it’s a friendly universe, why would “x” (insert scary thing) happen?”
“If there was something other than gratitude in my mind, I would have the opportunity to question the thoughts that were causing me discomfort. The worst thing that can happen always turns out to be the best thing that can happen.” ~ Byron Katie in A Mind At Home With Itself
I can see in this moment, nothing dreadful is happening, and I remember right now that everything I’ve ever experienced that I’ve considered scary or awful I’ve survived. And even if I hadn’t, how would I know for sure it was dreadful?
The world is full of many events and experiences and relationships. I sometimes don’t like them, but this work isn’t about making myself like them. It’s about noticing what’s true in this moment, and not joining in the argument with what is, could be, will be, was.
Without that argument, I notice the dread fades away, and life is an immense mix of feelings, learning, thinking, noticing, being. And I really have no idea what’s going on.
I notice when I believe “something wonderful will happen” this present moment gets lighter, funnier, not really that intense.
“If there was something other than gratitude in my mind, I would have the opportunity to question the thoughts that were causing me discomfort. The worst thing that can happen always turns out to be the best thing that can happen.” ~ Byron Katie in A Mind At Home With Itself
Much love,

P.S. Anyone who missed it and wants an overview of the upcoming YOI program, listen here: All About Year of Inquiry. Just a few spots left. Program starts with Orientation Sept 5th and Sept 7th, live calls start Sept 12th.

But I could run out of money (that’s what HE thinks)!

The Summer Camp for The Mind daily group just completed, and oh what a summer of inquiry.

I noticed the very last week, we had quite a few stressful beliefs about money appear.

Money is a beautiful and brilliant topic for inquiry. It causes a lot of stress, anxiety, anger and fear in peoples’ lives, when we don’t question it.

Even thinking about other peoples’ money causes stress for many of us. Whether those other people have loads of money, or teensy tiny amounts of money. And then, what those people are doing with their money, or not doing with it….oooh what a rich place for inquiry.

As I contemplated money and heard all the discussions about it, I noticed a situation appearing in my mind from many years ago. The thing I love about the work is how we can go back, to something from the past, and explore that powerful moment. (Who knows what can transform by doing this).

My memory: Four housemates and I were talking in the living room of a group house we all shared. Four young women and one man. None of us over 30. Our male roommate was speaking about his girlfriend and how she was from a stage and acting family in NYC. She had a lead role on a soap opera, which is why she didn’t live in our city. Her mom and dad were super wealthy and went to Martha’s Vineyard all summer to a family property.

My housemate continued his story; “she already pays for my plane tickets back and forth, and it’s practically nothing for her. I wish she’d just let me move in permanently. It’s not like she can’t afford it. And here I am working as a chimney sweep, it’s ridiculous.”

He really was working as a chimney sweep. For his brother.

Inside, I thought, jeez. What’s his problem? He’s so greedy and needy! What a loser! He really just wants to go live with his TV star girlfriend and not work? Wow. Ew.

He shouldn’t want his girlfriend’s financial support. 

So unattractive.

He should want to stick with his own life, create his own means for support. He shouldn’t turn to anyone else to pay for where he lives. He’s a user. And what’s he telling us about this dream of his to be a kept man for? Does he have no pride?

This scene took place 30 years ago, but as I sat with the image in my mind ready for inquiry, I could still remember my disappointment, maybe even a little disgust.

Ready to do The Work? Find where you thought someone should get a job, pay their fair share, quit depending on someone else (or hoping to), get their own money, support themselves. This happens fairly often inside families between parents and their children.

Is it true he shouldn’t want his girlfriend’s financial support?

Duh. Of course it’s true.

He should relax and be proud of his own ability to work, be creative, give service. He shouldn’t think money is so fabulous, or having her pay his plane tickets is so awesome. He should be excited to make his own way to the top, or to any level for that matter. He shouldn’t tell us, out loud, what he’s hoping for!

Wow, I sure had a lot of advice for the guy. I barely knew him. But I was ripping him to shreds in my mind.

Can you absolutely know it’s true he shouldn’t want her support?

Sitting still in that situation, going back in time thirty years, I mulled this over.

