left out on the dance floor helps to end the dream (the nightmare)

what is really unbearable here? separation…..or Unity with everything?

Yesterday in Year of Inquiry people read their worksheets at the beginning of our call, as always (and as I also say to everyone….if you don’t have a worksheet, you are ALWAYS still welcome).

Scenes of being left out emerged, or fear of criticism.

I rotate people in to take turns offering the thought to question, and the woman whose turn it was shared her situation with us.

A moment when she’s watching her partner express love and openness…..and it’s not to her.

The speedy quick lightening bolt of “I am left out” arises, almost without words.

The mind is so quick in its assessments, isn’t it?

I have one of those moments, from the past, and I still remember it vividly, it was so fascinating….

I was loving getting to know a man who I found very unusual, quirky and adorable. It was mid-life and after divorce and something about this man was very different and not the typical type of guy I had been attracted to in the past.

He was the facilitator/instructor of a dance I started attending. For a long time, I participated and noticed him and honestly, found it quite wonderful that he didn’t approach me, look at me, or try to dance with me. (I was very inward in a rather exciting, moving, wild way and dancing without words and without obligation facilitated this inward movement of change brilliantly).

The moment I remember so vividly was after this new man in my life had become a companion for a few months.

I was no longer so inward and quiet at that point. I had been attending almost a year, twice a week. I had made some new friends, pretty amazing and friendly people, and found myself finally breathing more deeply in this different chapter of my life.

On the freeform dance floor, everyone dances however they want, moving towards and away from other dancers, dancing alone, joining others mid-song, following the flow of your own movement without instructions, rules, or steps.

It’s a brave and strange experience, but then….not brave at all–just you being you, moving in a body.

I loved it.

One night, this flash of a moment, I looked across the dance floor to see my new companion dancing closely with a woman.

The music stopped, with a pause of silence before the next song soon began, but they did not part from a close embrace, foreheads touching. When the next tune began, they continued to hold still, close, together.

Suddenly a zap of adrenaline surged through my whole body.

I’m left out.

This means….

It’s almost without words, it’s so fast.

But it means something terrible, in that kind of moment. It means I’m abandoned, I’m lost and untethered, this is threatening in some way. That’s what the body is saying it means, as I feel the fear of zapping anxiety run through me.

The Work is about not ignoring this, or pretending it doesn’t matter. The Work is not about acting like you don’t care what you’re looking at disturbs you, or giving yourself a pep talk about how it’s not what you think and all is well and this is not a problem and you better not show you’re so insecure and already acting like you own him so get your act together.

That’s one of the things I love about The Work.

The Work says “tell me everything, everything, everything about that moment.”

That’s step one….allowing everything to come into consciousness that frightens you about a moment in time, and what you’re believing that causes you torture and pain.

I was left out.

Is it true?


I’m not in that pairing over there. I’m over here, on the outside of the circle, on the fringes. Alone. Abandoned.

Are you sure???

Who would you be without the belief you are left out? Who would you be, how would it feel inside the body, without the notion that I am not included in something and I should be?


I’m back inside my body, without the belief I’m left out.

My arms move, my eyes take in lights, motions, dancers, colors, legs, arms, peoples’ feet, floor. The energy pulsates inside me. I hear music, flutes, drums, cello, horn, tambourine. I see so many other teeth smiling, eyes laughing, faces expressing all around me.

And over there, this new man I adore is in a tender pose, kind and connected with another human being on the dance floor, unafraid to show public closeness to someone else right in front of me. He is free, I am free.

Turning the thought around: I am not including him, I am not including myself.

I am filled with resistance to what I see, I am assuming it means something about me (it didn’t) and how I won’t get enough love, attention, connection. Or something dangerous, called abandonment or loss, might happen.

The turnaround continues, endlessly, to be true: I am included.

I am part of a human family celebrating to music on a dance floor. Together we are all sharing. I dance with others, including both men and women. It’s absolutely beautiful.

I am included in breathing the air, in sweating and drinking delicious water, in being here, body on dance floor….body on planet earth.

With this particular man, he is one of the happiest human beings I know, not seeking and grabbing for contact from others (or me) but very content within himself. He loves dancing with men and women, with strangers and friends. He moves with joy. He trusts himself. He is not intent on being worried about what I think (that’s my job). He has deep integrity, and loves honest talk.

I included myself later by being very honest, sharing with him that I had seen him hugging another and felt a surge of fear, and we had a fabulous conversation about intimacy, physicality, contact in dance, closeness, touch….

….and everything we’d ever learned about it and what we wanted to un-learn.

“Most people want to keep dreaming that they are special, unique, and separate, more than they want to wake up to the perfect unity of an Unknown which leaves no room for any separation from the whole….To the ego such uncontaminated love is unbearable in its intimacy. When there are no clear separating boundaries and nothing to gain the ego becomes disinterested, angry, or frightened. In a love where there is no other, there is nowhere to hide, no one to control, and nothing to gain.” ~ Adyashanti

As I do The Work, I see the fine, exciting, and mysterious dance of relationship I have with anyone reveal itself as….amazing, startling, uncontaminated love.
No one is required to do anything to keep me happy.
Except, well….me.

Much love, Grace

leaving the story of I Can’t behind

While on retreat here with a beautiful assembly of those who have shown up to be together these three days, I’m struck by a thought someone mentioned our first day together.

I can’t eat whatever I want.

This tantrum shows up in so much more than food and eating.

I can’t DO whatever I want. I can’t BUY whatever I want. I can’t SEE whatever I want. I can’t TAKE whatever I want. I can’t HAVE whatever I want.

It’s like a deep cry of feeling limited, enraged, locked in by the circumstances of life or reality.

When we do it anyway, eat anyway, take anyway….even though there are consequences we don’t like….

….we may “win” just for a moment, but then we lose.

The frustration and fury and guilt gets ramped up even higher.

Yesterday, as our retreat group investigated together, someone became aware of a beautiful distinction I’ve heard before.

The body “can’t” eat everything….it’s the mind that wants to, and can.

What if you rested there?

What if, instead of following, like a zombie, the demands of mind saying you MUST eat, drink, do, have, see, take….even if there are horrible consequences (like being overweight, or going to jail, or harming something, or feeling ashamed)….

