Are thoughts about money swirling around your brain? Time to inquire.
This week, I’ve taken time off to be with family and to go hiking in the dark misty rainy deep forests of the Pacific Northwest.
My computer stopped working one day. Giving me more time to be in silence, and to look at my thoughts about “working” and how important I think it is.
It coincidentally happens to be the time in Year of Inquiry where we look at money, during Month Five.
Money. What a topic of ups and downs, highs and lows, success and failure, fear and joy.
But that one deep belief, so simple really: I need more money….oh so tricky and persistent.
At least for me.
I’ve shared about the depths of my crash in the past. (Several Grace Notes include this powerful time that apparently happened and one of the pieces is right here).
As I put together my webinar about doing The Work on money for the Year of Inquiry peeps, I was reminded again of how powerful my thoughts have been about money….
….and needing it.
And again, one of my favorite questions about this money investigation: What would I have, if I had it?
What do I really believe money gives me? What is dangerous about Not Having it?
How fascinating, the mind comes up with answers almost instantly, without question (even though I’ve “done” the work on this before).
If you have money, here’s what you get:
health care
ability to be generous
What this means, if you don’t have money (or not enough money, in your opinion) is that you do NOT have these things, or they are threatened.
How great to have this out in the open. Because then, you can question all these concepts to see if they are in fact true!
Are you absolutely sure that if money is not present, not “yours” that you don’t have enough security, protection, health care, comfort, fun, entertainment, admiration, belonging, ability to be generous, creativity, etc, etc?
You need more of those things, or to guarantee them later on, in the future.
Is that true?
It seems like to have a happy life, I might need that list.
Although, as I answer the question (is it true?) I can’t be sure. I’m not even sure money brings you those things. (LOL, it doesn’t guarantee any of them).
I was thinking the other day I need more money (to buy a better car, to get better health care, to travel).
You need a better car, better health care, and to travel…..why is that, Grace?
Um. Because. It would be more fun, secure and easy?
Right now I am sitting in a chair feeling fine health-wise. I’m in tip top shape and don’t need to see a doctor, as far as I know. I have no reason to go. I notice also, in this moment, my car works beautifully even though to some it might be called “old” (the year 2000). It is not broken, and it’s warm, light, clean and comfortable and drives me everywhere. Today I went hiking in the woods and was reminded of the Lord of The Rings adventures. It’s like that 45 minutes from my house, in the misty land of the elves.
It’s not TRUE that I “need” more money, or to do any of the things I think more money would bring, in order to be happy at this moment.
How do I react when I believe I need more money?
I get stressed out! I think about working harder, longer hours, doing it better. I start to think what I’ve done already to earn money isn’t good enough (obviously, otherwise I’d be done thinking I need more)! I see pictures of the future of me working when I’m very old and wrinkled and almost 100 years old. No rest, ever!
So who would I be without this thought I need more money? Or without the thought I need any of the things money buys? Or that these things would bring me happiness?
Holy Moly!!
I would notice how happy I am right now at this moment. How cozy and warm, how I’m sitting at a laptop computer which I bought myself.
“Has there ever been a time in your entire life when you have not had enough money, when you have not had all of your needs met?” ~ Byron Katie asking the audience
I can’t remember a time when the way it turned out, I needed more money. At least not to be safe, secure, loved, healthy, cared for, or to have fun. I had all those things, with the exact amount of money I had.
There was a time when I needed more money (I thought), and it came to me what to do that day, and the next, and I kept going. It would have been OK if I had no idea what to do, and I wound up living in my mother’s basement. Then I would have been warm, fed, and content THERE.
My suffering was in my thoughts…..not in reality, my body, my heart, other people near me, my spirit.
Without my thoughts about needing more money, I notice this present moment, and there is absolutely no problem.
Maybe you have a piece of paper with numbers on it, and writing says BILL PAST DUE.
Is it the end of the world that you can’t pay? Is it a tragedy that you’re moving out of your house? Are you lying down and starving to death because you lost your job? Does no one care about you because you don’t have x, y or z?
Are you completely safe and secure at all times because you do have a, b, and c?
Turning the thoughts around about needing more money: I need more of ME. I need more of my own sane thinking. I need LESS money.
Let’s look at these turnarounds: I need more of myself, of my own sane thinking.
Yes, right in any given moment I’m thinking I need more money, I can remember it is not required for happiness, safety, enlightenment or love. “Skip the middleman” says Katie. I can almost feel giddy by looking at whatever this thing is called “me”. This attention to “I”. The inner, mysterious feeling of being alive, being only this. Of giving attention to the thing that will last forever, beyond this body.
