Bad Neighborhood Becomes Worth The Risk

I love that the very next day after Christmas, whether people were honoring it as a holy holiday or not, most of the participants in the current money class dialed in, same day, same time.

There is nothing like a joining with a group to take the plunge into personal inquiry.

It can seem counter-intuitive to say that gathering with others actually directs you towards your own unique, personal insight…

…you might think instead that a meditation retreat, very quiet uninterrupted time, silence, writing, journaling, thinking, getting away, being completely alone with no distractions…

…these are the elements you might believe would guide you most ultimately into personal awareness.

And yet what were the moments in my own life where I had the biggest lightbulbs turn on?

Telling the absolute truth, as best as I possibly could…and listening to others tell the truth to their greatest capacity…in an environment where EVERYONE could hear!

Being genuine, honest, open. Asking questions, telling what my opinion really is, expressing what’s real.

Today I received the sweetest email.

A man who has his own business said that when he has gathered together with others to share their fears….

….even if reality does not change at all the fears are diminished.

Like going into a dark room, or a bad neighborhood (as Annie Lamott the wonderful author jokes about her own mind), bringing at least one other person along changes the feeling you have about the darkness.

It is still dark, it may still be considered to be a less-than-safe neighborhood…

…but you are excited, curious, loving, trusting, and you may see a light on in the distance and have fun holding the hand of the person you’re with.

If you’re considering a journey together with a group for an whole year, a new group of inquirers will start together on Fridays, January 10th. We meet by skype or phone at 9:00 am for 90 minutes 3 Fridays per month, and there is no requirement to come to Seattle for the two optional retreats (although you’ll love it if you do)!

Join us!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

With love,


P.S. Free guidebook to peaceful eating, is right HERE. You’ll enter your email again, and be added to the Peaceful Eating list along with receiving the new guide in your Inbox.