….you went ahead and let the mind have a hissy fit, and you let it run wild with imagination having everything it wants all by itself without dragging the body along?

Instead of saying “NO, don’t think about that!!” to yourself, in terror, what if you treated your thoughts like they were there for a reason, and doing the best they can (like a toddler)?

Everyone had a laugh imagining the mind getting to eat the entire box of cookies, or taking one bite of everything on display, or wolfing down the entire extra large chocolate bar.

Later as we walked around a nearby lake, in silence, as a part of a contemplative exercise during retreat, we took the question with us on our walk: who would you be, walking this path, without the belief you have an eating problem?

Who would we be, without the belief “I can’t have what I want, in this moment and it’s HORRIBLE!!?”

I notice, in this morning moment squares of bright sunlight shining through a curtain, on an avocado green wall. I hear the sound of air blowing through a vent. I see a dark magenta colored tassel hanging from a silver doorknob.

I feel the joy of the sweet day ahead in sharing with others the preciousness of inquiry, and my notes and curriculum on this little laptop.

Turning the thought around: I can have what I want, in this moment.

Could what is happening right now be good enough? Could what is present be supporting you? What if everything you ever thought you couldn’t get or have or eat or feel or be…..was available?

Is what I thought I wanted really the thing I want?

All I know is….all those times I ate and ate and ate actual food, it was never what I really wanted. I never felt satisfied, or happy, or thrilled, or joyful. It was never enough, it never hit the spot. It felt like “almost but not quite” or wildly far, to be honest, from what I really wanted.

What I really wanted was to feel “enough” and at the same time feel excited about what was unfolding….because life was indeed unfolding, constantly.

Even if this moment is filled with thoughts of “I can’t”….the body doesn’t have to take action.

I hear the words “Is It True?” and allow inquiry to fall into this moment, too.

What if I really did not know what I can or can’t have, or do, or say, or be? What if I have no clue? What if nothing is required, for this moment to be OK? What if “I can’t” is hilarious instead of hellish and frustrating? What if I can?

What if it doesn’t really ultimately matter, and I knew peace and joy were possible no matter what?

What if you left all your notions of what’s missing behind, if you left all your beliefs behind, like all these beautiful retreat attendees do at every meal, as we do The Work together on stressful beliefs like“I can’t….”?

Who would you BE without your story?

the true shape of your own face…David Whyte

Much love,


Are you becoming a doormat by doing The Work?

Who cares, do nothing, give up, say nothing....if you think doing The Work means being passive....you might want to question it.
Who cares, do nothing, give up, say nothing….if you think doing The Work means being passive….you might want to question it.

I have a private monthly group (open again for new members in fall 2016) that meets on Sundays for 3 hours. We met this past weekend here at Goldilocks Cottage.

A member of the group brought up a brilliant and powerful question about The Work and inquiry. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it.

What if I become OK with everything, nothing bothers me, and I wind up becoming incredibly…..passive?

Like, I don’t mind anything that happens?

And it looks like me not speaking up, me never saying “no”, people doing whatever they want even if it’s taking my stuff or walking all over me, me not caring about things that I actually SHOULD be caring about, me quitting things, me not taking action, me nevertrying to achieve anything?

Ha ha, I love this question.

Over a decade ago, when I first was doing The Work after I attended The School with Byron Katie, I was dating and going through a divorce.

The very first guy I dated in my new single life was a super interesting character, like so many humans are.

Only a few dates into the experience of getting to know him, I was writing worksheets. The worksheets continued, even though we actually didn’t see each other that much and mostly had some long phone conversations with long gaps in between. It felt like a push-pull, on-off, go-stop, mixed-feeling relationship, fairly confusing.

I found a lot of disturbing traits in this man, and I wrote about them and took them through the inquiry process.

One weekend I was at an event with Byron Katie (I had the good fortune to attend quite a few in a condensed period of time back then).

I raised my hand.

“Katie….I keep doing The Work on this same very annoying man in my life and our conversations and interactions….but I’m not getting past my irritation. I feel sooooo angry.”

We had a discussion about repetitive work, motive, trying to “get” somewhere else, pushing oneself into being nice, going against what you really want, mistrusting oneself, not saying “no”, being afraid, trying to manipulate so you don’t get hurt.

Katie describes this aspect of doing The Work as doing it with a MOTIVE. Meaning, you already have planned or mapped out where you want your feeling-state or your answers to bring you. You already have mapped out where you imagine yourself to be, and what would be best for you, for the other, for the world.

I wanted to be easy-going, happy, non-judgmental, smiling, laughing, enjoying the company of this guy I was dating….who I actually didn’t really like that much.

Yes, yes, yes, he was perfectly acceptable as a human being on the planet and could live his life the way he liked (which he reported was full of suffering, depression, anger, addiction and a tremendous amount of anxiety).

Yes, yes, yes I could have (and still have) a sense of compassion for the torture people, like this man, put themselves through by not questioning their thoughts.

But that didn’t mean I had to live with him, as Katie says.

I did not have to be his personal right-hand-woman, or to date him, or to even talk with him if I really didn’t want to.

Katie said to me some powerful words in the conversation we had, that I’ve never forgotten: “Grace, how do you know you’re supposed to be angry? YOU ARE!!”



You mean…..I’ve not supposed to make myself Not Angry if I am? I’m not supposed to force myself to hang out with someone I don’t find very interesting, or loving, or willing, when that time arrives?

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I had absolutely amazing conversations with this man for awhile. Really curious, truly incredible insights. Deep sharing, practicing saying things out loud that I never did before, hearing things I genuinely needed to hear, noticing how much identity I had all wrapped up in “relationship” and allowing that to be questioned and dissolved.

It’s just that it had a shelf life.

I did The Work on powerful situations and events, like “he shouldn’t like porn” or “he is greedy and terrified with money” and “he shouldn’t criticize me.”

I was stunned and liberated with the turnarounds: I shouldn’t like the “porn” of being mesmerized by thinking about him and his porn, I shouldn’t be addicted to incessantly seeing what I don’t like about him or men or dating or sexuality or couples or breaking up. I shouldn’t be terrified and greedy with money. I shouldn’t criticize him, or myself.

After noticing, deeply, my own anger…..and through Katie’s words finding the deepest permission to allow anger to be alive and present….

