Leaping Into Heaven…Special Leap Day Ways to Do The Work

leapyearspecialHave you been wanting to enter the deep place within where you can see your stress or anxiety, look at it with eyes open….

….and turn your thinking around?

In honor of LEAP day (my favorite!)….let’s leap into The Work.

What’s your top repetitive stressful scenario you deal with in your life?

Some people answer this question with “my relationship!”

They’re talking about a primary person they’re coupled with in their lives, or the one they’re dating, or the one they divorced!

Other people answer this question with “money!”

Maybe a source of stressful thinking in your life is through other people close to you at work, in your family, your kids, your friends.

One of my greatest sources of suffering was my eating, body image, lack of confidence, feeling undeserving, being addicted to fear and negativity.

All of us sometimes feel anxiety, irritation, anger, sadness, or fear.

Those feelings are our inner compass.

They’re the key that says “Hello? Hello? Tension is here! You might want to slow down, see what’s really going on, and question what you’re thinking!”

Even though all these feelings are so uncomfortable, they’re awesome for pointing to what wants to be investigated.

So….good, if you feel some stress.

You’re not broken. You’re a human being with a Thought Detector (known as Feelings).

There is nothing like doing The Work for doing this investigation, at least for me (and for so many people I’ve worked with).

It’s four questions, followed by finding the “turnarounds”.

They take a little time, maybe 20 minutes.

It’s a practice, like meditation, or relaxation.

Sometimes I’ve said “but I don’t have the time, I don’t want to slow down, I don’t want to answer questions” and yet, every single time I have done so, my life has changed just a wee bit.

Or done a 180.

Complete. Turnaround.

Happy about the divorce, instead of terrified. Curious about the cancer, instead of an anxious wreck. Full of wonder about the new possibilities, instead of angry about getting fired. Relaxed about the person I’m connected to, instead of annoyed.

Safe. Inspired. Open.

In honor of this wonderful Leap Year February 29th which won’t happen for another four years….I’m opening up some options for you for guidance in The Work and this powerful form of self-inquiry that leads to awareness, and peace.

It’s only if you need a kick-starter.

I sure did.

When I first read Loving What Is, I sat down on my couch in my living room while my kids were occupied with blocks and books for awhile.

I leafed through the pages.

OK, I thought. I get it. Now I need to try it.

I answered the questions on the Judge Your Neighbor worksheet, that first step where you get to identify what you’re actually thinking without it whizzing by so fast, like a speeding bullet.

The worksheet said “Judge Your Neighbor” so I judged my neighbor. She was a little irritating, now that I thought about it.

I look back and I think to myself….really?

That’s all I could come up with?

I had a mountain of past suffering, pain, tension, grief and shock that were all running my life and very un-investigated at the time. Even though I had been in therapy. Even though I had come a long way, and was very stable and no longer suffering from an eating disorder or addictive behaviors like smoking.

It took a lot of guidance, and attending Byron Katie’s 9-Day School for me to actually buckle down and DO The Work. Until then, I was a great avoider.

After I actually questioned my beliefs, I found out it wasn’t so horrible to see them, and take them through the process of The Work.

I wasn’t so afraid of what I thought anymore.

But it took people helping me, facilitating me, for me to get there. I couldn’t have done it alone.

If you find you’re stuck-ish, or not getting to the heart of the matter with your inquiry, or persistently struggling and anxious, then maybe you’d like to try a different approach with The Work and join a class, do some one-on-one sessions, or come to retreat.

So that’s where Day of Leap comes in.

I wanted to do something special just for today, and only for today.

I’m offering a set of options. See if any one of them appeals to you if you’re wanting more clarity around your exploration of what youthink that brings on stress in your life.

This work is about how to turn what you’re thinking around and find peace in its place, new ways of thinking about your difficult situation, and brand new possibilities.

See if something here is right for you.

It’s my honor to serve you in this amazing, lazer-sharp work that has changed so many peoples’ lives for the better, including mine.

Here’s what’s on the menu:

  • Let’s Do The Work on Not Getting What We Desire:TeleRetreat Sunday March 6 8:30 – 11:00 am PT $37
  • Intro Foundation of Eating Peace Teleclass: Six Weeks of Exercises and Inquiry to help you question and shift your inner overeater. Fridays, March 4 – April 8, 2-3:30 pm PT $197
  • One month Eating Peace In-Person Group to identify and question what fuels crazy eating or thinking about food. Seattle Mondays March 21 – April 11 7:00 – 9:00 pm. $197
  • Four Individual Sessions for $375 Skype, Phone or In-Person
  • Special Solo Retreat: In person or via skype/phone. We spend three hours together on your work, we have time for questions, reflection, talking about your work, you create a map for your living turnaround. $197.
  • Spring Retreat May 15-17 Leap Day Special $325. Three Full Days of The Work on Your Stressful Situations and Finding The Living Turnarounds! For people with some experience in The Work. North Seattle Kenmore Lodge.

These special leaping-in rates….in honor of LEAPING….will only be available until tonight at midnight.

Use this unique link to sign up for your choice of leaping in.

Click Here To Leap Into The Work

  1. Click the link above to head over to my website
  2. Click the Buy Now button at the top
  3. Once you’re in the paypal page, enter the amount of your program in the “Item Price” box and click Update
  4. Complete your payment (if you are using a credit card, follow the link that says “Don’t have a paypal account?” even if you do)
  5. Send me a personal email confirming you’ve signed up (so we don’t miss anything!) at grace@workwithgrace.com
  6. I’ll send you all the details including possibilities for scheduling, and instructions for dialing in if you’re joining the Desire Tele-Retreat or the Eating Peace Teleclass.

Can’t wait to spend this powerful and sacred time together.

“So, how do you get back to heaven? To begin with, just notice the thoughts that take you away from it. You don’t have to believe everything your thoughts tell you. Just become familiar with the particular thoughts you use to deprive yourself of happiness. It may seem strange at first to get to know yourself in this way, but becoming familiar with your stressful thoughts will show you the way home to everything you need.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love, Grace