You’re The Teacher

When I offer a weekend workshop or retreat, those of you who know me will know that I always read sacred poetry, and I repeat the same ones several times over the weekend.

Because once is not enough to hear every beautiful nuance or understand the meaning.

Twice is not enough to hear what you didn’t hear the first time.

Three times is getting closer…where you might say “oh, wow, I get it now”.

And in more times after that, you may hear different lines, words, meanings than you ever heard so far.

Mind is like that.

So full, so busy, so big, so wide. Crunching hard at seeing, hunkering down, making plans, analyzing, being surprised being delighted, fearful, joyful.

The past weekend during our Year of Inquiry retreat the amazing people present did some fantastic looking.

We ended our Saturday together meditating on the stressful thought: something threatening is happening. 

Everyone could find that thought, a situation in which they believed it to be very true. Many people thought that something threatening COULD happen.

Absolutely possible. True true true.

Illness, accidents, death, mean people, time passing, loss, hurt, destruction.

But who would you be without that thought? Without the belief that anything threatening has happened, is happening right now, or will happen later?

Kind of hard to imagine. But that’s where to start: imagination.

Because that’s what you have already….a wild imagination, thinking fearful thoughts.

So why not imagine who you would be without the thought?

Who would you be a few hours from now, or next week, or in a month? Or next year? Or at the end of your life on your death bed?

Without the thought that something threatening is happening?

“A teacher of fear can’t bring peace on Earth. We have been trying to do it that way for thousands of years. The person who turns inner violence around, the person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is. We are waiting for just one teacher. You’re the one.” ~ Byron Katie 

When I don’t believe something threatening could happen (or ever did) a mystery enters that is brilliant, dark, unknown and very exciting.

I love this moment.

I turn the thought around: nothing threatening is happening.

Wow, what does that feel like?

What if ultimately nothing truly threatening ever happens?

“The Infinite uses all measures in order to awaken in all the various forms in existence. It uses birth, life, death, happiness, sorrow, clarity, and delusion in order to awaken.” ~ Adyashanti

If all that happens is used for awakening, if every form in existence, every feeling, every trait, every delusion, every stressful thought….is for you….

….then wow, nothing to worry about.

Love, Grace

P.S. If you’d like to join a future YOI, let me know. Our retreats are always equinox weekends March and September. Amazing inquiry, amazing people.