Exceptionally rare 2nd post in one day

This morning’s telejam session doing The Work, for anyone and everyone from all over the world, was so touching. Several people sent $10 and some sent more….which feels so generous (and it’s OK if you have nada, that’s what these sessions are for–I will be offering them every month).
We filled out a Judge Your Neighbor worksheet on one specific situation unique to our own lives, a situation we’re not liking so much.
The most simple place to start this work is on a difficult relationship with someone. It can be anyone. 
Your co-worker who’s sooooo annoying you go down the other hallway when you see her coming. Your father when you phone home and he hands the phone immediately over to your mom and hardly says a word. That boyfriend you kinda liked but who disappeared. Your brother who beat you up when you were both kids.
Pick anyone in your life, and you probably have an opinion about them. Maybe not so stressful, especially if they’re mostly a stranger….although even a stranger can incite serious rage in some people. (I can’t believe that guy just cut me off! Jerk!)
Tomorrow morning, we’re starting a course for six weeks together to dig into some of these kinds of beliefs about the human race.
I usually don’t send an email twice in one day, but I’m making sure you know we’ve got space. There’s only four folks and we’re on. Write me if you absolutely cannot afford the fee ($297) because maybe this is the time for some financial help so you can question your stress around people.
I’ll guide you through filling out the Judge Your Neighbor worksheet, slowly considering what thoughts need to be written on that thing, how to work with what’s bothering you in any given situation.
Family member, spouse, partner, guy you’re dating, neighbor, that woman who works in your building, your boss….
….come bring your beliefs about this person to this course, so you can investigate more deeply rather than just believing what you think (which hurts).

I noticed, when on my own, I did The Work only sometimes, I rarely sat still for the full length of an inquiry, I got so much more out of it when I gathered with at least one other person.

“An unquestioned mind is the world of suffering.” ~ Byron Katie

Write me at grace@workwithgrace.com if you want “in”. I’ll send you all the information. Yes, you can listen to recordings if you miss a class. All you need is a phone or skype, or computer to connect.

Time to address the thoughts you’ve carried maybe for a lifetime. This is a chance to see what happened in that situation you found so horrible, or aggravating, or sad. You can question the thoughts. You can wonder if they’re true. You can find turnarounds.
Six weeks. 9:00 am – 10:30 am Pacific Time.
Let’s do this.
Register HERE.
Much love,