Peace Talk: Sam-I-Am Practice for Who You’d Be

Peace Talk Episode 118: Do you notice sometimes, The Work feels like the LAST thing you want to do when you’re overwhelmed with heavy emotion?

Like….I don’t know….say, ANGER, for example?

Identifying common ways people get stuck in self-inquiry can be so helpful….ultimately for yourself.

When you study the ways many humans stop allowing insight like The Work to work, you might recognize one or more of the patterns of resistance are very, very familiar.

Like me, you might think “Gosh….I do that!” (lightbulb turns on!)

As I’ve become more acutely aware of the stories I tell internally about why The Work or any self-inquiry isn’t working, I can see the symptoms of a story coming on before they get really big. Kinda like knowing you’re about to get a head cold because you have a very small tickle in your throat, as opposed to noticing you have the flu and need bedrest when you already have a temperature of 105.

In today’s Peace Talk podcast, I include a little exercise (one of my favorites) I call the Sam-I-Am Practice.

It’s super helpful for me when I’m stuck in my racing mind, frightened, angry, worried, nervous.

I love using it with Question Four the most: Who would you BE without this stressful thought?

“Can you really know that inquiry is not working?…..Be gentle with yourself. Life will bring you everything you need.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love, Grace

P.S. Your comments continuing to come in about why you get blocked, confused or stuck sometimes in The Work are awesome. So, so helpful. It reminds me, we are all one mind–there are no new thoughts! I’ll be using your feedback and all this fantastic information in my upcoming masterclasses in early August….on dissolving barriers to inquiry.

If you know you want to join for sure, the two masterclass options are scheduled for August 4th 5:30-7:30 pm PT and August 9th 9-11 am. You can save your seat here.