Eating Peace Free Master Class: How to question your thinking on eating troubles

News Flash: Join me for a completely free Eating Peace Master Class Online on Sunday morning 8:30 am Pacific Time. You participate from the comfort of your home with any computer. You’ll receive a link to the webinar in your Inbox if you register. To sign up, click HERE.

Watch my little two minute video about it here:

You can find peace with compulsive eating (thinking). Join me on Sunday!
You can find peace with compulsive eating (thinking). Join me on Sunday!

Why am I offering such a class?

Because I’m committed to supporting people end their misery around food, eating and body image.

To end all misery, in every area, really.

You probably know by now, my worst nightmare was living with terrible thoughts and feelings about eating, food, and how my body looked and performed athletically.

Always falling short, never good enough.

Unable to stop binge-eating and then swinging to total restriction and freaking out on heavy exercise.

You don’t have to have this experience with eating to know the pain of compulsive or “addictive” behavior.

Reaching to grab something.

….seeking, pushing, striving, wanting, feeling desperate, bored, upset, angry….

….this state of grabbing can precede the urge to smoke, spend money, buy stuff, clean, surf the internet for hours, watch TV, drink, smoke, gamble, obsess, be sexual, think.

Addicts Anonymous….you know what I mean?


It’s really not a happy life in this cycle.

But if we knew what else to do, we’d do it.

The interesting trick I’ve found (and the only one that seems to hold up over time)?

Questioning Thoughts.

Wondering who I would be without them.

Noticing what’s right here, now, in front of my face and in my environment.

What I’m surrounded by that is Not Thinking.

At first, it was just puzzling.

Then….wondering who I was without thought became quite interesting.


And then….just a feeling, a being.

Here. Present. Accounted For.

But don’t worry about all that.

We all think, we all believe, we all take ourselves very seriously, we’ve all fallen into fantasy worlds.

All it takes is practice to relax, just like walking.

As you use your imagination to experience what it’s like to be without your stressful thoughts….

….you get a glimpse of freedom.

If you’re not sure how and you’re especially interested in questioning thoughts about food and eating….

….come join me on Sunday morning for The Work of Byron Katie on food and eating.

We’ll take at least one deeply stressful core belief to inquiry, so you’ll know what to do the next time you’re suffering.

And the next.

And the next.

You can do this.

Right now….who would you be without your thoughts? What’s going on around you, in you, through you?

Are you laughing yet?

And if you aren’t, there’s nothing wrong with you.

Just do The Work.

Much love, Grace