Maybe I couldn’t know he shouldn’t want what he wants, but I sure could know it was gross that he wanted it. I kept thinking something was wrong with him.

I could barely squeak a tiny speck-sized drop of doubt. Absolutely true, with zero doubt? I didn’t know. I had no idea of his financial history, or what he really thought of himself, or his abilities with money. I had no idea if it was wrong to “want”.

Just not knowing it was “bad” or “wrong” for him to want financial support was interesting alone. I still didn’t find it attractive. But I definitely couldn’t know it was true he shouldn’t want her support, just exactly the way he wanted it, in that situation.

How did I react when I believed he shouldn’t want her support?

I didn’t get to be closer friends with him. I even ignored him. We lived only a few months in that same house together, before he moved away to live with his girlfriend! I called him a free-loader in my head, a manipulator. I wished him failure. I was super judgmental.

It was a lot of judgment for someone I didn’t even barely know. I could hardly admit it, but I felt some jealousy. How come he gets a fancy life, and I don’t? I treated money like it was something distant and far away, something that belonged and was easy for those wealthy people. I treated money like it was the best thing in the world to have. I never questioned THAT part of the belief system or the stressful story I had running.

So who would I be without the belief that this housemate of mine shouldn’t want financial support from his girlfriend?

BOINNNGGG! (That’s like a board hitting a cartoon character in the head).

Without this belief? Are you serious? But!

You mean he’s allowed to want, and even to ask for, financial support from his girlfriend?

Why, yes! And who would I be to not object to it?

I’d be noticing how free this man was to ask for help. Noticing how free he was to tell his four housemates all about his personal love life and what he wanted, without really caring what we thought.

Without the belief he shouldn’t want financial support from another person, I could come back to myself and my own business and notice my own fears or worries about finances, and notice I may have some internal inquiry work to do.

I mean, why on earth would I care about some random man’s desires when it came to work, money, financial support and what he wanted to pay for or not pay for?

Without the belief he shouldn’t want financial support, I might reflect more closely on my own thoughts about money and how terrified I was at the time that I couldn’t support myself. In fact, it appeared I couldn’t! My parents sometimes sent me money to cover my student loans, I had a pretty low-paying entry level job, and I felt inadequate.

My self-image was so low at the time, when it came to money, that I believed I couldn’t earn enough of it, myself. I thought I’d have to work super hard to barely make ends meet.

I really thought the only way I’d ever be supported with abundance financially was if someone gave me money. It didn’t ever cross my mind that I could work, or build it into my own life through my own ideas, energy or creativity.

That was for other people. Like my housemate’s girlfriend.

I was in the lowly position of my housemate. Someone who needed help.

But who would I be without THAT very stressful thought?

Without this whole entire story of money….who would I really, truly be?


Holy smokes.

You mean, I am the one who shouldn’t want the financial support of someone else?

Yes. That’s the first turnaround. I shouldn’t want it. And why not? Because of the incredible possibility of what it could be like to support myself, in freedom, without feeling dependent, or less-than-able, or needy, or full of longing for that thing called money that’s way far away in other peoples’ bank accounts.

I shouldn’t want it, because I’m deeply interested in having my own relationship directly with money.

Another turnaround: he should want her financial support. Why not? It’s honest, and he didn’t like chimney sweeping. Perhaps he was more honest than I was, with my rules and judgment about what looked “right” and what looked “wrong”, especially in my own heart and my own relationship with money.

“Wealth is a state of mind; if anything is held back, it’s not true wealth….Abundance isn’t a word about yesterday or tomorrow. It’s recognized now, lived now, given now. It doesn’t ever stop; it just keeps pouring itself out. Once you understand this, all striving falls away. You need only notice and let the giving happen through you, excited to see where it will go next, always knowing that you’ll never run out of what’s needed.” ~ Byron Katie in A Mind At Home With Itself

Can I be wealthy in the presence of anyone else, and any amount of money, and any words about what someone’s doing or not doing with money? That’s the real question. Can I feel the plentiful supply of life, no matter what’s happening with money?

Of course I can.

All that comes between me and that, are a few concepts about what’s required for happiness.

