Eating Peace: Three Overwhelming Forces That’ll Make You Eat

People with eating issues obsess about food for many reasons, whether you’re thin, fat, slightly heavy, bulimic, starving yourself, fearing chemicals, being “perfect” about eating, upset with junk food, and everything in between.

Over the years I was deep into problems with food (from age 15 to 28) I’ve had every kind of moment you can possibly have with food.

Comfort, desperation, sadness, consoling, stuffed, starving, dieting, frightened, angry.

Of course, it was really all my experience with my thoughts and my own mind, not so much food.

So where do all those thoughts come from, that create the urge to worry about food, or eat food, or crave food, or deny food?

I found you could boil in down into three major forces. Any one of them, when running unquestioned without any self-inquiry, will kick your ass and start to overwhelm you…

….and no amount of willpower or control can stop the urge to eat.

I tell about these three forces in this video:

Eating Peace with Grace
Eating Peace with Grace

I’ll share more about what you can do specifically to relax, even if your mind is freaking out in any one of these force fields, in a second video in a few days.

If you can relate, and have questions on how to stop your patterns when it comes to food….click on this link HERE and comment over at my blog. I’ll read every comment and answer your questions!

Much love, Grace