Eating Peace – Distorted Thinking, Distorted Eating

Whenever I start a new program, even if I’ve taught it many times before, I review the whole thing and often make little changes or notes.

Yesterday I was contemplating the way the Mind works when it comes to food and eating troubles as I reviewed the Eating Peace presentations, twelve 90 minute lectures with slides.

Beliefs, thoughts and views of the world sure do affect our lives in a deep way, including the way we eat.

Some of its conscious, some not so much.

The mind is quite remarkable, so busy, full, quick, and often–mistaken!

That Mind.

It’ll get things all twisted up and mixed around so you don’t know what’s up or down anymore.

It’s called making up stories based on past imprints or situations….worrying….anticipation….regret.

In the world of psychology, one term for the way thinking gets whacky when it comes to food (and other stressful stories) is….

….distorted thinking.

I talk today in this video about some of the ways we get distorted thinking when it comes to food….

….and the REAL origin or view of distortion (its not really about food).

I love how food is a reflection of how you feel about life.

Click here to listen, and leave a comment for me on my website, or on youtube after you watch–I love reading your impressions and feedback, and answering your questions.

Lots of peace,


P.S. Click HERE to read all about Eating Peace, the upcoming Online and Live Telecourse Program from February 22-May 31, 2015. Jam-packed with information and tools for healing the relationship with food, and with life.

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Much love,