Ha ha! I can question that.

*August 22nd 8:30 am PT: Ten Barriers to The Work and How To Dissolve Them. (2 hours) Click HERE to register. Bring a pen and paper.

Two additional Q & A sessions about Year of Inquiry. You don’t need to register, just click on over at the correct time:

*All About Year of Inquiry Webinar Weds August 23rd 2-3 pm PT

*All About Year of Inquiry Webinar Thur Aug 24th 5:30-6:30 pm PT

Much love,


Trusting reality…I am willing to experience it, I even look forward to it

In the Year of Inquiry program, we’re embarking on our last month as a private group (although everyone continues with Summer Camp for The Mind for July and August).

The topic?

The worst that we believe could happen (our fears), shame, guilt and the turnaround to #6.

Not exactly light reading.

The Turnaround to #6 is profoundly mind-bending. There are good reasons why we’re invited not to jump to that special kind of #6 turnaround inquiry before we spend time answering the four simple questions around a topic or person we’ve found painful.

What everyone will get to do in Year of Inquiry is return to investigate further someone they’ve done The Work on, perhaps last autumn when we all began together.

Someone who we repeatedly have a thing with (you know, THAT person) is so great to sit with for this #6 deal

They might also choose to dig into their shame and guilt about something they themselves did, or a way they acted in the past.

Choose one of these people right now. Can you see him/her/them in your mind?

Now see one of the most disturbing or irritating dynamics you’ve had rise when it comes to that person.

What is it you never, ever want to experience again with them, if you really had your way? What is it you’d like to have vanish from your interactions? What would you like to erase, like wiping away chalk on a blackboard?

I don’t ever want…..(this is what you write down when you’re filling out the Judge Your Neighbor worksheet question #6).

I don’t ever want:

  • to be abandoned
  • to feel such terror, or rage
  • this person I love to die
  • to be hungry, fat, injured, ugly
  • to lose something so important to me
  • to be betrayed by a friend
  • him to hate me
  • her to criticize me
  • not have enough (money, time, clarity, enlightenment)

You’ve looked at that moment, you’ve explored with the four questions. You’ve learned so much from what happened.

And now….the profound #6 turnarounds.

I am willing….

I look forward….

This is not a sadistic or masochistic wish to be mean to yourself or others. It’s not a anihilistic urge to destroy everything, or give up all hope for happiness.

It really is something to contemplate with a tone of peace, awareness of how you are OK. How life goes on, love is possible, and you might not know the full reason for anything with your mind.

So try it on right now, with something you’ve noticed you wrote or that you say you never, ever want to experience again:

I am willing:

  • to be abandoned
  • to feel such terror, or rage
  • that this person I love dies
  • to be hungry, fat, injured, ugly
  • to lose something so important to me
  • to be betrayed by a friend
  • for him to hate me
  • for her to criticize me
  • to not have enough (money, time, clarity, enlightenment)

How could this be true? Why would you be willing to experience this again?

See if you can find even a tiny example that’s loving, genuine, and kind to yourself. This isn’t about inflicting further pain.

For example, I am willing for him to hate me, because I’d know I said something deep and courageous and he’s simply responding. I’d return to my own inner preference or truth, without needing him to like me. I’d become aware of who not to hang out with. I’d have the chance to talk it out and hold us both lovingly. I’d learn even more powerfully how to be kind as well as direct.

When you turnaround your #6, you’re flipping your own command to the universe that you’re too tiny to handle something happening again.

You’re turning around your conviction that the world is dangerous and things should be divided into Good and Bad so you can make sure to get as many of the good crumbs as possible. You’re turning around an image of yourself and others, including Reality, as uncaring.

And then we turn around our #6 even further, upping the ante.

This can really freak some people out. They think of their minds as so powerful they’ll re-create or birth this experience, just by saying or thinking it.

(In fact, it’s the complete opposite to wonder about your greatest fears. A lightness comes, you don’t give so much power to your fear).

