Retreat Into The Work of Byron Katie

Only four spaces left for Breitenbush Hotsprings so we’re extending the Early Bird registration for $100 off until May 5th, tomorrow. There are only a few cabins left, and tent platform space (mild and gorgeous this time of year).

It’s an amazingly inexpensive way to spend time in a pristine, old growth forest and natural hot springs spa. The food is exquisite, vegetarian, vegan, raw, organic, home cooked. The grounds smell like heaven. Wild rhododendrons grow in the forest that time of year. The mineral hotsprings are soothing and healing.

People are happy, the staff is superb and helpful, and there are no distractions. No cell phone service, no internet.

That may sound frightening at first (no internet?!) but if you plan for it and enter the inner forest sanctum, with fellow inquirers….WOW.

You may feel the tension and stress, as you enter this place, surface, and finally have a long-awaited conversation with you.

When this kind of direct conversation and inquiry happens, in a very safe environment, who knows what might shift afterwards.

Join me, and my nurturing and experienced co-facilitator Susan Grace Beekman. We can’t wait to inquire with you, through the places you’re stuck or concerned.

Wherever you’re arguing with reality.

As Susan and I say, “Declare Peace”. That’s what you’re doing anyway, as you live your life on this path, right? This time of retreat is for entering that space within where peace doesn’t seem as easy to declare as you were hoping.

Come do The Work with us and the group, and get reinforced in your journey. Call Breitenbush to reserve: 503.854.7174, 503.854.3320, 3321, or 3314. If you leave a message, they’ll call you back.

If you know its right for you, call them quick. We’ll be sold out soon.

“I need to be silent for awhile. Worlds are forming in my heart.” ~ Meister Eckhart (1260-1328).

Yesterday I got to spend four hours with an absolutely wonderful group of inquirers doing a mini retreat where we all do The Work from start to finish.

The rain pattered hard on the roof, spattering against the two window skylights in the kitchen. Outside, wet spring rain. Inside, cozy tea, friends, and inquiry.

Breitenbush is like that too….only More and Longer. We start with a core, powerful session, just like yesterday, where we take a slow swan dive into a situation we find very unpleasant.

Or completely horrible.

But then we examine our concepts, one by one, and watch the new ones come to the surface, like something stuck and unconscious in the underworld, is finally given the space to see the light.

I always find, every time, that working with the energy of the group, my path is clearer.

Like Frodo gathering companions on his transformational journey, we declare together that we’re going.

And off we go. Into unknown territory.

As one mini-retreat participant said yesterday so beautifully “I have felt stuck doing The Work by myself….but I got something here today, something profound. Doing The Work with others is so deeply helpful.”

“Meditation, answering the four questions that make up The Work as we sit, eyes closed, still, mind open like a child to the old wisdom, the uninvited hidden unknown known, invite it to surface.

Watch, it will show you the answers through the wisdom that lies beyond what you are believing, and your emotional dysfunction will lessen each time, as will your fear, and eventually you are enlightened to the cause of all suffering and each thing seen is seen through the eyes of God, brilliant.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love, Grace