It’s easy to dismiss the Superbowl as unimportant or baloney.
A lot of people do. I didn’t watch any of it. I didn’t think about it much…I knew
people were out there enjoying themselves watching it and I wondered who was
winning and losing…but some people even speak as if they’re AGAINST the
Superbowl itself!
“There are more important things going on in the world…why make such
a fuss over something so ridiculous and contrived and UNimportant in the
great scheme of things?”
“Just a bunch of overgrown boys who promote violence, and competition…
pushing a stupid ball back and forth on a field.”
“All this fuss over a GAME. Look at all the money, the advertising, the
But the fans might really think any of this kind of thinking is BLASPHEMY!
So who’s “right?” Wow, it’s just another competition!
One of the things I love about watching Byron Katie work with people is the
way she never “takes sides”…even when the person she’s working with seems
to have an absolutely LEGITIMATE case…
…even when I don’t notice that I’m subtly starting to “agree” with the persons story…
as are the people around me.
Katie also says that the longer you do The Work, the more you start to see that
EVERYTHING is a metaphor of mind.
So if you have no attachment to sports, whether it be the Superbowl or the soccer
matches in parts of the world where people are sometimes KILLED during rioting…
Watch your own reactions to:
Liberals vs Conservatives
Atheists vs Believers
Deep vs Shallow People
Accepting vs Judgmental People
Materialist vs Spiritual
Capitalist vs Humanitarian
Arrogant vs Humble
Rich vs Poor
Terrorist vs World Peace Activist
Haves vs Have Nots
Woman’s Rights vs Male Oppressors
Polar bears/Ozone layer/Global Warming vs
Big Oil & Earth-Destroying Uncaring Corporations
…and of course, the postman (or woman) vs the dogs!
Or… if it’s not sports, watch your reactions to a son or daughter or niece or nephew’s
performance at a debate, singing or piano recital, or spelling bee.
How do you feel in your body? Are you SO wanting them to do well…is it stressful?
Can you hardly stand the tension?
I can remember almost being sick before a cross-country meet when I was back in college, or before I went on stage when in the theater.
Or how are you doing right before a job interview?
There’s freedom in questioning ALL of the above…and less tension and stress in your body when you do…and more love.
As Katie also says, “What you’re left with AFTER you question your thinking is ALWAYS kinder than your story.”
One of my favorite places to question thoughts and judgments is in our RELATIONSHIPS…the “who’s right and who’s wrong” and the “winning and losing” can become incredibly painful.
So much so that the argument “takes over” and all we want to do is PROVE that our most beloved friends, children, lovers, co-workers…
It’s the real nitty-gritty of our lives.
But it can be so confusing, and so hard to stop, even when it makes no sense at all and
everybody loses…
…just as intense as a screaming match between Giants and Patriots fans on
Superbowl Sunday.
And is it really any different?
The countdown to my next “Relationship Hell into Heaven” teleclass is just 3 days.
It starts on Super Friday, at 8 am PST for 8 weeks of uncovering what is happening
when we’re hurting the ones we love, hurting ourselves with the bitter negative thinking
about ourselves, and can’t seem to stop.
Wishing you clarity and laughter when you feel yourself getting caught up in winning and losing…
And by the way…I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out! (I love that joke).
Yes, laughing about competition is MUCH more fun than hating the competition.