….I felt an equally passionate surge of JOY.

I knew to stop torturing him, but most of all to stop torturing myself, with my thoughts, and to be HONEST in my inquiry.

For the first time in my entire life, I broke up with someone rather than withdrawing quietly, or trying to prevent someone else’s anger towards me, or trying to make sure someone else wasn’t hurt by me, or trying to maintain the desperate and false image of All-Kindness-All-The-Time (not).

This was TRUE kindness to everyone involved.

Especially me, and I was the most important person I needed to live with and enjoy and love.

The Work is about accessing the next thought, the next underlying philosophy about life and how you think you “should” be, and dropping what you know that creates suffering.

The Work is about questioning what you see on the surface, and then discovering there’s something else the next layer down, and then another layer, and another, and another.

Sinking deeper and ever deeper into inquiry is like having a huge sense of awareness, for me, of making friends with myself and following the breadcrumbs to the most juicy, delicious, mysterious, exciting, safe and loving center.

Fire is a part of All This.

Trying to fight fire with The Work can give you a nasty, bitter taste of pointlessness, despair, non-action, depression, waiting, joylessness, suppression.

Of course, I had to have the motive I had for as long as I had it, until I noticed it clearly.

And then, when I saw it….poof, it disappeared.

“The mark of a moderate man is freedom from his own ideas. Tolerant like the sky, all-pervading like sunlight, firm like a mountain, supple like a tree in the wind, he has no destination in view and makes use of anything life happens to bring his way. Nothing is impossible for him….” ~ Tao Te Ching #59

I have found doing The Work is never about being passive, or forcing yourself to be quiet, or pleasing, or happy when you aren’t.

It’s the opposite.

Much love,


P.S. Spring Retreat May 13-15 Seattle has a couple of spots left. We have three wonderful days together, with special focus on uncovering your “living turnarounds”….Everyone finds through inquiry the TRUE freedom you want to live, the action you take despite quaking hands and heart-beating with the unknown ahead. This is the alive, awake you that responds to reality with trust….and this includes trust for yourself.

What to do about the annoying victim on the couch (+ Breitenbush scoop)

Breitenbush Pool
Soak in Inquiry and Hotsprings at Breitenbush June 22-26, 2016

It’s time!

BREITENBUSH time! I just found out today that registration is well underway and we’re filling, including two men already (sometimes I get the question, how many men are attending)? It’s an absolutely lovely group.

Breitenbush is in the lush old-growth forest of Oregon in the most glorious fairyland you’ve ever seen. A place for mind, body, spirit renewal…the dining hall serves three amazing vegetarian organic meals per day, there are mineral hotsprings and sauna for soaking, and you have your choice for accommodations including adorable little warm cabins. June 22-26, 2016.

An incredible time for identifying what’s going on within you that you find disturbing, where your stressful thoughts come from, and learning and practicing the powerful four questions known as The Work of Byron Katie.

Our retreat is called Declare Peace, and my wonderful assistant and friend Susan Beekman brings her big heart, clarity, and long-time experience in facilitation of The Work to our group. Limited to 26 people, and we do sell out. Make your reservations soon to get the best sleeping arrangement. Come soak in inquiry…and peace.

24 Credits for Candidates in Institute for The Work, 26 CEUs for mental health professionals (Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work). Forward this to friends. Would so love to meet you!

(Secret surprise….everyone who comes to Breitenbush gets free access to Summer Camp for The Mind, the follow-up online camp of five calls per week, you can dial-in any time and keep on doing The Work July and August).


What a victim.

Did you hear him say that?

I was having a conversation, on the inside of my own head, about one of my first clients when I first started out.

This client had one complaint after another. My terrible childhood. My horrible ex-wife. That awful accident. That ridiculous family growing up.

All the reasons why he screwed up and failed and can’t get a job, or can’t support his kids, or can’t quit smoking, and why he was an alcoholic for many years.

He’s such a victim.

Yeah, I agree 100%.

Refer him to someone else.

No kidding, he’s outta here. I am never meeting with this guy again!

My mind was already chattering away based on about three hours of being with him (three sessions), declaring that his perception of being alive was like a theater on 1st avenue downtown….

….All Victim All of The Time! Victims Come On In–Open 24 Hours Day Or Night! Nobody Loves Me! Nobody Cares About Me!


Can’t he see how sorry he feels for himself, like he’s missed out when all these other people got the breaks?

I especially love the victim story of how he got accepted to Yale but his parents wouldn’t pay tuition, and he would have been classmates with “x” famous person.

And how his former wife created real war against him.

Such a shame, shame, shame, such a shame.

That’s his trumpet call….or maybe the oboe or the cello is more like it. Oh wait. The violin, that’s right.

But while this energy began to rise, sitting in his presence….listening….I also had another voice.

And I’m not talking about the voice that says what a mean, nasty person I am for being so harsh and presuming to know what’s best for this guy (he should stop being such a victim! duh!) or that I’m so horrible and un-spiritual and holier-than-thou and I should be more forgiving to this person and all sentient beings and stop being such an ass.

No. Not that voice. Not the Spiritual Advisor Voice.

Those two used to fight it out all the time. Getting nowhere, I might add. (You may have noticed this within yourself).

This was a new voice, a new sort of energy.

It had the feel of….

.….“Hey, do you notice how annoyed you’re getting with this man? This is worthy of inquiry. This is one of those places to look. Feel it. Find out what’s going on. Listen, listen. Don’t give up so quick about ever seeing him again.”

I remembered how some people I had thought of as the biggest victims in the world, who had really dreadful stories they could keep beefing up forever, surprised me with their wisdom and insight after doing The Work.

Or, not even that. They didn’t “need” to do The Work….they could be themselves and NEVER do The Work if they didn’t want to, and they showed me something unique and interesting. A wall I hit up against. A closet I needed to open.

So I remembered, for some weird reason that was not planned and not expected and I wasn’t “trying” to be “good” in my thoughts (thank God almighty) to be there with him, without my story.

Like a whisper.

Who would you be without your story right now, as you’re looking into this person’s eyes and sitting with them and watching them try to express how hurt they are, and how disappointed, and how full of despair and how hard it is to have the world done them wrong, and what a mess it all is?

