Guide For People Having Trouble Doing The Work

I’ve written a little guidebook for folks who aren’t really sure how to do The Work in a way that feels deeply beneficial.

Maybe it feels like it’s all up in your head, and not sinking down into your body…

….maybe it seems too complicated, too mental, and you’re not sure how questioning your story would change your life…

….maybe it makes you more confused or anxious than you were before you were trying to identify and question what you’re thinking.

Help! My mind is racing! How do I stop and do The Work??

Sometimes people in the Eating Peace class REALLY feel like this, since they may be looking at that urge to reach for something to soothe, avoid, diminish or change their uncomfortable FEELINGS.

Any compulsive or addictive process feels like this. EMERGENCY! I must DO THIS NOW!

Other people who don’t have addictions to substances at all feel this way sometimes, too. The feeling of stress, in whatever form or level, can be painful!

I’m anxious, nervous, sad, discouraged, unpredictable….I know what I’m FEELING….but I don’t know what I’m actually THINKING, so how can I follow the steps to take it to inquiry?

Well, hopefully this guide will help.

In it I write about four pillars, as I called them (I know, not terribly original, but a good foundation for a house after all, you know?)


If you’re a strong feeler, like me, and you want to find out what I mean by these four pillars, check out the guide.

If I can be of service around this process of inquiry, and the movement every human has towards awakening, freedom and love, then I hope this little book is useful.

Click HERE To Get Four-Pillar Guide To Doing The Work.

Forward this link to share it with friends and family.

Using these four elements really helped me deeply experience the impact of self-inquiry.

The “Bond” step is setting up your life so that you have connected contact with others doing the same work. This has been a very powerful way that I’ve stayed in inquiry, when I may not have done it on my own.

If joining with a group for weekly telecalls sounds awesome, we start a year of month-to-month inquiry, a different topic every month, on Fridays 9-10:30 am Pacific Time.

To read about all the topics and what the program offers, click HERE.

“Inquiry appears to be a process of thinking, but actually it’s a way to undo thinking. Thoughts lose their power over us when we realize that they simply appear in the mind. They’re not personal. Through The Work, instead of escaping or suppressing our 
thoughts, we learn to meet them with unconditional love and understanding.” ~ Byron Katie

Much love,
