Mondays I come on Facebook on Work With Grace page.
This past week, something sent a question asking about how to get rid of their thoughts. We even worked a similar thought in a lovely session in the Year of Inquiry group.
What a great question, what a powerful observation to notice:
I am thinking, and I’m against it.
So sitting with this query, I looked at the belief “I’m against this. It is unacceptable.” (Watch it here).
We’ve had these thoughts about our compulsions, our thinking, our stories.
I have to be against this.
Otherwise….I won’t work hard to push against it, fix it, eliminate it, cut it out, stop it.
Is that true?
Who are we without this story of being against thinking itself?
“People who know that there’s no hope are free. The decision’s out of their hands. It has always been that way, but some people have to die bodily to find out. No wonder they smile on their deathbeds. Dying is everything they were looking for in life. Their delusion of being in charge is over. When there’s no choice, there’s no fear. And in that, there is peace. They realize that they’re home and that they’ve never left.” ~ Byron Katie
No hope of not thinking what you’ve thought.
And it’s OK.
If you’re interested in sitting in 4 days of inquiring (3 hour sessions each day) with me on the things you suffer about, sliding scale online autumn zoom retreat is coming soon. Read more here.
Much love,