Eating Peace Talk

Teaching Eating Peace Retreat recently in California was magnificent.

I always love who appears to share the freedom of slowing down, stopping, holding still on a moment and identifying the thoughts that come alive in the presence of food.

Memories from the past, the people who raised us, the experience of being with food and eating it can all be present in this moment now, when we’re eating.

Together, we went back and looked at situations and our history, and at what we projected into the future that might happen that seemed scary.

If you’re wondering how to do this….today I’m sharing my January Eating Peace talk from the Institute for The Work convention (Byron Katie and certified facilitators in the audience). I didn’t know it would be filmed when I was there, but so honored it was and so happy to share it with you now.

This is the way to begin to understand and end your experience of eating off-balance.

Knowing you can discover peace with everything, including food and your body.