If you missed my interview with certified facilitator of The Work, Celeste Gabrielle, head to my youtube channel and watch HERE.(There are more and more interviews around self-inquiry added over time, and I might get better at making videos too, who knows.)
For me it is profoundly inspiring to find out the personal stories of people, just like you and me, who found self-inquiry in the form of The Work of Byron Katie and/or other inquiry, and how it changed their lives and brought awakening to their world.
Regular peeps.
This “work” of self-inquiry….it’s called “work” because it kinda is, right?
You direct your attention, you focus, you return to the questions, you go out and in like breath, you get a light-bulb that goes off, you’re inspired, you wonder, your mind works and buzzes, you behave differently, you speak or don’t speak in new ways, you feel different….
….it’s so exciting.
The gears start, and keep going.
No longer stuck. No longer repeating the exact same thoughts over and over and over again.
You actually move on to the next stressful thought ready for inquiry, maybe you rotate back to a similar situation but find yourself acting different this time—just a wee bit.
That tiny difference makes a huge difference….
….like the butterfly wings flapping on the other side of Figi or whatever make a storm occur weeks later on the other side of the planet.
Movement, insight, and joy happen.
Or, it’s discovered that it was there all along, we just didn’t see it until we looked more closely.
The thing I love most about The Work and simply contemplating magnificent questions about life and my perceptions of it….
….is that it doesn’t take me doing years and years of therapy, it doesn’t take finding a perfect guru, it doesn’t take money, it doesn’t take death, it doesn’t take finding true love, it doesn’t take having a healthy body…..
…..it takes whatever it takes.
All these things are amazing, and some of them are indeed part of the journey for some people.
But there are no absolutes, and nothing is required.
Your life will show you what to question.
All you have to do (and it’s not even a “have to” really) is answer the simple questions.
Your life, and your inner brilliant wise silence, will show you how to answer.
And oh so wonderful to hear other people’s adventures along this path called life!
They help us connect and turn us back to our own journeys….
….and how we are all one and the same, with apparently different details, flavors, colors, and incidents.
How has self-inquiry helped you along your life path?
I’d love to know!
Leave a comment below or you can also leave a comment when you watch on youtube in the comments section. It’s so much fun to share. And it may mean more than you know for someone else.
Your life matters.
“What would it be like if you didn’t need to struggle, if you didn’t need to make an effort to find peace and happiness? What would that feel like now? And just take a moment to be quiet and see if peace or stillness is with you in this moment.” ~ Adyashanti
Much love,