A Year of Inquiry Begins In September

Today’s the day! It’s time to apply for YOI! That’s Year of Inquiry, for short. We start in September.

Wait, did you say a whole year? Seriously?

Yes. It’s true.

After many interviews of the past year’s participants, and some perfect upgrades and changes….here’s what YOI looks like:

You’ll start in September with a telegroup. There are two groups to choose from, Tuesday mornings at 9 am and Thursday afternoons 4:30 pm Pacific time. (Friday may be added too).

We gather to do The Work.

It’s not really a support group, although support is powerful. It’s not a discussion or sharing group, although we get to know each other so deeply and authentically.

It’s a group of people all gathering to investigate what keeps them from freedom, from awareness. We are using our lives, our experiences and memories—what’s right here in our minds—to wake up.

Is what you are thinking that creates stress in your life genuinely true? Can you absolutely know this is the case? Are you 100% positive?

What have you believed, perhaps all your life so far, about how people should act, how you should succeed, how life is supposed to be when it’s good, or what failure is?

What do you really think about death, sickness, pain, loss, grief or frustration, spirituality?

Where does your thinking keep you from noticing this present moment, and who you really are?

That’s what we’re about.

This group helps you to not be alone in this journey of wondering. You’re connected, very honestly. You can share what you might not be able to share in your “normal” life.

Who would you be, without your thinking?

That’s what we get down to. One thought at a time.

Some people call groups like this a sangha, an inquiry circle, your support team. You might not like everyone in the group all the time 24/7, but you’ll love them by the end of this year.

Each telegroup is limited to 12 people.

Everyone comes together for a weekend in September and 4.5 days in May to get really close to inquiry, silence, each other, and the power of The Work.

Yes…there is an option to be in the telegroup-only plan. You join YOI, but don’t attend the retreats. You may live half way around the world, it may not be possible to travel to Seattle to be with us. That’s OK, and you never know, you might change your mind.

People will be accepted first who want the full YOI program (retreats included). Doing the full YOI JOY deal has been life-changing for participants. The in-person retreats made a gigantic difference in peoples’ lives.

And it fills my heart to meet you.

“The Work of Byron Katie is a way of identifying and questioning the thoughts that cause all the anger, fear, depression, addiction, and violence in the world. Experience the happiness of undoing those thoughts through The Work, and allow your mind to return to its true, awakened, peaceful, creative nature.” ~ Byron Katie

What ails you? Is it love? Your children? Your body? Your eating, drinking or compulsive behavior? Your self-criticism? Money? Your spouse? Co-workers?

All of the above?

Come settle yourself in to doing The Work, listening to your deepest center of you, getting to know who YOU really are.

If you find you’ve needed support along this journey, then maybe YOI is for you. You are not alone.

Your thoughts are welcome here, I’d love to have you.

Click HERE to tell me about yourself and why you’d like to be a part of YOI, and I’ll get back to you very soon.

If you want to read about all the topics and what YOI is like….click over to my website HERE. (You can fill out the application there, too).

Much love, Grace