Forgive yourself for seeking approval: Peace Talk podcast

When I was a kid, I distinctly remember not caring about other peoples’ approval.

Not all the time.

But I remember the feeling really well, like a free-form state of absolute comfort being alone with myself.

This may have been age 4.

Then something happened (like I share in the newest Peace Talk Episode 117) where I felt driven by the need for approval and doing it right, instead of doing whatever I wanted to do.

And from there the concerned continued. I was critical of myself for wanting approval.

Oyes, I couldn’t win.

The other day, considering my own inquiry, I noticed a loosening up on a belief I didn’t even realized was pretty stressful: I shouldn’t have wanted my grandpa’s approval so badly. 

Or my mom’s. Or my dad’s. Or all my sisters or grandparents, teachers, adults….well, the list goes on into adulthood.

I shouldn’t have wanted their approval, is it true?

Peace Talk is now on IHeartRadio, too.

Much love,


P.S. I am planning a wonderful masterclass with slides and interaction, to look at the big reasons I’ve heard (or, ahem, experienced myself) about why The Work or inquiring into a thought doesn’t seem to “work”, when it doesn’t.

I’ve got a great list to share. If you’re interested….you’ll be the first to sign up. Just click here to register. Share the link with any inquirers you know who might love to participate to find out why, how, where or what they’re getting stuck in.