Eating Peace: Talking To The Voice That Makes You Want To Eat

There's another way to approach eating peace that climbing on and falling off the wagon
There’s another way to approach eating peace that climbing on and falling off the wagon

I really loved sharing how to move off the Control Wagon yesterday….that is, the tendency we have to always think we need to control or change or manage our food or ourselves in order to feel happy with eating (or any compulsion, for that matter).

It is possible for everyone to find freedom in eating.

But granted, it does take some time. And it’s a different approach when we throw out the old yo-yo methods of being “on” or “off” a plan.

Listen and watch the slide show here to find out the four steps I shared to enter peace rather than the torment of looking for the right way to eat and not finding it.

Feeling like you can’t stop something you yourself engage in, is so weird, right?

But instead of feeling angry with this part of you that wants to eat, what if it was a voice with a very important message?

Awareness of the message changes everything.

“Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking, and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

If you want to set aside a 3 hour mini-retreat to explore and meet the voices that want to eat….I’ll be offering a rare session this Saturday afternoon (Pacific Time) from 2-5 pm. For a small group, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the experience of emotional eating or graze eating….the kind of eating we later feel so unhappy about and wish we’d stop doing.

We’ll visit this compulsive voice, this mindless urge, through writing and inquiry exercises that will help us speak directly with the parts of us that seem to want to eat so badly.

We’ll take a look at what’s really going on, more than just the desire to eat.

This is my favorite exploration in life….to investigate the impulse to grab, ingest, think, eat….

….and end the battle through understanding and awareness.

I hope you’ll join me! If this is something you’d like to try, sign uphere (it’s $47 for the 3 hour online retreat). You’ll need a computer or phone with a speaker phone or headphones and a quiet space for yourself. You can choose to just participate without speaking for the entire time, or do The Work out loud, either way. The program will NOT be recorded.

I hope it will make a huge difference for you on your journey to eating peace.

Big peace,
