Eating Peace: bumbling along, making mistakes, you can still find empowerment here

I’ve spoken with so many people who have felt the same as I have, when it comes to sticking up for yourself, saying what you mean, asking for what you want.

Noticing how we don’t do it. Wondering why.

It’s such a powerless feeling to avoid confrontation, not ask for what you need or want.

But what if you allowed yourself to be as you’ve been, without such criticism? Maybe noticing what you’re afraid of (hurting someone’s feelings, not getting what you want, getting hurt, feeling rejected)?

What if you made a small gesture towards asking for what you want?

Even this can feel so kind, so supportive.

I’ve never been seen as a super “powerful” strong, intense, fierce, aggressive personality. I have’t liked conflict or confrontation much.

And I can still feel a sense of deep personal power that I won’t do anything, or agree to anything, that purposely or intentionally hurts me.
If I need to say no, or change my mind, or leave someone or something alone, or ask for help….I can.

Much love, Grace