Eating Peace: I’ve Been Doing This For Sooooo Long (Grumble)

I know I keep mentioning the Eating Peace Retreat in January in the Pacific Northwest. There are 3 spots left, and no private onsite rooms. Commuters are welcome, though.

And here’s why I talk about it.

Because I’m not only very excited for the new content and ways to share with those who attend, giving you insight into how you can take the practice of questioning your thoughts with you, in every moment (including eating)….

….but also because I know people receive what’s possible at the retreat from the neck down.

You stop staying up in that head which is yelling at you.

The mind that says things like:

“Did you see what you ate last night? What were you thinking? You did it right in front of all those people, too….have you no shame? You should fast every year in December. Rather than stuff your face. Do you know how many times you’ve done this? Yeah….too many to count. You’re pathetic.”


Double ow.

It’s really not that funny. It’s dreadful, vicious, and nasty.

I know what it’s like to look in the mirror and immediately think “ugh” instead of “oh hello you lovely person!”

It almost doesn’t even matter what’s in the mirror, it’s a judgment, an assessment, based on deep conditioning about what you’re supposed to think of as beautiful or ugly.

But what if you can’t do it wrong?

Especially if you think you failed lately (you’re gaining weight, you’re eating a lot during the holiday season, you’re going off your food plan, you binged yesterday).

For those of you feeling extremely discouraged during December, try this for a change.

It’s called Not Fighting.

And, I’m so thrilled about the art practice I will bring into our retreat, by living this from the neck down. And movement. And being in the presence of food and eating in a peaceful way for 3.5 whole days.

Let’s do this together.

If you want the experience of disconnecting yourself from your thinking….come to the Eating Peace Retreat in January. You won’t regret it. (The mind loves regret).

You’ll love, instead.

Sign up here.

Much love,
