If I accept my looks…I won’t lose weight

Let’s talk about body image!

Recently, I noticed a strong comparison of myself with others.

Those runners over there look so fit, quick, lithe, powerful. But my body doesn’t look like that. I look saggy, squishy, older, slow.

What does this mean about you, when you see other bodies and make assumptions about what it means?

What do you assume about a good-looking bodies? What does it mean that a body is “attractive” or “athletic” or “thin”?

What do you assume about unhealthy looking bodies? “Fat” or “heavy” bodies?

What’s the worst that could happen when other people think your body isn’t beautiful? Or what about if they DO think your body is beautiful?

Studying social rules and ideas about perfection or flaws can be incredibly liberating, if you first see what your assumptions are, and then question them.

Are you sure what you think about bodies are true?

I sure found out it wasn’t. I noticed gorgeous people weren’t always happy, and unattractive people weren’t always unhappy.

Sometimes, it was the complete opposite!

Today let’s explore body image, and perhaps when you first ever considered you needed to change your body and how it looked: