Eating Peace: Three to Seven…the one scale you need for eating freedom

You’ve probably heard of numbers, scales, measurements and weights when it comes to solutions for eating.

I had so many numbers in my head around eating, my body and food, it was totally overwhelming….and infuriating.


Who wanted another number that I had to pay attention to, and feel like a failure if I didn’t? Why couldn’t I find the natural ease I knew was my birthright, when it came to eating?

Well, here is my one scale that I loved learning about (the first version I ever encountered was from Geneen Roth, thank you for your inspiration, Geneen).

Yes, this scale has numbers in it. But it’s OK. It’s supportive, expansive, based on what reality truly is. It gave my mind something to do. My mind rather appreciates numbers and measuring things.

You can use this scale, this step, to slow down and consider, as you eat.

I also give you two easy thoughts of encouragement, to help you use the scale in a way that works for you.

Much love,