I look forward:

  • to being abandoned
  • to feeling such terror, or rage
  • to a person I love dying
  • to being hungry, fat, injured, ugly
  • to losing something so important to me
  • to a friend betraying me
  • to him hating me
  • to her criticism
  • to not having enough (money, time, clarity, enlightenment)

Can you feel the humor in simply first not allowing your mind to be so terrified that you’d brace yourself against these common experiences in human life?

Can you feel the relief in noticing every up has a down, every life has a death, every hate has a love, every criticism has acceptance?

What would actually be interesting, entertaining, bittersweet, heart-breakingly beautiful about experiencing your world fully without demanding Reality change so you can be happy?

For example: I look forward to getting cancer again because….

People will surprise me with their words of love and incredibly generous help, I’ll meet new practitioners, I’ll notice how amazing sensations are in the body like pain, and absence of pain. I’ll get to lie in bed and read, and watch fabulous movies. I’ll get to do The Work on my identification with the body and thinking it’s all I am and all I need. I’ll hold peoples’ hands. I’ll speak very honestly about how I feel about people. I’ll have wonderful conversations with visitors. I’ll be a model of someone who’s questioning their beliefs on the Titanic. I’ll no longer have to earn money, fix my house, or weed the yard.

What are your reasons for entering into the thing you thought you never wanted to experience?

Is it exciting yet?

And if it isn’t, all is well. You’re doing it just right, in perfect timing.

If you can’t do this work yourself, don’t worry.

You don’t even have to make a decision,

one way or another. The Friend, who knows

a lot more than you do, will bring difficulties,

and grief, and sickness,

as medicine, as happiness,

as the essence of the moment when you’re beaten,

when you hear Checkmate, and can finally say,

with Hallaj’s voice,

                                  I trust you to kill me.

~ Jallaludin Rumi


P.S. Just found out there are 3 more spots in Breitenbush retreat in 2 weeks. Join us for The Work and turning it all fully around.

Much love,


Does something need to get done, to be happy? Shape it and step out of the way….

As I got my suitcase from storage for a special trip tomorrow with my mom and 2 of my sisters, I noticed my mind jump around to many different images and pictures of airports, early morning, trains, new places, the unknown.

Then I read a text on my phone letting me know my favorite house I rent for many retreats is going away. No longer available to rent!

I suddenly become obsessed with finding a new place to hold October retreat, as I see the cancellation come through and a full refund. I look online, in between every client I meet with, all day.

(Don’t worry, by the way, those of you coming to the silent Being With Byron Katie retreat in July–that’s already a different house on Capitol Hill near Roanoke Park, it will be an awesome location and it’s all set).

I have to have this handled before I leave in the morning! Reservations! Must find! Now!

Have to.


Can’t rest without having it done.


I notice I get laundry started, but I hardly work on anything else when I have breaks. I don’t continue to pack or prepare, or write my latest update for the upcoming Breitenbush retreat that’s nearing capacity.

How funny when the mind crunches down on a task, like a dog biting on a bone, and can’t stop.

It’s not like I couldn’t take care of it later, or even think about it or look into it while I’m on my trip.

What’s the worst that could happen? This is for October…that’s 5 months away!

I have this idea that I need to be task-free on this special long-awaited adventure. My family is going to see how much I think about working, writing, organizing, preparing. I won’t be able to fully relax. I don’t want to have this hanging over my head while vacationing with them.

Heh heh.

But is it true I need to get this thing taken care of TODAY?

Do you ever think something must happen NOW, the way you picture it in your mind, with no hitches or surprises or difficulties?

Is it really true, I have to take care of it? It has to get done? On my time line? Fast?

Sigh. No.

How do I react when I have the very tight, intense feeling it has to happen NOW?

I skip doing other things. I cut my gym visit short because….must get it done (as if 15 extra minutes would mean The Answer has a better chance of arriving). I avoid actually putting the clothing into the suitcase, taking library books back. I wait to leave for the store to get new un-torn sweatpants and hair conditioner that would be especially nice to have on the trip.

I’m weirdly nervous.

If that thing were handled, THEN I’d be relaxed and happy. This reaction to the need for something to be completed, handled or done can happen with all kinds of deadlines, and much larger scale projects for people.

No true rest until LATER….when it’s DONE.

