Eating Peace – Four Areas To Look When It Comes To Troubled Eating

In the last 3 or 4 years I’ve had a strange and completely unplanned phase of gathering all the teachings I ever received around healing eating troubles….

….and categorizing them into four broad and spacious areas.

I did this because people asked me for help.

I wasn’t shy about saying I had healed from a raging eating disorder and whacked thinking about food.

But I also sometimes felt very reluctant to help.

It’s so intense! It took so long! All those healers, therapists, retreats, workshops, books, and degrees!

How could I ever put into words what I’ve learned about having a fabulous relationship with food?

But one day, I started.

I sat very quietly, considering what was the “answer” to this difficult problem with food, when there is too much, or not enough, and never any deep satisfaction?

I had worked with many clients over time, young women from teens to college students….and then older women all the way to age 80.

Then I had a man come for help with food and eating, and another.

I had lots of experience working with these people one-on-one, I had brought in self-inquiry especially in the form of The Work of Byron Katie to question what we thought was true in the moments we want to reach for food even though we’re not hungry.

And something started coming together to make this easier, more organized, more helpful.

The four broad areas I began to think about (and feel about) became the perfect areas for awareness of what really worked, and what didn’t.

Mind, Feelings, Body, Spirit.

It was so exciting to see what fit where along my journey, what was most important for me to learn, what really made a powerful difference.

Today in this fairly short video, I talk about this part of my freedom journey around food, eating and body….

….where I feel like after several decades of “work” on finding peace around food, I was drawn to take a look-see back over all the path I took, pick the very best of it all, the cream of the crop of teachings, and offer this to others who want to heal their relationship with food, too.

Because I know, every person who returns to joy and innocence with food has access to pleasure, joy, love and simplicity, not just around eating….

….but around everything else in their lives!

Seriously, it’s hard to believe, but the relationship with food, eating and the body really was an avenue into the deepest spirit within me.

If you change the way you experience food, you’ll change the way you experience your entire life.

Click below to watch today’s video.

Then, in a few days, I’ll send a video where I talk about the highlights I found in each area….

….Mind, Feelings, Body, and Spirit….

….that were the MOST important to learn to make peace with eating.

You can use them to help you heal the way you eat and the way you relate to food, or your size.

If I could do it, you can too.

Much love, Grace