Standing On Your Own Two Feet

Year of Inquiry Master Mind Program (YOI) is beginning in September. It’s not open for registration yet, but I’ve started getting a lot of questions about it.

YOI is a whole year of doing The Work with a group primarily via phone/skype, meeting in person for a weekend retreat in our first month together (Sept 19-21) and then again for five days in May 2015 in Seattle.

This is deep practice of The Work for twelve months. We show up. We contemplate. We support one another. You do your work by answering the four questions.

There is no teacher except yourself and your fellow guides on the journey. I am here to share my experience and to facilitate The Work.

Your mind is the investigated and investigator. And through this, you see who you are without your beliefs.

(It’s really good).

I used to feel terrified to think of me all by myself being the only true teacher. I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea.

Little me? Seriously? The one who screws up, makes mistakes, and feels frightened? But I’m not substantive enough!

Being the wise center of my own reality sounded way too….SMALL.

Surely, this person who is me is not enough….this person seems so insignificant, so temporary, so unaccomplished, like something’s missing.

There are other teachers who are so much more advanced, powerful, visionary, confident, peaceful, divine, awakened.

So I kept going to hang out with them.

And then something happened. I realized all my favorite teachers were saying the very same thing.

Love yourself, unconditionally. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Enlightenment is standing on your own two feet.

“Stop trying to have someone else’s experience. Stop chasing freedom or happiness, or even spiritual enlightenment. Stand in your own shoes, and examine closely: What’s happening right here and right now? Is it possible to let go of trying to make anything happen?” ~ Adyashanti

One of the most significant ways to enter yourself and feel what’s happening now, and let go of trying to capture something, is to stop taking your troubled thinking so seriously. How can you do this?

Question your thinking, of course. Question everything.

Do The Work as a practice, a process of enlightening yourself one story at a time.

“When it is time to get up, you get up. Not one second too early or too late. There are two ways to lie there, or get up. One is in peace, and one is in stress. We stand, we sit, we lie horizontal. Everything else is just a story. Stories are wonderful, unless they become nightmares. A nightmare is anything that frightens you, the war with what is.” ~ Byron Katie

If you are wanting to practice the glorious experience of questioning your nightmares, or anything that frightens you (even a tiny bit) you can start right now.

You are enough, all by yourself, to see your stories and question your thinking. And if you’re in a hurry, connect with others to do it.

If it brings you joy to imagine support in this process, if you’d like to connect with your inner world and sincere inquirers, committed to doing it together, then maybe Year Of Inquiry (YOI) is for you.

This is not a support group, although you will find immense support….it is about questioning your reality, when it hurts.
Perhaps the most powerful thing you can ever do to change your world.
Registration for YOI will open later in the summer, but it will be limited–only 12 people per telegroup (there are two groups, Tuesday mornings and Thursday late afternoons Pacific Time).

To read more about it, click 

I can’t wait to meet you.

Much love, Grace