Who Would You Be Without Complaining?

I am definitely going to be at the New Year’s Cleanse with Byron Katie Dec. 29-January 1st. If you are there, I would LOVE to hug you and say hello. If you recognize me, come say hi.

This month in the Year of Inquiry (YOI) groups we’re looking at our
As we began to dive into them this week, it was really interesting how first our Tuesday call, then our Thursday call just last night both had to do with measuring something and having it come out too much, or too little.

Not so surprising, when it comes to complaints.

You can try this exercise yourself.

Sit down with a pen and paper, and write for 5 minutes the following prompt:

I complain about ____ because _____.

Just write it over and over again, making a list, adding all the things you complain about regularly, but only for five minutes.

People in YOI felt like they barely got started, there were so many.

I think of it as a certain kind of voice or energy, the complainer. Once you tap into it, it begins to almost ramp up and collect like a crowd gathering in a stadium.

Louder, louder and louder.

Finding fault or imperfection in practically anything and everything.

Nothing’s just right the way it is.

In the Tuesday group, we took this belief to inquiry: “it is inequitable”. People could find this around work, tasks, money, lifestyle, love.

In the Thursday group, we found “it is too expensive.”


Isn’t it funny how the mind sees what is not fair, not equal, too much for me, too little for me, too much for you, too little for you….just weighing and measuring incessantly?

You may notice these thoughts appear on a regular basis in your mind.

But who would you be without them?

Without the belief that something is too expensive, or is inequitable…unbalanced, unfair, unevenly distributed, not enough, too much?

It doesn’t suddenly mean it doesn’t have a big ticket price…but without the repetitive belief that it’s true true true and that’s bad bad bad, you’re back to an inner calm.

You get to choose.

You get to free yourself from being sure things are going wrong, or dangerous, or threatening. That numbers mean you have less, or more. That there is limited supply and you need to be careful.

Try it today and see what happens.

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Much love, Grace