Who would you be without this thought, though? Because it is pretty stressful to create so much pressure and narrow focus on this one thing, right?

Who would you be without this story, about anything in need of getting done?

I’d lie down on my bed, nice and comfy, with half-strewn clothing and partially dried things hanging on the doors, suitcase open but empty and stuff spread all over….and I begin to write this Grace Note.

Settling down.



Noticing a deep and great excitement about this traveling adventure, so unusual with my sisters and mom. Thrilling.

Noticing the sounds outside of birds, the fresh air entering through the cracked open window, hearing the wind chimes.

If I go offline a bit and am absorbed by the new and unusual world around me while traveling, I won’t lose my mind or lose my awareness. I will check emails, I will take you all with me, I will be practicing The Work, I’ll be back well before Breitenbush happens June 21st.

Funny how a change in the routine can create this orientation.

But without the thought, life unfolds as it does, there is a calm even with planning, and nothing is fundamentally required.

Turning the thought around: Finding a new retreat house for October near my home is NOT necessary today (although it may happen–I just received a reply of YES to a great looking spot and my questions).

But there’s no urgency. No need to fret. It doesn’t have to happen.

How do I know? I’m breathing, relaxing, pausing, and all is very well indeed. It’s almost absurd to think something needs to be handled NOW, before it is. What’s the reality? A change in plans. Halleluia. It could be wonderful, not an emergency.

Wow, could this apply to everything?

Waiting in lines, needing to get a taxi or a bus, making any kind of reservations, finding a bathroom when you need it, needing to ask for directions, paying bills, getting a job, needing money, wanting someone to respond?

What if absolutely anything does not require nerves, stress, or suffering as you make the movements towards getting done whatever you notice needs to be done?

Another Turnaround: the retreat house needs to find me. Oooh, how fun is that? I put the word out (so fun) and wait. And keep going, if that’s what happens.

That thing needs to handle me. That incident, condition, need, want, desire, demand….needs to come to me, not the other way around. What a beautiful feeling of surrender, and gentleness.

Another Turnaround: I need to handle myself or my thinking, to get my thinking “done”, to find my own retreat home in the middle of anywhere I am.



And this breaking news just in: gorgeous manor so near my own little cottage it’s walking distance away (!) has just been discovered, and reserved for Annual Fall Retreat October 19-22 (arrive Oct 18 for those sleeping there). As the calendar moves, we’ll get to discover what really happens!

Now I can pack.

“The Master allows things to happen. She shapes events as they come. She steps out of the way and lets the Tao speak for itself.” ~ Tao Te Ching #45

Much love,


P.S. Love to see you at Breitenbush where everything is completely handled by Not Me. What an incredible time to be in the company of others in support of questioning your thoughts, and changing your perceptions of reality. Declare Peace. Join us!

Are you waiting for better thoughts?

Argggh. Isn’t this plane going to take off soon?

Late, late. This sucks. I’m so tired. That’s all I needed was another hour added to this already-long flight. So annoying.

What kinds of thoughts enter your mind if you’re waiting?

Yes, ANY kind of waiting. Waiting for a phone call. Waiting to hear about the job. Waiting in line. Waiting for morning. Waiting for the holiday. Waiting for the results of the test. Waiting to eat. Waiting to become enlightened.

What does it feel like to wait?

Irritating. Worrisome. Infuriating. Heart-wrenching. Sad. Frightening. Uncomfortable. Boring.

Who would you be without this story of waiting?

What an astonishing question!

Who would I be without the belief that I am actually waiting?

What is waiting anyway? A feeling like we’re not there yet, or don’t have something yet, or right now is unfinished or not quite all of it.

Who would I be without that belief, in this moment while sitting on an airplane noticing we are not moving, hearing the anxious voice of a passenger many rows behind me ask when we’re taking off?

Peaceful. Noticing slow and fast, anticipating and willing to also be here, no demand something change now, for my personal benefit.

Ready to see where this goes (this day, this moment, this empty space).

Maybe even very excited. Full of wonder about this mysterious unknown moment, with unknown things in it, and an unknown future.

