Eating Peace: 2 most important areas to study to go from eating war to peace

Please join me for a free webinar on Sunday, November 8th. Share this email with others who may be seeking peace with eating. I suffered horribly, and now I’m free and here to help others end the battle with eating and troubled thinking.


It can feel so depressing when you look at where you’d prefer to be with eating (at peace) and you’re incessantly not there (at war).

Watch my video to see the two areas of focus you’ll need to spend time with in order to understand your eating experience….

….thoughts and feelings.

It’s the only way this whole thing gets resolved for good.

You can focus on how you act, what you want to have, but without making peace with thoughts and feelings, the war-like feeling will always return.

Thoughts are very speedy, feelings are very messy and chaotic.

You can be with them anyway.

The surprise is that you don’t need anything more than this. You don’t need to know how to change your thoughts or feelings.

As long as you spend time with them, see them, give them some attention…..

…’ll be on your way to peaceful eating.



P.S. Free webinar on November 8th at 8:30 am. This will be different than any webinar I’ve done so far. I’ll share how to walk the path through the dark woods from eating war to peace: Join Eating Peace Webinar. I’ll also share all the details at the end for those of you interested in joining Eating Peace Online: 12 Week Immersion starting November 17th.