Yesterday I so loved all the people I had contact with. There were a LOT.
One group was an afternoon meetup I hosted in my little cottage, open to anyone interested in doing The Work and learning more about it.
People came, curious about The Work, how to do it, wondering if they’re doing it right, noticing the difficulty with doing The Work on their own when they’re alone.
The front door of my cottage was propped open with sweet spring smells wafting in from a sunny afternoon, fresh mowed lawn, the Judge Your Neighbor worksheets in a stack with a cup of pens nearby, clipboards, tea in the kitchen.
Earlier yesterday in the morning, I was ALSO spending time with people.
For that session, it was via teleconference wearing my headset, facilitating people through a two hour session identifying stressful thoughts about money (we’re continuing our money sessions for two more Sunday mornings) and then inquiring.
Now, here’s the deal.
I completely forgot it was Mother’s Day when I scheduled these things.
I also forgot, when I got the idea to schedule the conference call on Money, that I ALREADY was doing The Work all afternoon with people who came to the meetup.
So there I was a couple of days ago realizing…..oh.
Well, lookie at that!
I’m doing The Work all morning, for a whole meeting in the afternoon, and pretty much doing nothing that’s official for “Mother’s Day”!
I saw the thoughts coming along the ticker-tape of the mind:
- I should be doing stuff with my kids
- Why don’t I pay closer attention to my calendar
- Really?
- Aren’t you trying to work less, not more?
- I should care more about Mother’s Day
- People won’t show up anyway, because it’s Mother’s Day
- So who would I be without any thought about Mother’s Day and what it was supposed to mean or involve, or what was supposed to be remembered, or forgotten?
What if all was well, exactly as it went?
Because it was.
Exquisitely well.
Fun people, wonderful connections, a remarkable joy of being with humanity in such deep and profound ways.
Noticing what a spectacular day I had yesterday.
I turned all the thoughts around…almost as they arose, to be honest.
- I saw my son and daughter, both, the previous day for a fantastic late breakfast at 2 pm….we went to one of my favorite old restaurants they had never been to since they were little
- Apparently, not paying close attention to my calendar is not really a problem
- Yes, really
- That wasn’t work, that was play
- It’s fabulous to not care about Mother’s Day, and just enjoy whatever happens
- More people showed up than for the last several meetups (we had nine–a fabulous number) and 21 showed up for the teleconference. It was AWESOME.
Much love,