What if I didn’t know why this guy was here, wanting to do The Work with me, but I assumed it was GOOD that he was here, with me…..FOR ME?

Wow. Yikes.


It didn’t mean I have to invite him to stay longer than an hour, or come back next week for that matter. Or ever see him again.

“Let’s slow down, and look at what you’re thinking here” I said.

“Let’s look at one single thought only, in one moment in time, in just one situation you’ve mentioned.”

He looked up, as if out of a trance.


He stopped talking. I suggested he look down at his worksheet and fill it out. He was sitting there with a blank worksheet, and 15 minutes had already passed into the hour-long session.

Now, it was dead quiet for a few minutes, while he scratched away with a pencil.

Later, I filled out my own worksheet on him, going backwards into that moment when I felt like I couldn’t stand another whiney comment.

“He should stop being such a bloody victim.”

Is it true?

Yes. Yes. Yes. I hated that energy, that story. So sticky, so needy, so addictive. Everyone else’s fault.

Can you absolutely know it’s true he should stop being such a victim?

Can you absolutely know he IS a victim?



You mean….he might not be a victim? Well, that’s crazy. Did you hear his stories?

I took a deep breath.

I suddenly noticed something profound. I had joined in believing almost instantly that he WAS a victim, and he should therefore stop.

I could only assume he should stop being that victim over there if I assumed he actually was.

Was he?

Could I absolutely KNOW it?

Yikes….but did you hear the highlights of his life, his tone, his attitude, his powerlessness, his……

No. Even though he was practically trying to convince me (and it basically worked, I realized, for awhile) I did not KNOW for sure he was a victim.

How do I react when I believe he’s a victim, or anyone is?

Strangely, I want to attack that person. Like I actually want to smack them away from me.

Sitting more deeply with this reaction….it’s a fear. I feel myself getting sucked into the story, I want to resist, I don’t like this dark story, I don’t like the river of They Did It To Me, or Life Is A Bitch.

I want to kill that story, like they say in the newspapers.

So who would I be without this thought that he’s a victim, and he should stop?


It feels a little detached. Is this OK?

It feels like a gulp of grief in the throat, but a knowing where this is all going is actually very mysterious and very unknown. I might even hear what he’s saying and know he is a life force sitting here with me, right across from me, sharing this air and space and time and moment, just the way the floor, the carpet, the clock on the wall, the bookcase, and the doorknob are sharing this space in this moment.

Who would I be without the belief he’s had it bad? (And, it’s OK to imagine this thought, I’m not betraying his story or making it wrong that he’s telling it).

I’d be with him the same way I can be with the flower on the table.

Sort of in awe at how strange, how pretty, how unknown this living thing is, and feeling it alive with me fully in this moment….knowing it will also be gone soon, and this is the Way Of It.

Without the belief in Victimhood, and how it should be avoided (ha ha) I notice how we made it this far, both he and I. No idea what’s going on. But we’re sitting together. Here. That’s it.

What’s the opposite? What’s the turnaround?

He’s not a victim, and he shouldn’t stop being what he is, either.

Kinda funny, right?

Let’s look.

He is not a victim. He’s powerful, he’s life, he’s a creature, he’s sitting there making noise called “words” and “talking”. Why not? It’s a free country!

(I see a lightening flash image of a kid in my fourth grade class joking around. His white teeth bright as he smiles and laughs, running away towards the ball….”it’s a free country!!” and we’re all laughing, some kids shouting protests, everyone set loose with the joy of playing).

He should be exactly the way he is, in that moment.

I shouldn’t be a victim, not of his story (thinking I need to brace against his words like they could bother me), and not of my own version of the world and my Bad Stuff Happens view I get into if you give me just a teensy reason to worry (it doesn’t take much).

Why should he be as he is?

Well, it appears people go through rough events, to say the least, in this world. He’s reporting about his experience on the front line.

Grieving about these events is powerful. It helps them be expressed and moved through. We all know the “keep it to yourself” story doesn’t work so good. It often leads to suppression, addiction, ticks.

Why should this man be as he is FOR ME, the one apparently playing the facilitator role in that moment?

Because I got this amazing chance to question Victim-ness, in someone sitting across from me.

The most amazing turnaround is that he shows me….myself.

What I’m against. What I think I can’t handle.

Can I allow him to be just as full of complaints as he is? Why not?

Can I allow myself to be just as full of my complaints as I am?

Doesn’t that feel lighter and easier and less controlled?

Ha ha. Yes!

“What happens when we drop all the labels, all the learned descriptions, and face the raw energy of life, as it is in this moment, without trying to change, escape from, or cling to it? What happens when we drop all descriptions of what this moment is or is not and deeply feel into present sensations? This is where the real adventure of life begins…..It is the falling away of all ideas of how this moment should be.” ~ Jeff Foster in The Deepest Acceptance

This moment (the one back then) should have included a man telling me a long story of his own powerlessness, suffering, and how it wasn’t his fault.

As he reported about his life, I felt my own resistance and instead of attacking it, or him, or me….I did The Work.
Isn’t what I always wanted was to have moments where my ideas would fall away of what someone else (and what I) should be like? Isn’t facing the raw energy of life, this client and the whole scene that went with it, a pretty easy way to drop labels and stories?
Thanks, client, for being just irritating enough that I had to go on the inner adventure I really wanted. It’s called Laughter and Gratitude.

Much love,


P.S. Got someone who bugs you? Retreat is an amazing place to turn it around with inquiry, silence, looking, and sharing with others. Come to Breitenbush in Oregon, or the 3 Day spring retreat in Seattle. Breitenbush is on early-bird special until May 1 (an amazing $100 off for $395 for 4 nights plus meals and lodging) andspring retreat is $395 for 3 full days in Seattle (no extra fees). This is a blast. The best kind.

Where the real adventure of life begins. A questioned mind.

Who started the war?

The link to my Women For One article (would love love if you feel moved to scroll to the bottom and comment) right HERE.


What are you defending against? Study the situation closely to find out.


I had a hissy fit with my teenage daughter.

She might be my Number One Replay Guru.

What I mean by “Replay” Guru is someone who didn’t just bug me one time, or a troubling relationship from the past, or a relationship that involved an “incident” so to speak, or with a friend or partner or family member there was a “thing”.

