Why imagine when we can question stress…and love reality (+join me for retreat THIS Thursday-Sunday)

Autumn 4-day retreat starts in 2 days on 10/15, and it’s all online. Thursday, Friday and Sunday we meet 9am-Noon Pacific Time, while Saturday we meet 2-5pm PT.
(I know the Saturday isn’t great for some of your time zones but it will be recorded and not required to attend if it’s a burden).
Read more here.
Mental health practitioners 15 CEUs. Sliding scale registration. Everything recorded if you need to miss. Beginners and experienced all are welcome.
Boy howdy this autumn retreat crept up on me so fast it pounced out and I almost jumped!
It’s already this week, really?
I know some of you might be thinking this is the first time you even heard about it.
So much going on with other programs underway or starting soon, wow.
It reminds me of last year, having such a sweet time in a huge log cabin in Pennsylvania with a fabulous group filling the place with inquiry, generosity of meals, cooking, sharing.
So, are you intrigued for what the online retreat might be like, or wondering who it might be for?
Four days in the work (only one session a day) is for those seeking a kick-start or deepening on investigating something disruptive in your life–a way to be with that thing you contend with: memories, bad feelings, uncomfortable behavior, difficult thinking–in a mini immersion with a group.
We keep it simple.
We write down our thoughts. We explore the underlying old beliefs. We question it all with the four questions and turnarounds.
We make discoveries.
The most beautiful discovery in my own life has been what happens when wondering over and over who I am without my mind, my thinking, my perspective, my emotional reactions?
Who am I?
What is here that is not “my” thoughts about something?
Could it be beautiful instead of sour, easy instead of difficult, powerful instead of resigned, loving instead of infuriating?
Every time I do The Work I find I wasn’t seeing whatever I was seeing….clearly.
The Work brings me into greater awareness 100% of the time.
So for example.
The other day I had the thought “I have to do….” and then there were about five things rising up.
Immediately following that was “I don’t want to.”
I don’t want to do anything.
“Who am I without my story about DOING, or NOT doing?”
Since it was a tense thought and a pronouncement from the mind (I won’t do, anymore, ever!) I could find awareness, and inquire.
Without my story of doing things, or not doing them, in the future, I’m back here in the present right now.
Noticing the sun come out in the front yard through the window, and thinking “a bike ride is looking fabulous”.
Noticing all the little organizing things that need to happen for Eating Peace program starting next week (the day after autumn retreat, haha who planned that)?
Noticing the future all comes together in perfect timing, every time.
Turning it around: I DO want to do. I want to do everything. And OK not to do, too.
All feelings and thoughts are welcome.
Everything changes anyway.
Turning it around: my thinking doesn’t want to “do”. It gets tired of doing so much, analyzing, narrowing, believing.
Without beliefs about “me” being the do-er and the list of what is required….doing and not doing happen.
All floating along, down the beautiful lazy river.
Turning it around again: Yay! I don’t want to do anything! How exciting is that. She does, then doesn’t.
What will happen next?
“Let go of all ideas and images in your mind, they come and go and aren’t even generated by you. So why pay so much attention to your imagination when reality is for the realizing right now?”
Adyashanti, in Emptiness Dancing
If you’d like to gather together in The Work with a group of others, questioning your pain with the four questions on any topic arising….I’d love you to join me.
Let’s do The Work for 4 days. A very easy and inexpensive way to join me. Can’t wait.
Sign up here.
Much love,