Eating Peace: when you feel like a victim….you want to eat. Here’s the antidote.

When you think you’re a victim of someone else, or life circumstances, or a difficult situation….
….you’re guaranteed to feel uncertain, fearful and like a VICTIM.
Oh no.
Then we also feel bad about being a victim (and then you’re a victim of your own judgment towards yourself on top of it).
The best way to address the feeling of smallness, powerlessness, and being a victim of something or someone (including you) is to access your honest yes or no within, and practice saying it out loud.
No shame, no freaking out.
Sometimes, it’s called “assertiveness” but really this means you are telling the truth, and allowing it to be known.
It may not be as difficult as you think.
And when you do….it’s soooooooo worth it. You’ll stop wanting to eat.