I need more of my own thinking. Sure….especially the depths of inquiry which appears to require a type of wonderful open-minded thinking.
Rather than needing more money, I might need more kindness, trust, acceptance, sharing and joy in this moment. I can relax. I can be. I am being, already. How astonishing to notice I do not need anything more right here and now. Love, kindness, acceptance, sharing and joy appear, if I look at how the carpet warms the room, the bookshelf shines joyfully, the empty water glass waits in service.
How exquisite to not even feel interested in more money, now that I’m in deeper contact with this moment.
How incredible to wonder, if the universe is friendly, could it be supporting me to feel truth and love in this moment here, now….without needing any more money than I actually have?
I need this amount of money. This is just right, for me. To learn to feel joy, outside of the story of “More Money”….what a powerful gift.
What an incredible, different, new, wonderful story….and maybe not so new. Maybe inspired in me by others who also questioned this story of money before me, and found a new exciting path of letting go.
Letting go into a infinite source of support.
What if what you truly want more of is already here in infinite supply? Not wishful thinking, not hopeful thinking, not religious thinking, not “right” thinking, not positive thinking.
Only infinite mysterious wild brightness.
Strange, I know. I notice this mind seems to *think* it loves answers and simple ideas, like “I need more money” to be true, so it knows what to do next and what to avoid and what might happen.
But it really has no idea.
(It’s OK that it has no idea, everything’s gonna be fine, don’t worry).
“If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled. If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” ~ Tao Te Ching #44
The annual money class will begin again in early 2017. Stay tuned for the announcement of when it will run. If you’ve been waiting excitedly for this like me (it will be an 8 week class I teach annually, by donation) then hit reply and give me your favorite time of day and I’ll consider it, if it works with my schedule.
I would also love it if you shared Grace Notes with others and let them know they can sign up for free at
Fear of going down….no good at sea (in life) especially when it comes to money
I have to make more money.
Recently I sat in a small inquiry circle and someone brought up this thought.
We decided to take a look and investigate.
As I heard, contemplated, and felt the belief “I have to make more money” I reflected on when I have had this thought in my life to the point of desperation, or terror, or fury, or sadness.
I remembered sitting on my couch in my little cottage about 7 years ago holding my mortgage bill, due in one week.
I had $10.16 in my bank account.
The numbers on the bill said around $2000 was due.
If not paid within 7 days, it would be late, and a late charge would be added (I had never had this added before in my life).
I googled “foreclosure”.
I found out you have 3 months of not paying before they come in with the sirens, or whatever happens when you “foreclose”.
What you think is your house becomes the bank’s house.
I had been applying for jobs for many months. I had gone to many interviews.
I was waiting to hear from one job in particular. But even if I heard the news “you’re hired!” I wouldn’t have $2000 in 7 days.
It seemed hopeless.
There was absolutely no way to get the money for the mortgage. I would be starting the beginning of the 3-late-payments-to-foreclosure process in a week.
This seemed the most likely scenario, if we’re really being honest here.
I had already borrowed from family, I had taken out loans, I had maxed out a credit card, I had sold most things I owned of worth, I had even tried to sell this house (despite being terribly sad to not have a home)….and not had any offers that would cover my mortgage loan with the sale.
My conversation with the universe went something like…..
….”What else do you want me to DO? I have to keep this house! I have to earn more money!”
The thing is…..
…..I had inquiry in my life.
I knew enough to be aware that I was killing myself internally with the stressful thought that things must go the way I wanted.
Let my will be done.
Notice the key word…..”my”.
Not the will of Reality (if it has a will), not the will of God.
Here are some other stressful thoughts I’ve had about money during my lifetime.
You might relate.
storing money brings safety and security for the future
if I’m not making money, I’m doing something wrong
I should care about service I give, not money I receive
wealth is having lots of money
poverty is lacking money
being without money is dangerous
the money I have or receive is mine
the money I give or pay is theirs
money is _______ (see what happens when you describe money)
The stories about money and what it’s doing are so deep, and can be excruciatingly painful, and also, very hidden.
But let’s take a look at that one repetitive thought, the one I remembered having that time sitting on the couch, with a vengeance.
I could still find it existing inside me, just not so intense as before.
I have to make more money.
Is that true?
Yes. Duh. Who doesn’t want more money?
But can I absolutely know it’s true that I have to make more money?
Hmmmm. I may be screaming in my head that I LIKE more money, but not necessarily that I have to make more of it.
I don’t know this to be absolutely true.
But it sounds kinda dumb to even entertain the idea that I don’t have to make it at all.