Turning it around: I am not waiting. In this moment, there is nothing missing, nothing anticipated, nothing impending, nothing to worry about.

No lack of knowledge, no such thing as “late”, no lack of bliss or absent enlightenment or awareness. Nothing happening before it’s time, or too soon.

Could this be just as true?

What’s OK, or even wonderful, about this moment sitting in a quiet plane that isn’t moving?

I relax with eyes closed. I feel the chair beneath me. I hear sounds. I picture needing to spend the night in an airport somewhere because of a missed connecting flight, and realize it doesn’t matter if I do–that would be an interesting adventure.

I hear the voices in my head that call for inquiry, and notice I have nothing else more interesting to do right now than The Work. I get out my laptop and begin to write. No need to turn my phone back on.

My four major projects I hope to work on during this trip seem suddenly possible, fun, and not so overwhelming. I have time. I love time.

Who am I without my belief that the plane should be moving, when it isn’t…that I’m waiting right now (as the plane begins to move) or that the flight itself is a waiting zone?

Without the belief in waiting, I’m very clear, just doing what’s next, one thing at a time. Feeling love for anything that flashes in my inner vision. Watching the backs of peoples’ adorable heads when I look up, all the glorious shapes and sizes and colors and hair.


Even with that old outdated repetitive thought about enlightenment being somewhere else, or in other people who aren’t me….

….I’m simply being. Here.

You Reading This, Be Ready

Starting here, what do you want to remember?

How sunlight creeps along a shining floor?

What scent of old wood hovers, what softened 

sound from outside fills the air?

Will you ever bring a better gift for the world

than the breathing respect that you carry

wherever you go right now?

Are you waiting

for time to show you some better thoughts?

When you turn around, starting here, lift this

new glimpse that you found; carry into evening

all that you want from this day.

This interval you spent

reading or hearing this, keep it for life–

What can anyone give you greater than now,

starting here, right in this room,

when you turn around?

~ William Stafford


Without the stressful story of waiting, I’m here.

I may not have chosen it, I can’t say I prefer it to something else….

….but this is all a mystery, I’m not in charge.

I respect what’s appeared.

Seeing, smelling, hearing, being this one that I apparently am right now, connected to the world, breathing this gift.

Much love,


Think this, and you’re forever in the role of victim

You should be sorry. (Are you absolutely sure?)

Has anyone ever given you the creeps?

Of course they have, everyone’s gotten that feeling, even if you had it when you were a kid and you thought the old man at the end of the street was scary.

Nothing wrong with it, really. A feeling comes up, maybe you’re reminded of something fearful, or disappointing. Maybe there’s a gut intuition with no “reason” behind it. You know to cross the street, and move to the other side. Something is on alert.

But I found myself then wanting that person who creeped me out in the past, and also frightened a few others (added proof) to GET that they’re disturbing others, and why.

I heard him say “I didn’t do anything wrong!” about a sleazy overture to a woman.

Everyone would agree he should get a clue, right?

He’s a sleaze-ball. Ew. Creep, creep. Get away from us you creeper!

I noticed, however, even though that kind of teenage reaction was occurring in my thoughts, something felt off. Like I wanted him to suffer, to really understand he did the WRONG THING. You were totally out of line and inappropriate, dude!

(Not that I would ever say anything. Because. People like that aren’t rational and you can’t talk with them anyway. It’s no use. Oh yeah, I could question that.)

Oooooh. That’s some serious stressful argument going on. Wow.

Time for The Work.

He should understand he did the wrong thing.

Is it true?

Yes! Of course! How could he even think what he did was OK, or acceptable, or ? I mean, he should be ashamed of himself.

Is it absolutely true that he should understand he did the wrong thing. Are you SURE??!!

Well, no. If he knew it would create such a response, if he was a completely different person, if he knew better, if he had a alternate perspective…..he might never have done that.

And I have no idea what created his action, what he expected, what he was thinking, what he hoped for.

I just really can’t know his business, his background, his life.

Even if I’m thinking only of myself, and my own safety and comfort, I can’t know that HE should understand HE DID IT WRONG.

I notice that even though he did it wrong, I’m breathing. I haven’t seen him in a year. I haven’t heard of him making overtures to anyone else I know.

