Eating Peace: Mirror Mirror On The Wall


Look at that cellulite and shaking, saggy skin on the legs.

It looks terrible!

Thoughts like this are so common, they’re like rain squalls, and everyone’s got them in some form or another.

Self-criticism, the perspective that something’s ugly or unacceptable.

But as you look in the mirror, have you ever remembered or wondered about the mirror itself….

….rather than focusing entirely on what’s reflecting inside the mirror?

Today I do a little show-and-tell with my mirror my parents gave me after I went through treatment for my eating disorder and met many professionals who were trying to help.

I wasn’t completely over my obsessive thinking, I wasn’t over self-criticism, I wasn’t entirely over believing that what I saw in the mirror was something to be concerned with….

….but it slowly dissolved over time. And it began to diminish very quickly, the more I applied The Work of Byron Katie to my stressful thinking.

Take a look and see what I want t show you about mirrors.

Who would you be without believing what you see?