No….a Replay Guru is a person who when you regularly interact with them, it’s basically a Replay of the same exact dynamic replayed in a slightly different setting or on a different day. But almost the same conversation.

Over and Over. And Over.

Rewind….Click the “Play” button on the remote….watch the way she said THAT, then I said THIS, then she tensely said THAT, then I tensely said THIS, then she said what I said–only it was WRONG, then I said don’t put words in my mouth, then she said THAT, then I huffed and left the room.


OK, it’s funny NOW to me. Sort of.

A day later and after I texted her at school “I know I wasn’t listening to you, and I’m sorry and I love you, always” and she texted back “K”.

I’m amazed by how my sense of self (small “s” intentional), my ego, my demand for personal respect and/or agreement rises up like a creature from the Black Lagoon.

But it isn’t really a solid thing, the “ego”. It’s more like an energy, a defended little ball of energy that wants to curl up and never get hurt again by harsh words. It sends out defensive fire, as they say in war talk.

How did the little conversation begin, you ask?

Oh, we were arguing over a TELEVISION SHOW and how one of the characters SHOULD have acted, if they were a nice agreeable sort of person.


(No, you can’t see the replay, there will be 17 minutes of silence in that particular section of my life video).

Often when we have these fiery quick repeating replay conversations with people close to us in our lives (I actually did this for a few minutes) we’ll be very upset with ourselves, and the other person, and bounce back and forth between the two trying to figure out who is at fault.

The mind loves knowing who is to blame, in a threatening situation.

The far more interesting, and sometimes far more difficult, activity is to wonder what was frightening, just in the split second before the need to defend arose. You can’t have defense without feeling threatened, after all.

So I take a look.

I review the situation which is recorded in my own mind, from my perspective.

I find the moment where the most troubling feelings appeared inside me.

It was when I spoke out loud, after the final scene in this TV show where the main character heroine (who happens to be the age of my daughter) looked sad and dejected after asking a young man if he wanted to get a cup of coffee sometime, because she’s trying to “date” in her new freshman year at college.

The young man said to her “no, not really” and walked out of the room.

“He could have been nicer about it” I said, and explained how people can say “no” but do it super cool and smooth and kindly so that the other person hearing the “no” isn’t hurt.

My daughter said she much prefers direct, blunt, without explanation. “Who cares about saying it nice?!”


No! People should be polite, kind, gentle, and good listeners! They shouldn’t be rude, they should say no clearly with love, they shouldn’t leave someone disappointed.

This wasn’t necessary going through my mind consciously, but as I look closely now at this touchy moment, this is what I have to say if I give that intense voice some words.

That’s what finding the situation is all about, and staying very close to it so you can slow it way down and see what troubled you.

And it’s the first and most important step in going deep in The Work.

As I reflect upon the situation, I see if I were in the shoes of this TV character (the young woman) I’d feel horrible for a second, and then try to get over it, and probably avoid that guy if I ever saw him around campus.

How did my daughter get so confident?

Why do I get so disturbed by rejection….whether I am the one saying “no” or the other person?

Ack…..is this the Abandonment-Is-Terrible thing again? That ever-endless Top Hits Parade “I am abandoned” or “I could be abandoned” or “Do anything not to be abandoned” or “Abandoning Ship is the only way out of a difficult relationship”.



I realize as I sit with this situation that I was sure our main character in the TV show would be hurt, feel rejected, feel rejectable, feel unworthy, and contract into herself.

My daughter did not see it the same way.


And in fact, my daughter doesn’t treat me with kid gloves, doesn’t hold back, expresses herself quite simply and clearly, and assumes I can handle what she has to say.

By looking at this situation very closely, and not fast-forwarding into the future…..I can feel an old wound in my side, in my heart.

A belief that says “people can hurt me” or “Rejection can happen any moment, and it’s bad” or “hearing or saying ‘No’ means someone did something wrong”…..

…..all of which boil down to “I need to be liked, she needs to be liked, they need to be liked, he needs to be liked, everyone needs to be liked.”


I’ve got my underlying belief laid out in front of me, ready for inquiry.

I wanted my daughter to agree with me, and like me, and share the belief I’ve had since I was a little kid…..that being liked is fundamental for survival, and abandonment must be avoided, that NOT being liked is actually happening in that moment, and it’s dangerous.

Is it true?

“Who started the war? I did. She just told the truth. And I start to punish her for being more enlightened than I am. If there is a war in my life, I started it. There’s no exception. If the war ends in my life, I end it. I end it, or it doesn’t end. No exception.” ~ Byron Katie in Who Would You Be Without Your Story

Much love, Grace

P.S. Eating Peace Webinar on Control: The Harder Way Is Easier (no cost) Monday 5-6:30 pm Pacific Time. Click HERE to get all the information in your Inbox with the link to join on Monday.


I’m published on Women For One!

I am sooooo thrilled to be featured on Women For One.

This beautiful and far-reaching organization is a global community of women sharing their truth, stories, and inspiring action and transformation. Featured TruthTellers on the site are Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson, Marie Forleo and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor.

Recently, the founder Kelly interviewed Byron Katie. Kelly founded Women for One in 2011 and I love her tagline “permission to be real, granted”.

So now, I’m a “TruthTeller” on Women For One, too!

So deeply honored to be among such amazing women.

I would be so grateful if you headed over to the article I wrote, and leave a comment below the article there.

Click HERE to read my article. If you’re moved to comment, lovely. If you’re moved to share the article with family and friends, thank you ever so much. It so helps to spread the message of peace that’s possible for us all.

Much love and big gratitude,


Stop With The Advice!

Stop giving advice!
Stop giving advice!

From time to time, I’ve noticed a similar repeat feeling of irritation with someone I consider a dear friend.

It finally happened often enough for me to pause and have a conversation with myself, and wonder what my orientation was that produced annoyance.

The best way to find out is to un-censor yourself on paper. No editing. Childish as can be. Embarrassing, silly, non-PC, ridiculous thoughts.

Write them anyway, blow it up bigger than it actually is, so you can see it like looking under a microscope or getting out the magnifying glass.

