The Surprising Result of Not Changing Anything

changehappensIn only one month, everyone in the new Year of Inquiry (YOI) will be gathering in Seattle to investigate troubling stories about being human.

We meet Sept 19-21, Friday night through Sunday 5 pm. There are still four spots available.

You can try a free group inquiry call to test the waters on how telesessions feel for you. We have three calls this coming week in Summer Camp: Monday 4 pm, Tuesday 8 am, Thursday 9:30 am. Just hit reply if you’d like to send me an email for information on how to join telecalls or YOI.


Speaking of being human.

This idea of doing vs being seems to appear frequently in conversation lately, even if the conversation is in my own head.

Doing has gotten a bad rap.

Being is better. Just Be. Then you don’t have to Do anything.

Lots of talk about not making effort, not working so hard, not pushing, relaxing, slowing down, moving gently.

Now…this is all very peaceful and restful.

But I had to chuckle the other day, because suddenly I realized how easy it is to make a project out of not-efforting and doing nothing.

Not that it was “working” mind you. It appears I still do a lot.

I’m not exactly lying around trying to relax all day on the couch.

But it’s more like I’ve been “trying” quite a bit to relax all day WHILE I work, write, meet with clients, teach classes.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…except I simply realized it’s such a PROJECT.

Like I could call it Project Rest.

Like there’s a competition going on, and winning equals being totally relaxed in every way in every circumstance, not believing any thoughts ever, never getting caught in addiction or vicious cycles of criticism or confusion, being of profound service to other people, and probably winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sometimes in the past I’ve noticed an element of this going on with enlightenment. I’m “working” on it.

Project Wake Up.

Whew, the mind will grab anything and decide to organize, code, label, plan and master it.

Good news.

It’s OK that the mind loves this, loves solving problems, getting lessons, taking classes, “working” on stuff.

I know, because of doing The Work.

The mind takes over everything as a project…..Is that true?

Yes. I’m addicted to thinking and solving problems. I love to think, can’t stop thinking, do nothing except think, think, think. I need to figure out EVERYTHING. I need to understand, rest versus be busy, get something that I’m obviously missing.


Are you sure you are missing something? Are you sure you aren’t getting something? Are you sure you can’t stop thinking?

Uh…yes? What are you asking?

I mean…without missing something, trying to get something, trying to stop whatever…nothing would ever change for the better!

Something needs to change!

Is That True?

Woah…crazy question! How could that NOT be true?

A teensy little thought enters with the idea that it’s not true…’s OK that there’s thought, OK to leave everything alone, including this mind and allllllll my stories.

What a weird, paradoxical, hilarious place to go. Without the belief that I need to change my beliefs, or do something, or get somewhere different than here….

….I almost want to start laughing hysterically.

I turn the thought around that something needs to change:

Nothing actually needs to change. The mind trying to make everything into a project, including realization, doesn’t have to change. My believing doesn’t have to change. My work doesn’t have to change. My activities don’t have to change. My doing doesn’t have to change.

Even if this is the weirdest, strangest most truly foreign idea you’ve ever actually had when it comes to dealing with being human….

….notice how you feel when you don’t believe anything ever inside of you is missing, needs to change, or must be altered.

Isn’t that so fun?

No longer any project, or something you’re working towards.

Suddenly this moment now is truly all there is, even when there is thinking in this moment about a future, there is such thrilling alive acceptance of everything here, now.

There is no difference between being or doing. They are both happening and wonderful, no way to ever choose one or the other, they just appear.

“When you no longer have a will of your own, there is no time and space. It all becomes a flow. You don’t decide, you flow from one happening to the next, and everything is decided for you.” ~ Byron Katie

If you love questioning stories…

…come join me and the incredible group of inquirers who collect together on the phone all year (and two fabulous in-person retreats) to question our stories.

Here’s the funny secret: we don’t try to change anything, thoughts about reality, people, bodies, places, time, or things all get examined…and things change all on their own.

“We rest in alert, awake presence, welcoming our present situation as it is. Our communications with others are vibrantly alive, not deadened or pushed away in favor of silence. We’re listening, living, and loving–not escaping into silence in order to avoid conflict or painful feelings. The quietness of presence is an opening, not a closing. It opens us to everything that’s happening within and around us.” ~ Scott Kiloby

Much love, Grace