Eating Peace: Can you feel peaceful with inner disturbance? LOL, I know it’s weird.

(Sorry the sound is so low….dork here, not remembering to turn up the volume on the mic, so please turn up yours. Here is an imperfect video. Imperfection happens. I also have really dirty hair, no makeup whatsoever, and no script. The honesty of Eating Peace starts here. Can I be at peace with this disturbance?)

I’ve worked with several people lately, it seems, who’ve discovered the belief from way back:

“He didn’t like me” or “She didn’t love me” so I need to make sure I never get rejected again.

When someone else judges, it does hurt sometimes. You can’t deny it.

So what if, even in the middle of inner disturbance, or inner fear, pain, difficulty….

….you still could feel peace?

I know it’s kind of weird.

Feel peace with disturbance? Can those two go together?


Is there some greater, bigger part of you able to be OK with being disturbed.

Because if you can be disturbed (even very disturbed) and notice you are OK, you are still alive, you are here, you are still standing….

….what an incredible thing to notice!!

We think it’s SO TERRIBLE to feel pain. Anything but that.

Anything but feel such grief, sorrow, rejection, anger, upset, devastation.

Who would you be without the belief you can’t get through it (especially without eating)?

Much love, Grace