Eating Peace: I Hate To Say It….But Peaceful Food Choices Can Help

Because I began my study of eating with diet, nutrition, obsessive calorie counting…..
….all in an underlying fit of wanting to “control” myself and get thin….
….I often hesitate to discuss actual diets, types of foods, or food plans with people.
But food does affect brain chemistry, your body, your physical comfort, and your peace.
I notice how great I feel not eating lots of sugar, and eating lots of veggies and fruits.
I used to hate that advice, because my mind went to all-or-nothing and I felt so starved for love and the delight of eating. I wanted to eat things that tasted good, and I thought I wasn’t allowed to (which made me rebellious).
Today, however, even if you have all that rebellious internal dialogue going on, you might want to give yourself peace by eating foods that can calm you down, instead of rev you up.
There’s a place in eating peace for choosing foods that make it physically easier to relax.

Much love,
