Good news….you could be wrong (and one spot in tomorrow’s Seattle retreat)

Wide open wild ocean at Asilomar, where I’ve been retreating. And now…..more retreating in daily life!

I have missed you this week, I love sharing with you so much, and hearing from those who write.

I have just come away from a primarily silent retreat with the inspiring and loving teacher Adyashanti for seven days.

The only time there was speaking, was if you raised your hand, Adya called on you, and you came to the microphone (in front of 300 people) to ask him a question or have a conversation about this thing called life.

I asked Adya a question.

How do I bring this profound silence and joy that I receive here on retreat into my daily life, and stay connected to serving and being peace?

It was such a good answer.

He is always very kind and generous, and not judgey.

But if I could sum up the answer in one fell swoop, although it was much longer and sweeter than this, it would be:

Don’t be afraid of getting disturbed.



Questioning what’s going on.

I can do that.

We all can do that.

And not just questioning what’s going on when we feel unhappy, or upset, or sad, or mixed up about things….

….but even telling an uncomfortable situation to come on in.

It’s welcome.

When I wish for my life to be one big long retreat, and a retreat has to look like lots of silence and open time, and space and gentleness, good simple meals, lack of work….

….then I will be disappointed.

And very, very confused.

Because really? That’s not what I want at all.

I want life to be exciting, and challenging, and fascinating, and full of wonder and miracles, and change and destruction, and rebirth and passion.

I want what Life wants.

When I don’t, it hurts real bad.

So today, as I have a day of travel and writing and getting ready for a half day retreat tomorrow in inquiry, I can remember about how every single time I thought I knew how life should go and could not find flexibility in my thinking….

….things got a bit worse.

Every time I have stopped, questioned what I believed to be the truth about any situation….

….things got better.


Today, I am so grateful for every harsh, difficult thing I’ve ever gone through, because of what it’s given me along the way.

Today, I am so grateful for laundry, children, cleaning the bathroom, making copies of retreat materials for participants tomorrow, doing the dishes, and cleaning out the Inbox of emails.

Do I really want my daily life to be like a silent retreat with non-stop spiritual guidance?

Who had the idea that it isn’t?

Oh yeah!

That was me!

The good news….if that was little me who had that thought, I could be wrong!

Much love, Grace

P.S. Last minute shuffling looks like one spot has opened up for tomorrow’s December 12 mini retreat 1:30-5:30 pm. Question your mind, change your life. Really.