Website Abuse Suspension Drama


Breitenbush retreat is nearly here and we have at the last minute an open spot, but only for one man to share a cabin with another man who is already registered.

Call Breitenbush if you know you’re the one 504-854-7174.

Otherwise, we’re full to the max….but stay tuned for future opportunities, there will be others.


Turns out my website is frozen because of something technical about CPUs and caches.

I have no idea what it means, even after reading the articles they sent, so I’ll be finding help soon.

But I noticed I didn’t like the words the hosting site sent, letting me know this shut-down thing was happening.

“Your account is abusing CPU resources…”

My account is abusing something? Whaaaaat?!

How could this be happening?

Immediately came the thoughts: they should have told me sooner before reaching this critical point, they should have explained the problem better, they didn’t give me enough time, they shouldn’t use the word ‘abusing’, this is bad for my business, people won’t find my website, Grace Notes can’t go out, this is terrible!

As these thoughts rise, some have a little more juice than others, but I’m not really all that bothered.

Until I read something about being suspended and I have visions of my website getting wiped out by someone since it’s been abusing something, somehow.

All my hard work and learning, gone in a flash!

Is that true, that it’s gone, or even suspended, forever?


Who would I be without the belief that it’s all gone, wiped out, suspended for reasons I don’t know, destroyed?

Ready to make a simple phone call to my hosting company. Taking the next steps to resolve it.


If it really was gone, I have a back up. I would start over, I could rewrite some of the pages. I could get some simple help.

Who knows?

To even relax a little with less drama, trust, an open mind…

…there is a calm that enters.

Willing not to know, and knowing I’m about to learn something new.

No need to imagine anything really, just moving forward with the obvious next step with no alarm, no panic, no house on fire, no emergency.

Call Customer Service Support.

“There’s a sense of order that goes on all the time as things move and change, and I am that harmony, and so are you. Not knowing is the only way to understand.” ~ Byron Katie

I love even in the middle of technical problems, phone conversations, business tasks….

….harmony and beauty.

Much love,