Life went on.

I also know the suffering when someone believes deeply they did indeed do something horribly wrong. They sometimes want to kill themselves. They are filled with suffering. They can’t function.

Do I want him to feel….that?

Well, I guess No.

How do I react when I think the thought “he should understand he did the wrong thing?”

Absolutely furious. I treat him like an outcast. I stay far away from him and think about what a creeper he is, and maybe talk about him to friends. Did you see him over there? Snort, laugh, make gag face.

I’m actually frightened, when I believe that thought. I’m seeing pictures of him believing he did nothing, and therefore repeating it over and over again. Like a serial killer or something.

Whew. It’s an horrendously stressful thought!

So who would I be without it? Without the thought he should understand how wrong he was, feel bad, apologize, suffer, change….all that entire story?

Who would you be without this very stressful tale?

Oh. Interesting.

This is one of those wonderings where at first, even though it’s so anxiety-riddled, I’m not sure I want to give up the thought. Because, if I give up this thought, he might be out there repeating his crime. Capable of creepy stuff AGAIN.

I must think about him and how he should be sorry and wanting to change his ways and aware he did the wrong thing.

But. What if it was safe not to have the thought? What if it didn’t mean denial, or pretending it didn’t happen. What if this question is only about noticing what it’s like when I’m not aware of the thought, when I start fresh, from the present, open to anything, clear? When I’m not freaking myself out with the terrible possibilities of what will happen next, unless he understands what he did was wrong?

What I notice is, nothing terrible has ever happened that I personally know of, with this person, ever again. Everything has been shared, and logged, by the people involved. People have the support they need.

Without the thought, I’d notice how most of the time, except when reminded the other day of this person, I don’t think about it. Ever. Without the thought is the way I usually am. It’s friendly. I’m care-free. I’m not frightened of this person.

Turning the thought around: He should NOT understand he did the wrong thing. 

How could this be just as true?

Well….when someone feels awful about something they did, as I mentioned, they might lose it, they might feel suicidal, they might be deeply depressed. I’d hate to hear about him killing himself. That’d be awful.

He also shouldn’t understand he did the wrong thing, because he’s not oriented that way. He’s got the ideas he’s got. Maybe you could call them sexist, or weird, or aggressive, or good-old-boy but that’s what he learned. He’s doing as he was taught. He’s living his way, not my way.

Turning it around again: I should understand I did the wrong thing, especially when it came to HIM.

OK. I didn’t speak up, I didn’t go to him directly, I smiled when in his presence and play-acted like everything was fine. I didn’t share my fears. I didn’t get support for myself. I stuffed things down. I gave the wrong impression. I didn’t look to myself with care, love and attention.

Which is really the best turnaround, for me, in this situation….or the most meaningful: I should understand I did the wrong thing with myself. I ignored my intuition, I laughed when afraid, I pushed the small timid part of myself away and acted strong, and unruffled. I didn’t ask…”what did you mean by that remark?” or “could you stop doing that?” or “I’m feeling very uncomfortable.”

I was so frozen with the thought that he should stop doing that, and then later that he should KNOW he did the wrong thing….

….that I never simply saw: If I’m the one seeing the dirty socks, it’s my job to pick them up. And notice I love myself when I do that, rather than resenting everyone else for being so creepy.

He doesn’t need to understand any wrong-ness about what occurred at all. Not if he doesn’t ever see it as wrong.

I’m the one who needs to see what I did, without malice or criticism to myself, or guilt or shame. This is not about piling a bunch of judgment on me.

I love how Byron Katie says “A turnaround should be a kiss, not a slap!”

I should see, with great compassion, how the whole thing went down. No one person’s fault.

“As long as you think that the cause of your problem is ‘out there’-as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering–the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you’re suffering in paradise.” ~ Byron Katie

Amazing to think, the only problem is here, in my own thinking about this situation.

Who would I be without fighting against reality, wishing he KNEW he did something wrong…….thinking he hurt me?

Peaceful. Free.

Now that’s worth letting go of a thought. And good news. It’s my thought, so I can do it.

Much love,
