Eating Peace: HOW to talk to Mean Voice (inner eater)

In the latest Eating Peace notes and videos, I’ve been suggesting you talk to the parts of yourself that want to overeat, graze eat, obsess about being perfect with food, or see your body as ugly.

Those voices are rough, I know.

They feel rude, nasty, frightening and like the kind of guests you’d call the police on.

But I got quite a few questions about HOW to talk to them. I mean….they’re pretty freaky, right?

With eating, people can get particularly mean to themselves.


“You’ll never amount to anything. Look at you, stuffing your face again. Have you no pride, or willpower? You’ll never be thin. You’ll never get this handled. You’ll never get past this. What’s wrong with you? You ate that….again?!”

When this kind of aggression is directed towards yourself on the inside, it doesn’t exactly feel easy to do positive affirmations, look on the bright side, or turn your mean thoughts off (as if you had any great personal control over them).

Step One, (you may have noticed from other posts I’ve written), is to allow that voice to stay in the room.

Let it be there. Don’t fight it. You’ll never win!

Step Two, ask the voice a few very powerful, very pointed questions.

Watch here to see how I’ve worked with The Voice. If you do these exercises, let me know how it goes!

HOW to talk to the crazy voice that wants to eat (when you are not hungry)
HOW to talk to the crazy voice that wants to eat (when you are not hungry)

“Ending addictions has nothing to do with getting rid of cravings. It’s about seeing cravings for what they are and deeply allowing the to be there. Yes, in the end, this freedom is even there in not getting what you want. This realization challenges all conventional wisdom, goes against much of our conditioning, and isn’t taught in any positive-thinking or self-help books….When you discover who you really are, you’re free whether you get what you want or not.” ~ Jeff Foster in The Deepest Acceptance

On April 15-17 I’ll be traveling to Newark, California to offer my three day Eating Peace Retreat. People who take this program report finding deep awareness and freedom from compulsion through truly communicating with themselves, including their inner eater. I’m here to help you do that. Join me (we’re in a private home, still a few spaces left).  Click HERE to read more, and register.

Big love,
