Eating Peace – Seven Foundational Rocks For Your Eating Peace Home

Tomorrow evening, I’ll be wrapping up registration for Eating Peace and starting the program with everyone the next morning (actually, to be exact, everyone will get the link to listen and watch the presentation tomorrow night Pacific time, so no matter what time zone, you’ve got Sunday all day to watch).
I’ve had lots of emails and questions about Eating Peace, so I thought I’d make a video and share some wisdom here with you that can bring insight to everyone.
This will be wonderful information to have whether you ever take Eating Peace online or not.
In this video, I talk about seven foundational principles or bedrocks that I’ve found serve as a base for building a beautiful relationship with eating.
They don’t have anything to do with willpower, controlling yourself, thinking positively, or following a certain food and exercise plan.
Not at all.
I tried all those things, and none of them ever worked to achieve lasting peace with my body and food.
These seven foundational rocks will help you find balance with anything, not just food.
And I have one important piece of information to share that I haven’t broadcast to the greater community….
….which is that once you participate in Eating Peace online, you’re in for life.
In other words, when you sign up, in the current version, you’ll have access to future updates and future versions of the program for as long as I’m offering Eating Peace.
I know everyone has their own timeline and path. Some people break the chain of suffering for years, then maybe relapse, and then reach a final resting point of peace and understanding with food and eating where they never go back.
Some people struggle for years and years with diets and resignation and maybe yo-yo weight gain and loss, then finally learn these principles instead of giving up, and they shift their relationship to eating, forever.
Most people are somewhere in between, and I want you to have all you need at different phases of your journey to peace, right when you need it, if I can be of service.
Therefore, wherever you are, if you’re an Eating Peace Online alumni, you can join us and take it again….no extra fee, for life.
Bottom line, I want people to feel good about eating, good about their lives, and connected to the greater universe so that they can bring their unique gift to this world and not get bogged down with eating problems.
Click here to watch the video to learn these seven foundations to Eating Peace. I’d love to hear how they work for you, where you’d like to develop one of them more, and any questions you have:

Lots of peace,
P.S. You can still register here today. And after this post, you can write me at for information about future programs and when you can participate next time.
undefined full one-time payment
undefined 1st payment for 3-payment plan (now, 3/22 & 4/22)
Much love,