This is what it looked like:
  • he can’t just listen
  • he compulsively gives advice
  • he’s always trying to solve my problems
  • he either doesn’t take my comments seriously at all, or he takes them too seriously
  • he’s unable to sit in the Don’t Know mind when it comes to troubling feelings, or situations
And then there was a real unedited clincher: he acts like he’s a genius spiritual coach and some kind of enlightened person dishing out what he thinks of as brilliance.
I love how immature it felt, like once I gave some wording to the energy, there was a “Don’t Tell Me What To Think or Feel You Pompous Holy Jerk!”
I was so sure he was an Advice Giver.
Until I did The Work.
Let’s look at the one thought that created the big surge of stressful energy, the one that’s coming out of the part of me who is about, oh I don’t know….twelve?
“He thinks he’s so enlightened, and he’s not. (Be Real! Get back on equal footing with me!)”
Kinda felt petty and babyish.
But I know this sinking into a childish feeling is a great cry for help, and this voice is the one I want to befriend most of all….the voice that yells and pisses and moans and feels……hurt for some reason.
So is it true, he shouldn’t think he’s so awakened he can give me advice?
Am I sure he actually believes he’s enlightened? Or above me?
Wow. It was a clear, quick “no”.
I am assuming wildly that his advice-giving or advice-sounding words mean he thinks he’s better than me.
He’s on the problem-solving track.
How many times have I done this in my life? Like, thousands?
I see how I react when I believe he’s espousing his enlightenment, or telling me what I should do (and he’s even kind about it).
I have pictures zoom through my mind of his screwed up past, or the way he acted many years ago, even though he hasn’t acted like a volatile person in a super long time. I feel defensive. I don’t want to talk with him. I think he can’t hear my simple complaints without taking them seriously.
I feel separate from him, like he’s far away over there, and I’m over here. I miss the feeling of being connected. I feel tense and contracted, and like I want to hurt him, or fight him or something.
At war. And sad underneath the urge to fight.
Who would I be without these thoughts?
Without these impulses that feel just like the way my teenage daughter sometimes talks about the world, events, politics, with a very opinionated and passionate, intense, slightly angry or critical tone?
I often want to tell her “I’m listening, don’t worry, I’m right here with you. I don’t know if I agree with anything you’re saying, but I hear you’re upset about the way the government seems to work here. Don’t get mad at me! I don’t have any answers! Stop being so intense!”
Maybe he feels the same way about me.
Well….I have been very passionate, and intense, in my life. I’ve eaten myself into a frenzy long ago in my addictive years, I’ve obsessed about my life going wrong, I’ve felt despair, I’ve felt angry.
Suddenly I realize, when I speak like a victim, some people might automatically react by trying to rescue me. Offer advice. Help the poor little thing (me) out.
Who started it?
Who reached out with a story of sadness and disappointment and complaining?
Who am I actually telling a sad story to? Someone who can easily respond with clarity, or someone who doesn’t really like to talk about tough times and un-doing beliefs! Someone who has lost everything and almost died due to drug addiction several years ago.
It’s like asking a homeless person on the street (who may be brilliant, by the way) for mortgage and real estate advice.
Turning the thoughts all around…..
  • I can’t just listen
  • I compulsively give him advice
  • I’m always trying to solve his problems (and my own)
  • I either don’t take his comments seriously at all, or I take them too seriously
  • I’m unable to sit in the Don’t Know mind when it comes to troubling feelings, or situations…especially with him

And then what about that clincher: I act like I’m a genius spiritual coach and some kind of enlightened person dishing out what I think of as brilliance. 

I’ve done this, to myself, a hundred times. Like when I’ve closed a book I read, and said “from now on, this is how I’ll do it!”

I’m also doing it to him, right in the moment I’m giving him advice to stop giving me advice.

It’s true, I don’t really listen to him (I dismiss him) and I think about how he could improve his life (in my head) and I feel kind of sad still about the years he was gone on drugs.

I’m still in the past, when he’s up to speed in the present, living a very happy life with almost no possessions and no urge to “succeed” the way I do.

“Stand naked in front of me now, without the protection of your favorite philosophy, without your dusty old books, without quoting what you have read or been told, without even the familiar thought ‘who meets who?’ or ‘it’s all just a story’ to comfort you or separate us. If you think you have found the answers, if you’re excited because you think you’ve ‘arrived’, even if you believe yourself to be ‘the enlightened one’, that’s okay, it’s nothing to be ashamed of, we’ve all been through it. And if you think you haven’t found the answers yet, if you feel lost and lonely and far from home, that’s okay too. Just stay close….let us sit together awhile.” ~ Jeff Foster

What I really want, is to love and accept. Myself and the people I know and everyone else, too.

Exactly as we all are.

Much love, Grace

I don’t like these plans! I quit!

Why do we have to go with her plans? She is so controlling!
Why do we have to go with her plans? She is so controlling!

Have you got one particular person you’d like to deep dive into your concepts and stressful thoughts about them?

March 23 9 am PT we’ll start a teleclass (you can dial-in with your computer) series Relationship Hell To Heaven. You’ll get to look at people you’ve had trouble with in your life.

The best part is….you don’t have to try to get along with them, change yourself, create a goal of acting “right” or have any expectations or plans.

Only inquiry.

Awareness changes everything. Click HERE to read more, or to join the six session telecourse Relationship Hell To Heaven.


Speaking of plans.

These are funny things, plans.

Like a map, or directions on how to build something….plans can offer a very, very good way and an efficient way to reach a goal or a dream.

I block out time to write my book, for example. I notice when I don’t do this, weeks go by without one single word getting written on it as other things come up instead.

Calendars appear to be required for me, and I still lose track of appointments every so often.

Classes, steps, how-to’s, instruction books, trainings, rehearsals.

All of these exist because they’re so incredibly helpful. Our minds can’t hold everything. What an awesome invention to write things down, store information, create a map, follow a path, not have to reinvent the wheel.


Sometimes plans come along, or we receive them, and they don’t feel supportive, they’re not making things lighter. They’re actually making things more burdensome, or somehow, something’s off.

Like the strict diet, for example.

Since I’ve worked with so many people who are working on compulsive or emotional eating in their experience….

….I often ask people what kind of food or eating works for them.

(Everyone in the current Eating Peace Core class sent me their eating plan, for example).

People feel scared about having to have it on paper and how going outside of the “plan” means…..

…..you’re making a mistake, doing it wrong, screwing up, too rebellious.

