Friday the 13th…bad luck? Or?

Something made me chuckle about “Friday the 13th”.

Movies, old lore, tales of witches, dark nights, bad luck, hatchets. In Italy they are afraid of Tuesday the 13th. And the tales of war, loss, and battles extend back to both Greek and Roman lore.

Someone, or a horror movie, told me that bad luck was MORE possible on this day….and I believed it, or worried it might be true.

So here we are on Friday the 13th. Any bad luck happening for you? Is it because of the date today? LOL!

Who would we be without our stories?

This is a genuine, sweet question. This date, another date, who would I be without my story about it? What if this was a brand new day, today, right now, the first time I ever saw a day?

Turning it around: Today is lovely, golden, and good luck. My thinking is bad luck.

How could these turnarounds be just as true, or truer?

(Or not even true, at all).


My thinking has always preceded, or followed, my thoughts about What Is. I’ve decided something is good news, or bad news, based on hearsay, or the Romans passing it along for centuries. Some ancestor said it to their offspring because a big battle didn’t go in their favor, and they said it to their children, who said it to theirs.

“Thirteen”. A sweet, quiet, soft fall day where I live.

Teleclass, client, meeting with a friend for coffee, gym, dishes, writing, client, writing again, music selection creating a set list for a dance tomorrow. Reflecting on seeing Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell last night across the street, literally, from my house and how sweet they were right in my neighborhood.

Who would I be without my story?

“You project meaning onto nothing, and you react to the meaning you yourself have projected.” ~ Byron Katie

If you have some bad luck stories to question, a wonderful time to do it is in the company of other inquirers, doing the same.

We have a beautiful gathering about to begin starting Wednesday evening here in northeast Seattle, Weds evening through Sunday late morning. There’s room for more. In fact, someone wrote yesterday saying she’s driving from near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She’s got space in her car. If you’re anywhere between her area, and Seattle….she’ll pick you up on your way! (Hit reply and I’ll connect you).

If you have always wanted to sit in The Work for several days with others (what a gift of support) then come, come. If you really can’t afford it, ask me about partial scholarship. Read about it here.

Who knows what kind of luck can be changed, by doing The Work together. Just saying.

Much love,
