Simply Be, Be Simple (Video)

I’m deep into a conference with hundreds of people in Arizona, and seem to be occupied from early morning until late at night.

At least, up until now.

Now, I am remembering coming home to me, writing, resting, riding out on the bike all morning in the most gorgeous canyon, writing again.

I noticed an over-doing, an overwhelmed, done, spilling over the brim, too much feeling happening yesterday. Food didn’t sit well with my stomach last night.

You may have this feeling sometimes…”I can’t take it anymore! I need to get away! I don’t belong! I need peace and quiet!”

However you say it to yourself, if something pushes over the top for you….


….then stop.

Wait. Listen.

No more thinking. No more believing what you’re thinking.

Don’t fight the mind, just let it prattle away, with words and pictures and images and ideas floating through.

But remember who you are without believing them.

It applies to us all, in any moment (not just when you’ve over-indulged). It’s for any moment when you find your mind firing at 150 kilometers per hour (or miles). When you feel “off”. When you have dread, uncertainty, separation.

Allowing it to be there, just stop. Be still. Rest.

Here’s a video that a friend sent me just this morning. It came at the perfect time. I needed to get still. Perfect for Being Simple.

Simply Be, Be Simple.

Click Here for A Few Minutes To Be Light And Free (from Mooji).  

Much love,