Lots of us felt the burden of school plans. We must learn x, y, z and get graded well, and then we’ll succeed.

The most important thing about plans, I see now, is to hold them as useful, unless they aren’t.

If you hate plans, or if you love plans and can’t live without them, these two polarities both tend to be stressful.

Recently, someone was organizing a group vacation (that I was not 100% committed to, but part of the group).

We got the “plan” via email.


Heh heh.

My reaction?

Feel good I had not committed to the thing. Make a quick getaway. Say I just realized I can’t be there. Slip out quietly, so I don’t have to deal with plan-maker.

But let’s inquire instead.

He shouldn’t make such rigid, detailed plans.

Is it true?

Yes! He’s deflating the whole spontaneous, fun side of everything.

Can I absolutely know it’s true, these plans, the schedule, the “rules”, the laws, the expectations….are awful? Removing the fun?

Can I absolutely know he shouldn’t make such plans? Can I even know they are rigid?


Who would I be without the thought?

Who would I be without the belief he should chill out, or the plan is a burden or stifling?

So funny.

All I needed was this one question and I saw within seconds that I could say yes and no to whatever was happening on the list. I could come and go, no one was “making” me do anything.

I could see how great it is to have a leader, someone super in charge with a lot of ideas. I can also see how great it is I can say without defense or without attacking this leader that “I’m in”, and a few of the activities or items on the schedule I won’t be attending.

I don’t have to have this one email change my whole entire day, or my thoughts about attending altogether.

Turning the thoughts around: he should make these plans, and they’re soft and flexible (turns out, this was completely true). I myself shouldn’t make such rigid, detailed “plans” for handling his plans in my head.

I wrote to my friend the leader and connected, honestly and openly about what I thought worked, and didn’t work, about the apparent plans.

There was no earthquake, or hail storm, or terrible rage against me for not wanting to go along with all the plans.

My “plans” that I would be pressured to keep the plans, were not the way it turned out.

My planning about what would happen if I resisted the plans was not reality.

No planning was necessary, at all.

“We are intuitive beings, but somehow in our conditioning we seem to have been trained to rely on process thinking, figuring things out, like we have to live life with a strategy….Of course you can use your mind to think, have thoughts, but you are very free. There is no need for plans. You don’t have to do any forensics on your thinking. You just move on.” ~ Mooji

Much love, Grace

P.S. Come join Relationship Hell To Heaven if you have someone in your life you call “controlling”. Just saying.

You don’t have to be afraid of the truth…even if it means breaking up

Ugh. He is soooo needy and demanding.

When someone is acting needy or demanding, like they can’t give up until they get what they want, we’ll often judge their behavior as sooooo…..ewww.

There they are, plowing ahead knocking other people out of the way to reach their goal…..or pining and moaning in a corner somewhere because they’re not getting what they want.

Both human behaviors are a bit irritating, even though they’re kind of opposites to the same coin.

Whether someone else is the needy, clinging, grabby person, pushing, selfish, demanding person, you might have one type you notice in your life (or maybe both) on a regular basis.

Either one feels, well, gross….as my teenage daughter would say.

It feels wretched, and upsetting, or infuriating.

Even if you think YOU exhibit one or both of these types of energies, and you don’t admire it much in yourself, there’s a way to address it, and it’s kind of counter-intuitive.

Find SOMEONE ELSE–Not You–who has this irritating or desperate behavior you’re calling needy or demanding, and judge the heck out of them on paper.

Get out a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet, and picture the needy or demanding person acting the MOST needy or demanding they’ve ever acted, who is so insecure (or whatever you’re thinking of them) and write every uncomfortable thought down, unedited, on this worksheet.

I’ve got one.

How about you?

A man who once said to me that he was going to commit suicide without me in his life.


When he wrote that to me….I thought he was completely nuts.

I have this picture of him, long before the declaration that he wanted me to be his girlfriend…..following me to my car, never taking a breath he talked so much (we were friends), and holding on to the open door while I got in. I politely waited for him to pause, so I could get a word in edgewise, shut the door, and drive away.

He’s a dependent addict. Needy, extreme, lost and ridiculous in his thinking. He should get some serious psychological help and to stand on his own two feet. He’s a stalker. I need him to grow up and act normal. He’s sick.

Let’s inquire.

Is it true?


Can you imagine committing suicide because someone doesn’t want you? What is this, Shakespeare? Creepy!

For me, it was terrifying.

But could I absolutely know it was true, that he was a dependent addict, like a love addict, with me? That he was needy, extreme, lost, ridiculous…or a stalker?

Not 100%. Well, not at all, now that I think about it.

He lived hundreds of miles away, he worked hard and made lots of money. A love addict?

I didn’t really know.

So how do you react when you think someone’s too needy, or someone’s too demanding, about getting what they want, in any way?

I notice, I try to get away. I ditch them.

If they’re bossy and demanding, I feel afraid. If they’re crying, I withdraw.

So who would you be without your beliefs about this person?

Without the belief he’s reaching, grabbing, begging, insecure, addicted, overwhelmed, too focused on me, and a baby?

“Mind is the creator of all of it, and when you see someone as unkind, it’s reminder that your head is off, not your body, and it’s time to do The Work….Our work’s not done until we stop being at war with anyone or anything.” ~ Byron Katie

Oh yah.

Heh heh.

Without these thoughts and beliefs, I notice the room I’m in, my surroundings. I’m here with myself, and many strong and intense emotions, feelings and images in my mind (of him).

I turn the thoughts around….without using it to attack myself, but instead using it to open up to who the projector is, and that I might not know any better either, just like him.

I am a dependent addict. I am needy, extreme, lost and ridiculous in my thinking. I should get some serious psychological help and to stand on my own two feet. I’m a stalker. I need me to grow up and act normal. I’m sick.

Deep breath.

I’m the one whose heart started pounding when reading a few words on email. I’m the one whose whole day was ruined, just because of not knowing where he was and because he didn’t answer his phone. I stalked myself with my frightened or angry thoughts about him. I woke up in the night, thinking. I needed me to grow up and act normal. I’m the one who acted like a love-addict, like contact with him was my “fix”.

Back then, when I did my work at the time…..

….I saw how I expected someone else to be the grown up (not me, never me) and act mature, enlightened and give the appropriate response to this situation.

