Breathe Life….even if you hurt somewhere

What’s OK, even if you physically hurt?


My neck was killing me last night.

As in, excruciating.

Those two tendons or whatever they are that come up the back of your head….oy.

They were like a headache but in the neck, and I don’t get headaches hardly ever (one thing I do NOT have a propensity towards most of my life, kinda nice).

After some discussion with family members, I realized it’s probably the slight bend down position I’m taking as I write, and look at the computer all day with people on skype, or look (again, at the computer) at my screen during the teleconference classes I teach.

Uh oh.

Could it be I am looking at a computer too much?

This never happened before like this.

My mind kicked in with a few stressful thoughts.

It’s hilarious how dramatic they were.

  • “I have to stop doing what I do for a living!”
  • “It’s all down hill from here!”
  • “My eyes are getting worse and worse!”

If you’ve ever had a condition that created pain, whether mild or very big pain….

….the mind often has the opinion that it should go away, naturally.

Nothing wrong with this, but you can also get super stressed about it. The pain is bad, it could return, I don’t ever want it to come back again, I hate this, my life sucks with this pain, this is a terrible situation.

I notice, with the thought, I feel discouraged and tired. Almost like a giving up sensation.

Why bother. Woah is me. Sad day.

But who would you be without the belief that it’s TERRIBLE to have pain?

Interesting, right?

I notice it doesn’t mean I don’t take an ibuprofen, or go to the doctor, or change up my seating position at home, or seek counsel where I can to help heal, or love when someone brings me food because I’m too broken to go get it myself (like my hamstring operation two years ago).

It feels different, not feeling terrible about pain or sickness. It feels different not feeling hopeless about pain or sickness.

Maybe that alone is so sweet and tender, it holds the entire experience differently.

I turn the thought around: my neck hurting is……wonderful?


It’s not to be weird about it. Only looking to see, could there be advantages?

Can I notice what is OK, even if something in the body hurts?

I look around the room, I turn off my computer, I decide to go dance instead of working on a proposal for an upcoming conference.

“How To Love Yourself by Jeff Foster

When you change your focus
what is absent
to what is present,
what is missing
to what has been given,
what you are not
towards what you are,
the ravages of linear time
to the immediacy of Now
you’re reconnecting
with love, truth and beauty,
and abundance is yours,

For truly,
nothing is missing here, where you are,
nothing is missing in this present scene in the movie of your life,
and are forever busy,
and at a point of completeness.

The only reason
why you can not find the Unit
it is because it never came out.

The day is waiting to be lived.

So breathe life friend,
Breathe life.” 

Much love,
