Eating Peace: Going Deeper Into The Moment You Reach For Food

Studying your experience when you feel compulsive, or overwhelmed with the urge to eat, or like you’re in a fist fight with craving….

….can lead to absolutely wonderful insight.

You think it can’t.

You might say “I already know what I need to do about cravings or compulsive urges to eat….I need to shut them down and control myself!”

But no.

I noticed this never, ever worked. Not in the long run.

So without fighting the moment or feeling repulsed about looking, let’s slow down and study what’s happening, in slow motion.

After you watch, let me know in the comments what you notice about your own craving moments. What else was going on, before you felt like eating? What were you feeling? What didn’t you like about your situation?

Lots of Peace, Grace