I mean, what are my other options for obtaining money (note the assumption still alive and well that money must be gotten, or made, or saved, or kept)?
Besides making money…..there’s the lottery, an inheritance, a surprise gift, winning it, money growing on the tree in my back yard (little joke), a trust fund, stumbling upon a hidden buried treasure.
Making money means working for it, trading something valuable for it, offering something worthy for it, doing something important for it, creating something appreciated for it.
It seems practically absolutely true, or waaaaay more likely, that I would make money rather than get it another one of these ways.
Funny how even though we know this, something seems more appealing (you can question this) about the other ways besides earning that people get money.
How do you react when you believe you have to make money, or more of it if you’re already making it?
Super stressful, you may have noticed.
There’s scheming to think of ways to increase your work load, your salary, your time management. Plans to achieve, save, earn, earn, earn, invest, analyze future projections.
You may give up other things you love, like exercising, playing, doing things for no good reason, being artistic, hanging out with friends, dating.
With the thought that you have to earn….you may work your butt off now and think about how later you’ll be resting in retirement.
Some day, you’ll relax.
You may resent something about all this.
No matter how much you have.
All you notice is, the thought brings stress, not peace.
…..who would you be without the belief that you have to make more money?
Some people feel frightened of entertaining this idea.
If I gave up the thought I have to earn more money, I would lay on the floor all day eating, dozing off, drooling.
I’d lose everything! I’d live on the street! I wouldn’t be safe! I wouldn’t have health insurance!
Must worry! Must keep nose to grindstone! Must EARN!
But if you really allowed yourself to explore what it would be like to not “have to” earn more money?
You still get to love what you love, without the thought.
It doesn’t mean you have to love being homeless (unless you are, or do).
For me, without the belief I have to earn money…..
…..I simply notice a wild, passionate, excited, sweet, powerful energy of LOVING making contact with money, and humanity, and life.
Call it work, OK.
Every job I’ve ever had has brought me face-to-face with people I needed to find resolve with.
Every job I’ve ever had has pressed me to wake up, invited me to expand beyond the smaller picture I have of myself as someone who can’t handle it.
Every job I’ve ever had invited me to end my stand as a victim, as someone working alone–the sole provider of my own support.
In that moment where I looked at the impossible mortgage bill due, and my midget sized bank account, and could sit without the thought that I needed to make more money….
….I found acceptance, and then, gratitude.
I do not need to make more money. I need to make less money. I need to make more of myself. Money needs to make more of me.
In that situation, the need for money WAS making more of me.
It was inviting me, passionately pleading for me to make more of myself. To trust, honor, love and feel the leadership energy inside myself.
I saw in that moment how it would be an amazing experience to lose my house and move in with my mother, and relax, and accept what was happening.
It was a bit crazy, right after complete and total acceptance of my financial situation, when I was given a gift of my entire mortgage, plus living expenses, from an unexpected and surprise donation from friends and family from literally all over the world for my birthday, which happened to be that week.
(Wait, I don’t get to go through this grand experiment of learning to love moving in with my mom again?)
What thoughts can YOU turn around about money, and all the associated stressful beliefs you think are locked in place forever?
storing money does NOT bring ANY safety and security for the future (there is no guaranteed future, not even tomorrow)
if I’m not making money, I’m thinking something wrong
I should care about money and service equally
wealth is feeling love, trust, comfort and peace when it comes to anything (including money)
poverty is feeling suspicion, distrust, emptiness and stress when it comes to anything (including money)
being without money is exciting, being with money is dangerous (sometimes just as true), being with my thinking is dangerous
money is not mine or theirs or owned by anyone (it’s flowing in and out like a beautiful tide, and I have my part in it, like breathing air)
money is _______ (see what happens when you take all the troubling ways you describe money and turning them to the opposite! My thinking has those difficult qualities!)
“Mankind owns four things that are no good at sea; rudder, anchor, oars, and the fear of going down.” ~ Antonio Machado
Fear of going down….
….this is all I could think about before, holding that mortgage statement in my hand that day before inquiry.
After inquiry, oh good….this is going down.
After inquiry, oh good….a loss becomes something brilliant, unexpected, unplanned, genius.
After inquiry, oh good….feeling the astonishment of money doing whatever it does, and knowing it’s not personal, or required.
“You didn’t make the rain or the sun or the moon. You have no control over your lungs or your heart or your vision or your breath. One minute you’re fine and healthy, the next minute you’re not. When you try to be safe, you live your life being very, very careful, and you may wind up having no life at all.” ~ Byron Katie in 1000 Names For Joy