It’s like I didn’t think of myself as the one who possibly could be clear, loving, honest and vulnerable.

But it turns out…..I could.

I “broke up” with him, feeling a sense of humility and great clarity too (not wishy-washy), seeing how I was just as weird as he was in the whole dance, acknowledging what a total love-addict I had been, and how dishonest, and how needy.

I gave myself a big hug, and cried a long while, for being so extreme, and lost, and not standing on my own two feet.

“You have everything you need in order to be an honest human being. No one ever has to be afraid of the truth. It’s the defenses that we build around the truth that strike fear into our hearts….If I think ‘What’s the matter with him?’ there is something the matter with me in that moment. I’ve just put an obstacle between us. It’s only a thought, but look what my mind does with it. And until I question what I believe about him, until I do The Work, I lose the awareness of love. So I question it, and love is visible again.” ~ Byron Katie in I Need Your Love–Is It True?

Wow. Love becoming visible again.


Start with your most despicable judgments. Write them all down.

Who ever would have thought your worst thoughts could become lightbulbs to awareness, freedom….LOVE!?!

And if you’d like group support to do The Work together on difficult relationships….you’re in luck. On Wednesdays from 9-10:30 am Pacific Time March 23 – May 11 (no class April 4 or April 27) we’ll begin working together on this powerful journey of inquiry. That’s Noon Eastern, 5 pm London. Click HERE to join read more, or to join the six session telecourse Relationship Hell To Heaven.

Much love, Grace

The “gift” of criticism?!

OMG!! She's here!!
OMG!! She’s here!!

Running into someone who you used to know, who you used to have an entirely different relationship with, and now they’re right in front of you is sometimes……weird.

But let’s be honest.

It’s only weird if there’s unfinished, unresolved thoughts and feelings about this person.

It happened to me the other day.

On Facebook.

OK, OK, OK….I know that’s not actually running in to someone!

It can feel that way for a second, though.

And it results in the same response. Like….oh. Wow. There they are. One word or “like” or chat head away. Just a click of the button or the keyboard.

Except, suddenly you’re flooded with not having anything to say because there was SO MUCH to say before (that was never said) or there was an unresolved “sting” that hurt between you.

What I’ve found is…..if something like this pops in to my radar…..

…..time to go back in time and do, you guessed it, The Work!

So I went to a moment, a situation, with that person where I felt really surprised and criticized, and later, angry.

I could see it clearly.

(And a voice in my head also was chattering while seeing that situation from the past: “you’ve done The Work on this already, it won’t help, this is stupid, just forget about it, who cares, it’s just on facebook, etc.”)


Thanks for sharing, oh voice, and I think I’ll take a look.

“She criticized me.”


I can see her eyes, hear her voice. I almost can’t remember exactly what she said, but I remember she admitted at the time she was feeling critical of me.

I see a kitchen, and all the other people milling around, putting away food, or eating, or washing dishes, and talking and laughing.

And this stinging voice saying sort of fiercely, directly, without any humor whatsoever when I was lying down….”could you help clean up?”

I see another moment when she’s asking me if I can join the group a little more, I’ve been working on my computer too much. And another moment where she’s talking about other people we’re with and how annoyed she is with them and planning on asking them never to come back.

I remember the feelings, as these images zip through my mind.

Scared of her judgment. Scared of her sharp eye. Scared of the way she’s bossing people, or kicking people out, or even praising people for that matter. Evaluating everyone.

Help! Run away! That’s her, on facebook!!

So is it true, she criticized me….or criticized other people.

Both, she did both. She is a super critical person.

That’s the truth.

Can you absolutely know that it’s true she criticized YOU?

Can you absolutely know she criticized those other people and kicked them out?

In that situation…..the answer seems like “yes”. It feels true. It appears true.

I look up the word “critical” as I consider her words, her manner, the way she spoke of others. It says the word “critical” is defined as disapproving, fault-finding, judgmental, scathing, accusatory, negative.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Deep breath.

How do I react when I think this is true about her?

Both afraid, and also critical of her, for being critical. Oh Lordy.

I don’t want to see her, not even on facebook. I don’t want to connect, or talk with her. I avoid her. I think of her as mean, and dangerous, and unenlightened.

I feel like there’s someone out there who isn’t fun to be around, and this thing in the universe (this person) is a pocket of discomfort, bad news.

So who would I be without this belief that she criticized me or anyone else? Who would I be without the belief she’s dangerous, or a threat, or frightening for me?

At first, as I imagine being without the thought, I notice how skittish I am sometimes, with some people. It’s like, all they did was speak words, and I’m freaking out and yelling “RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!”

There was no physical pain, there was no dramatic scene. There was no yelling, or loud noise.

Without my belief, I suddenly remember when I met her and how we talked for 4 hours straight into the night. And how much we have in common. Only days apart in age, and both the oldest of four, and both with fathers who died young.


I forgot about these things I love about her, until this experience of wondering who I’d be without the memory of her criticizing me,without the belief that she did.

Turning the thoughts around: she didn’t criticize me, I criticized her, I criticized myself.

I’ve spent so much time criticizing myself, criticizing others. Right in the moment I believed, with so much fear, that she criticized me it was like a wall of fearful energy exploded between us and I never let myself get that close to her again.

Until now.


Opening up to how much I love her, and how much I love in general.

Could her communication to me be her best attempt to reach out for what she needed in that moment? To connect? To protect herself? To be heard? To make a situation she didn’t like, more favorable?

And maybe I’ve done the very same thing, every time I’ve been critical.

“Life itself is not a conclusion, and all mental conclusions are really there to be shattered, and this shattering of fixed views we call waking up, and it is a timeless process with no beginning and no end in sight. There are no ‘fixed’ waves in the vast, wild ocean of life. Let’s always keep the dialogue going, and never let it become a monologue. And then criticism will not be something we have to ‘deal with’ at all, but something we look forward to, something we embrace and cherish, since now we know it is only an invitation to deeply meet beyond stories, and surrender even more deeply to life and each other.” ~ Jeff Foster

Bring on the criticism.


It stirs something inside, a spark, a fire, a passion.


Could it be reality? Humanity? Love? A gift? A breaking of the shell?




Much love, Grace