I’m published on Women For One!

I am sooooo thrilled to be featured on Women For One.

This beautiful and far-reaching organization is a global community of women sharing their truth, stories, and inspiring action and transformation. Featured TruthTellers on the site are Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson, Marie Forleo and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor.

Recently, the founder Kelly interviewed Byron Katie. Kelly founded Women for One in 2011 and I love her tagline “permission to be real, granted”.

So now, I’m a “TruthTeller” on Women For One, too!

So deeply honored to be among such amazing women.

I would be so grateful if you headed over to the article I wrote, and leave a comment below the article there.

Click HERE to read my article. If you’re moved to comment, lovely. If you’re moved to share the article with family and friends, thank you ever so much. It so helps to spread the message of peace that’s possible for us all.

Much love and big gratitude,
