Having A Thinking Attack? YIELD!

Tomorrow morning October 22 at 8:30 am Pacific Time, I’m offering a webinar (no fee at all) for people who suffer from addictive woes around eating.

Eating and food obsession will be the dilemma, or condition discussed….

….but even though my own suffering was mostly around food and eating and the need to be perfect….

….I also used to find myself craving tobacco and smoking, drinking alcohol in ways that made me sick or tired, lusting after people in my mind with crush thoughts, watching movies to ride the wave of emotions and stories and escape myself, and questing after spiritual enlightenment.

People who have this kind of addictive, compulsive trouble in an on-going repetitive way often feel like they can’t identify the root of it.

They’ll think “I dunno what my f%&*-ing problem is! I can’t get this right!” after they fall into their pattern, yet again.

If you’ve experienced the ups and downs of stress around eating, you’ll hopefully find some insight and relief….

….but like I said, anyone who has urges to do something that feels really mixed up and addictive, like you can’t stop, might be able to relate.

To join the webinar, you’ll need your computer, and to click below onWednesday, October 22nd at 8:30 am Pacific time:

CLICK HERE to JOIN Eating Peace WEBINAR with Grace tomorrow morning Pacific time.

I’ll offer ways to understand the three overwhelming areas I’ve spoken about in my Eating Peace videos this week that keep most people obsessing about food, failure, and the body.

These three overwhelming forces that keep you lost in cravings are your experience of having no power in situations or relationships you care about, your feeling of emptiness, and your fear of feeling FEAR (or other big feelings).

Powerless, empty, afraid.

Such good ingredients for triggering an addictive process of any kind.

During the webinar, you’ll be able to type in your questions or comments as I offer key ways I’ve learned to unravel craving and willpower wars and enter a field of acceptance, peace and comfort I only dreamed of, but didn’t really think was possible for me.

Anyone can attend, if you’ve experienced addictive behavior of any kind….not just eating.

We’ll talk about these difficult experiences all addicts drown in that keep them in an addictive spinning wheel….

….even people who are addicted to thinking, who believe thinking will get them out of their predicaments and free them from having to suffer MORE.

If you’re interested in the upcoming Eating Peace Program of Recovery with a small group that starts next Sunday morning Pacific time at 8:30 am, this is a great way to get some sense of what part of it will be like.

The thing is….it seems like all addiction really boils down to the belief that THOUGHTS will offer the ultimate answer to life.

What does it mean when people say that the ultimate addiction is addiction to thinking?

Well, here’s what it might be like:

Something happens. You feel threatened instantly, or slightly on alert.

This can be any kind of threat.

The obvious ones are linked to our basic physiology, like sudden loud noises or screams, a dark cloud or big storm casting a shadow over the sun, someone pointing a gun at us.

Bam. Zing.

The heart is pounding, the blood is coursing through your veins. You’re eyes are wide open, waiting, listening, or you’re running for cover.

But what if these kinds of reactions occur inside you when someone says something, someone makes their face look a certain way, you find out something has changed course, you anticipate feeling loss, fear or pain in the future…maybe even tomorrow?

What if you’re nervous that you’re not doing something well enough, you don’t have what it takes to be successful, you don’t have the “money gene”, someone left you, someone criticized or hurt you, someone embarrassed you, someone betrayed you?

What happens when you feel threatened, anxious, nervous, defensive in this more subtle, emotional way?

The immediate impulse when you’re addicted to your mind having answers is: I have to do something! I have to figure this out!

It’s just like the thought “I have to run” if you encounter a physical threat.


And where do you run, even if you’re not actually physically threatened in that moment?

If you’re caught in the addictive cycle, you do anything that helps you escape from the present moment.

Eat, actually run (exercise for emotional relief, not fitness), drink wine, light up, go shopping, clean, analyze, work on a project obsessively, criticize, defend, surf the net…..THINK over and over and over again about the same incident.

Maybe even lose sleep by thinking and thinking.

You believe your thinking will help you find relief.

“If I just figure out how I’m going to handle this and survive, even win, then I’ll be fine, and I can stop worrying (at least for awhile).”

But who would you be without the belief that finding an answer is possible in this moment?

Who would you be if you weren’t going somewhere, headed towards a goal OR running away from something, headed away from the past, even if the past you’re running from just happened 3 minutes ago?

I’d be free-falling in space. I’d be relaxed, floating.

I’d be awake. I’d be looking directly at what ails me, I’d be seeing I’m OK in this moment, not under attack from anything really, except my own imagination.

I’d be here, without missing anything.

Here without needing to think.

I notice that in any moment, I carry on, even if I forget to think.

Turning the reactive thought around: “If I DO NOT figure out how I’m going to handle this and survive, or even win, then I’ll be fine, and I’ll stop worrying, forever.”



Try having it be OK to have zero answers for your predicament.

What do you notice?

“When two great forces oppose each other, the victory will go to the one who knows how to yield.” ~ Tao Te Ching #69

Simply notice how your thinking hasn’t given you permanent relief so far, even though your mind has been incredibly full of thoughts.

Yield to love.

That’s the “opposing” force.

The victory will go to love anyway….may as well be now.

Much love, Grace

PS. There is limited room on the webinar tomorrow, but I will record it. If you can’t get on, or can’t attend at that time, I’ll send out a link to the recording in a few days for anyone to hear.