50 Shades of Thought

50 Shades of Thought

Since the Love, Romance and Sexuality telecourse is underway….

….I’ve had the wonderful privilege of being with others investigating moments of criticism, disappointment, tension about nakedness, concerns when it comes to physical contact with others.

So many thoughts in one split second.

At least 50!

And speaking of romance and sexuality….

….I’ve ALSO been noticing, under the same topic, outcries, conversations, heated discussions, and an occasional note zipping by on facebook about that movie.

You know, that movie.

(Fifty Shades of Gray).

What surprised me recently was when I heard about some people who were into culturally experimental views around sexuality and sexual ethics….

….and even THEY were up-in-arms about the movie.

I thought they wouldn’t care, or have no opinion, or be in favor of everyone doing whatever they want….but no.

They had some pretty strong opinions about the whole thing.

I started noticing a little bubbling up of stress, and a typical reaction I’ve had when things gain a lot of controversy and everyone gets very worked up in the media.

They should calm down, stop getting so aggravated!

What is everyone getting so excited about, I mean for Gawd Sakes!?


And I am NOT going write about some pop culture thing like 50 Shades in my Grace Note either! Jeez!

Ha ha!

Who would I be without my story about 50 shades and 50 opinions and 50 controversies and 50 ways to calm down?

I might actually connect. Ask questions. Ask people about what’s disturbing them, why they care.

I might listen.

Turning my high-fallutin’ thoughts around about how I can’t be bothered….

….I remember I myself am investigating every single week in my own telecourse the great topic of sexuality, romance, and passion.

We’re looking at our ideas about what hurts, and what doesn’t.

Everyone has thoughts about what is right, what is threatening, what is a solution, what is wrong, what works, what doesn’t work!

To look deeply and with an open mind at human sexuality is caring.

It’s a privilege, a wonderful exploration.

I do care about 50 thoughts, 50 ideas, 50 inquiries, 50 stressful beliefs, 50 ways to freedom, 50 turnarounds, 50 feelings. 

“To exclude anything that appears in your universe is not love. Love joins with everything. It doesn’t exclude the monster. It doesn’t avoid the nightmare–it looks forward to it.” ~ Byron Katie 

And I notice right now I’m feeling the joy of silence, writing only this sentence, remembering the sweet inquiring in the class the other day on sexuality, getting ready to stand up, gather keys, head for the gym.

Full of celebration about this world of people all singing their songs, full of life, being themselves, and feeling sexual, or not.

Love, Grace